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Gals: Would you like stories read to you in a British voice?

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I don't even know if the site will let me do this, but I've got a professionally trained accent-neutral warm British voice. I was just wondering what the interest was in having a male reader around here?
I couldn't do loads, but I'd be interested to know.
Is it cut-glass, old boy?
You mean, like, BBC received pronunciation Home Counties Jeeves and Wooster?

No - just warm, apparently.
Are you trying to pimp yourself....I mean your voice out?
Not at all, I'm not suggesting charging for reading it. I'm not fussed one way or the other. Take it or leave it, the offer is there. I'm not going to be offended if there's no takers, I was just interested to note that virtually all erotica is read by women for men.
Oh dear, I'm sure you are quite sincere and talented, but this is the first thing that came to my mind. Lord love him, Peter Sellers was one of a kind.

I think a guy reading a story might be kinda hot… So far only girls have done it - I’m all for it, can we get an Australian accent..? Any volunteers..?

Why don’t you start with one of your own..? Then may be ask a couple of the authors if they wouldn’t mind you reading their stories…
Quote by LushPrincess
I think a guy reading a story might be kinda hot… So far only girls have done it - I’m all for it, can we get an Australian accent..? Any volunteers..?

If you're after an Australian accent, we should volunteer Gav for the job!
Quote by buttmaster
I don't even know if the site will let me do this, but I've got a professionally trained accent-neutral warm British voice. I was just wondering what the interest was in having a male reader around here?
I couldn't do loads, but I'd be interested to know.

As LP suggested, maybe you could submit audio versions of your own stories first and see how they go. I read one of yours this morning and could already hear your British voice without needing the audio. I enjoyed your writing.
Well, an author can make an audio version of their story at any time, so I don't blame you for volunteering your services. Maybe someone will take you up on your offer.
Quote by buttmaster
I don't even know if the site will let me do this, but I've got a professionally trained accent-neutral warm British voice. I was just wondering what the interest was in having a male reader around here?
I couldn't do loads, but I'd be interested to know.

Do you have the equipment necessary buttmaster? I think Gav has them in MP3.
Not a "gal" but....I think a lot of the stories would benefit....especially those told from a man's point of view

Go for it!
Do you have the equipment necessary buttmaster?

HELL YES Pleeeeeease!!!!!!!!

I would absolutely love to hear my 3 part story about my English boss (My Biggest Secret Pt. 1, 2 & 3) read by you. I'd have to do a little rewrite so you would be the narrator but no problem there. I find a man with an English accent the absolute sexiest of all!!!


Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Quote by Bunny12
I would absolutely love to hear my 3 part story about my English boss (My Biggest Secret Pt. 1, 2 & 3) read by you. I'd have to do a little rewrite so you would be the narrator but no problem there. I find a man with an English accent the absolute sexiest of all!!!
OK, it might well happen!

But before you do any rewrites, best have a listen first! I'll record one of mine in about a week's time, and send it in. If you like it, then you can do a rewrite and I'll read yours.
Quote by buttmaster
OK, it might well happen!

But before you do any rewrites, best have a listen first! I'll record one of mine in about a week's time, and send it in. If you like it, then you can do a rewrite and I'll read yours.

That sounds great buttmaster. Can you use the contact form on the front of the site and ask Gav which email address is best to send the mp3 to, I think he has one set up especially.
I tried to convince Gav, our own code turtle to do it... I think...
But I still have not heard his voice...

And yes I would like to hear the men's stories read by male...
I was listening to a story on the radio...
a nasty scary story read by a male... but when he starts talking about how the person smeers period blood all over a dead body... it totally lost all the meaning. all I could think of.. was hey.. he's a gy.. sure he's not getting his period...

anyhow that's the only example I had... haha
Quote by Bunny12
HELL YES Pleeeeeease!!!!!!!!

I totaly agree with Bunny!
Quote by buttmaster
Quote by Bunny12
I would absolutely love to hear my 3 part story about my English boss (My Biggest Secret Pt. 1, 2 & 3) read by you. I'd have to do a little rewrite so you would be the narrator but no problem there. I find a man with an English accent the absolute sexiest of all!!!
OK, it might well happen!

But before you do any rewrites, best have a listen first! I'll record one of mine in about a week's time, and send it in. If you like it, then you can do a rewrite and I'll read yours.

Thank you, Thank you looking forward to hearing your story I'll be looking for it!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
I really don't think you want the dulcet tones of my anglo-aussie accent. I would be as convincing as Kitty's male actor smearing his own period blood on a corpse.

@buttmaster, i'll send you a PM with my email address.
Quote by gav
I really don't think you want the dulcet tones of my anglo-aussie accent. I would be as convincing as Kitty's male actor smearing his own period blood on a corpse.

Don’t try to fool us Gav… I bet you have a sexy masculine voice – those movements give you away!
C'mon Gav... just a little one...
I think we do need a male voice on the audio stories, I don't mind American or English, or any accent actually ha ha just a nice deep voice to listen to.
Very great Audio!
Yes, yes, YES!
Mmm, I love this voice and accent!
I must say... or ask...
How do you manage to keep reading so it's possible for people to make out words after half the story?
Honestly I'm struggling with that.
I want it all to be in one take... but I keep messing up.
My tongue doesn't seem to be made for talking through my eyes for such a long time.
The reading from script comes with LOTS of training. It doesn't just come so naturally to most. There are voice coaches and breath coaches etc. involved for many in the entertainment business. Even news anchor persons often have this kind of training in Media school.

Buttmaster, do you mark up your copy before reading? Or just take it flat?
Gav, can you find a voice like Sean Connery mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm me drooling yowzer that would get me turned on.