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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 30


Advanced Wordsmith
Like the others said, accept it. Whether you love this person or not you should not for any reason badger them for any kind of sex if they don't want to partake! Talking about it can be a way forward but often it seems that can just end up being a passive aggressive way to coerce somebody.

Someone on this thread left the comment "On the one hand, if she really likes you, I would think she would do it anyway, just to please you", to me that is not a good enough reason. You should do it because you want to, not purely because you want to please someone or make them like you. We put so much importance on sex that it seems it can be easy to forget that both partners need to be happy with the act. First comes being comfortable and wanting to do something, then comes doing it to please someone else.
Advanced Wordsmith
-retracting my post after reading the update, I don't think what I had to input is applicable with the new info!
Advanced Wordsmith
Blackbeard having a tea party... biggrin (Blackbeard's Tea Party is a really awesome band)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by ChrissieLecker

That's not a purely English thing, it isn't any better in Germany. I learned French for a few years in school as an elective, but I can hardly recall anything. I speak German (my native tongue) and English, and I can understand bits and pieces of Spanish that I picked up on holidays. If someone speaks slowly, I can often get the gist of Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Icelandic, probably because I'm fluent in all German dialects and they tend to have a lot of similarities, but I'm unable to say a single sentence in those.

Yeah, I realise it's the same situation in lots of places but I do feel like other countries push students more when it comes to languages, it seems most people have some grasp of English but I know very few English who can say more than "hello" in another language. Perhaps I'm biased, my university in England is a tiny one, in my largest class there are only 21 people! Here (France) I'm at a "small" uni but I have lectures with up to 200 people.
Advanced Wordsmith
English is my mother tongue, I speak French and Spanish - studying them at uni. I'm learning some Portuguese alongside and trying to teach myself Arabic. Its proving to be incredibly difficult though.
I understand some Italian, Catalan and Portuguese because quite a lot is similar to French and Spanish.
I did 5 years of German in high school but it wasn't really my métier, I only remember a few phrases now.
The way the schools teach languages in England, or my school at least, leads languages to become rather unpopular. I know very few people outside of my studies who are interested.
Advanced Wordsmith
I love nipple piercings, got my right one done a couple of months back, guys seem to like it! I like them a lot on other girls, fun to play with. Though I prefer when just one nipple is pierced. Clit piercings make me cringe, I look at them and all I see is pain! It's some brave women getting that done!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Hotel Rwanda, there are many scenes which I'll not be forgetting from that film but most memorable for me is when they drive down a road and realise they're driving over massacred bodies. Felt so sick.

A slightly happier but bittersweet scene is when Celie sees her sister and meets her children as adults at the end of The Color Purple. The novel got me worse but the film's pretty hard hitting too! Don't often cry at films but I sob like a baby throughout that entire film every time!
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't have an issue with scars, on myself or on others, it's just another part of you. They're kinda interesting, though all of mine are just from stupidity, jewelry box falling on my head, burning myself on an iron, falling out of bed... I only have one long fairly obvious scar though, the rest aren't that visible so perhaps that's why I'm not so fussed.
I don't understand why some people hate stretch marks so much, especially from pregnancy. They're kinda inevitable, and they just make you look more like tiger. Awesome. :P
I wouldn't say if I find them attractive or not, they're just there. Make people look more lived in. I have a problem with eyes and throats though, scars in those areas I can't really look at without feeling sick, but generally speaking I don't have an issue, it's just skin.
Advanced Wordsmith
It was an interesting experience, I was 18 and I had been curious about doing it for a while but never had the guts to do so. I met a guy at a festival who was a lot more experienced than I was, bit piggish about it but I learnt quite a lot from that. He knew what he liked and told me what to do. I'd been reading lush stories for a while so I had a fairly good idea of how to go about it, but he helped a lot. I wasn't too nervous, more excited for the challenge! He was about average in size, and the whole thing probably lasted a little more than 5 minutes, there was a lot more cum than I'd imagined! At first I hadn't realised he was cumming - there was no real warning! The first bit dribbled down my chin, managed to swallow the rest though. He told me I was very good at it, didn't seem the type to give compliments to make a girl feel good about herself, but I put that down to his help.
Advanced Wordsmith
Mine are grey-green. Though in a certain light they look more blue, like in my display picture (:
Advanced Wordsmith
Paolo Nutini - Autumn.

There are some rather beautiful lyrics in that song.
Advanced Wordsmith
The only time I have sex with the lights out is when I wake in the night and I want some. No point turning the lights on then! Sex in candlelight is lovely, I like that a lot but I do like the lights on, it's nice to see exactly what's going on! ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Wine. Wine is what's for dinner tonight, and lots of it. Not looking forward to tomorrow morning ha ha.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've caught people looking at my body that way several times, I've never been flattered by it. Once I turned round and saw a guy behind me who was about to grab my ass whilst his friend was watching and laughing. That disgusted me to be honest. I'm not a fucking object. For me it's not a compliment to stare at or try to grope my body. For one thing, it's mine! The other reason is that it's sexual harassment.

I understand that some women find it flattering and a bit of an ego-boost, but it's never really been my kind of thing. I would much rather a person appreciate me for my personality than my appearance, particularly as that is how I try to view others.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yesterday my flatmate came into my room and sat on the floor, I completely forgot that my toy was still out under my bed. She started laughing and handed it to me saying "I've got you a present!" Haha
Advanced Wordsmith
CAKE! Om nom nom.

Booking my train tickets to go home and see my family smile and the fact I can see a little sunshine and blue sky today.
Advanced Wordsmith
I feel it makes a huge difference. I'm on the pill and the guy I'm seeing and I are exclusive so he doesn't wear a condom with me, but whether I'm on the pill or not, if I sleep with someone I don't really know he must wear a condom. It feels so much more intimate without a condom to me, I enjoy sex a lot more. Plus you don't have to awkward fumbling around with condoms, you can just dive right in, so to speak. :P
Advanced Wordsmith
Using breasts for their primary purpose? How terrible! Ha ha.

For me this picture just about sums it up:

It's absurd to me that a woman should be judged for feeding her child, as though people have forgotten that the function of breasts is to feed a baby.
Advanced Wordsmith
Of course. If I don't like doing it then I just won't. I know to say no if I don't want to do something or I feel uncomfortable.

I enjoy giving blowjobs because I like giving pleasure to my partner, it turns me on to know that he is enjoying it, and I like the action itself. It's a very intimate thing and I really like that.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dreamer90

Game of thrones the seconde time is still better then many other shows the first.
P.S.: You might have noticed. It's more then a slight obsession.

Haha yeah definitely, but I've already watched all of Game of Thrones three times... I really don't think I should do it again!
Advanced Wordsmith
Not something that hugely appeals to me, but if my partner wanted to then I wouldn't really have an issue with it.
Advanced Wordsmith
Definitely... I haven't allowed myself to watch the trailer for the new season just because if I watch it I'll end up watching all of the current episodes again...
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes, I enjoy all that, but there has to be a little care... Someone once bit my nipples so hard they bled and the rest of my breasts were covered in painful bruises. That wasn't sexy, it was just horrible!
Advanced Wordsmith
I usually meet people through friends, either on nights out or at festivals. I don't usually just go for some complete stranger, usually it's someone I've been introduced to by a friend. Never had a "random encounter", I don't think I would trust someone enough if I'd just met them in the street or whatever.
Advanced Wordsmith
Talk about it to the girls I live with over a drink. As students it's not hard to persuade them to have a drink (;
That or a bath, music and an early night usually.
Advanced Wordsmith
I broke up with someone for the first time about 4-5 months ago now. For quite a long time I had known things weren't right for me but I tried to kid myself it was ok. It wasn't anything he had done I just didn't feel the same, and so it was really hard to find a way to "let him down gently". To make matters more complicated we were long-distance.
He had cottoned on to the fact I wasn't happy with the relationship and made me tell him what was going on, we chatted briefly over and I explained I wasn't happy so we had a "break", then met up I think the following week. I knew I had to break up, but because I felt so bad I had tried to make it seem like I hadn't known this for definite for a while. That really didn't help things.
After all that I wish I had just been straight with him as soon as I realised, would probably have stopped a lot of hurt which I feel bad about, but I suppose we all have to start somewhere.