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Let's Talk About Scars

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In the immortal words of Shane Falco and that schmuck Keanu Reeves... "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever."

Ok, seriously now.

My question is twofold about scars.

1. Are you ladies self-conscious about any scars you may have on your body? I've known many that are, but I've met the few odd ones that aren't. In fact, I had a female friend in college who thinks scars are awesome and wishes she had a thin silvery one running through a eyebrow. You ever felt the same? Or do you cover em up/get em removed.

2. Do you find them attractive on blokes? Turnoff? Depends on the size/type? I myself have a thin 2-incher on the inside of a forearm from a nasty mountain bike accident and then two others on the same arm where the bone came through. One, is awesome as it is shaped like a lightning bolt. The other is just a nasty oval blob.


Be kind, ladies. After numerous lurking and spotty posts here and there, this be my first thread.xRchM8cMVNSyMaBH
Quote by MadMartigan
In the immortal words of Shane Falco and that idiot Keanu Reeves... "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever."

If you would actually read up on Keanu Reeves. His history and life. What he has been through and the way he lives his life now, you wouldn't be so quick to call him an idiot. Just sayin'.
Quote by Magical_felix

If you would actually read up on Keanu Reeves. His history and life. What he has been through and the way he lives his life now, you wouldn't be so quick to call him an idiot. Just sayin'.

I thought it was an easily recognizable tongue-in-cheek jab at his shoddy acting ability. Guess not.
Quote by MadMartigan

I thought it was an easily recognizable tongue-in-cheek jab at his shoddy acting ability. Guess not.

I'm only passionate about two things and one of them is Keanu Reeves.
I bet Keanu Reeves would've loved being in my fraternity.
Quote by Buz
I bet Keanu Reeves would've loved being in my fraternity.

Are you fucking kidding? He's a lone wolf. He'll walk away.

With regard to scars, I have a few...
Some on my hands from when I worked on cars, one on my mouth and throat where I got bitten by a dog as a kid (although you can hardly see it now), one through my right eyebrow from a broken glass as a kid and plenty stretch marks on my belly from two huge weans...
Oh tattoos are technically scars as well, so some of those too...

I'm self conscious about the stretch marks, but I don't go around with my belly hanging out, so if you're lucky enough to see them, then I'd hope you like me enough already not to judge.

Scars are just part of life, we all have them, although I think the ones you can't see are usually the worst, the emotional ones...

I guess we all have those too.

Physically, I wouldn't say I find them a turn on or a turn off, just part of the person..
I have a few. I have had two cesarean sections and a endoscopy, all three left scars. I wouldn't want to lose the caesarean scars obviously they have sentimental value and the other you'd never notice. I don't find scars attractive or unattractive but I'm always interested in the story behind them smile
no scars, yet.
I've got my share. A life lived working hard will do that. Scar on my nose, in the scalp, and knee are from training young horses. Leg is from a dog bite. Elbows are chemical burns from my first job. Scars on my hands are largely knife injuries. There are a few tattoos, and stretch marks. Most of those I ignore. I am self conscience about a cluster of spider veins on my leg that are the result of a particularly nasty kick from a horse.
Quote by jessicaheart696
I have a few. I have had two cesarean sections and a endoscopy, all three left scars. I wouldn't want to lose the caesarean scars obviously they have sentimental value and the other you'd never notice. I don't find scars attractive or unattractive but I'm always interested in the story behind them smile

That's what I've always thought. Scars make for great story telling (provided they aren't horror stories of abuse). The back and forth in bed about childhood scars can be fun, trying to outdo each other.

I would never get rid of the scars on my arm from that double compound fracture. Helps to be reminded of the stupid things you did as a kid and to avoid such things in the future. Same reason I keep my hospital wrist tags. Weird, but yea.

And yep. Worst ones are always the ones hidden inside.
i have several. A 1.5 inch wide scar between my ribs, below my right breast and another along my left jawline, both knife wounds picked up last summer. An inch long scar above my left knee cap from a surgery when I was 19. A half inch scar on my right bicep from a fight during High School. Several more that are souvenirs from a now ex-boyfriend who, among other things, threw me through a sliding glass door when I was 21; 3 inch scar above my left ear. A 2 inch scar over my right shoulder blade. Another 3 inch one on my back just above my waist, and a 2 inch one on my abs.

Those are the ones that haven’t completely faded. I am proud of the fact that he didn’t come out of that one unscathed. I clocked him good with a wine bottle. I truly regret that my aim was off – I was aiming for his head, got him in the shoulder. smile

Am I proud of any of them? Not proud no, but they are battle scars and I am not embarrassed that I have them. That said, I tend to not show them off, but I also don’t try to hide them. They are part of me. Thankfully, with the exception of the two from last year, if you don’t know where to look they have grown unnoticeable over time.

as for guys with scars, they don't make me think any more or any less of them - it's past history. they're not sexy nor do they bother me. they just are.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I can't say I like my scars. I have a very noticeable one on my wrist from when my sister and I decided to upgrade from fist fighting to fencing...with tennis rackets. Yeah. We were awful kids. Anyway, I have a few less noticeable ones on my hands from when I decided I wanted to be a chef when I was a kid (I was eventually banned from the kitchen, so that dream ended pretty fast), and then there are the ones on my stomach from when I got a cholecystectomy two years ago. I do find them interesting because they all tell a story, but if I had the choice to magically remove them I would. (I wouldn't waste effort trying to do it surgically).

I do find scars on other people attractive (and fascinating), though. I mean, not all of them, obviously, but for the most part, yeah.

I knew this guy who had a pretty large one near his navel and I swear every time I saw it I wanted to run my tongue over it. Well, his navel, too, but that's beside the point. smile
I've had nine surgeries; I have my fair share of scars. I'm not ashamed of them, but I'm not "proud" of them. They are a reminder of all the things I've been living through since the day I was born. Sometimes it can be a little depressing, wondering what it'd be like if I had been born different, but other times it's like hell yeah, what else are you going to throw at me?

I also have two little scars on the top of my right hand that I got in a sledding accident when I was eight. My dad thought it would be cool to candle wax the bottom of our sleds (mind you they were brand new), and first time going down I flipped, and slid down on my face and hand. I had a bump on my forehead for years, can slightly still see it in the right angle, and the scars are still visible on my hand. I’m not proud of that either, just a reminder my dad is a dumb arse.

I have no other scars. I don’t find them unattractive, or appealing. I don’t care if I have them, or if a man I’m with has them. It’s part of who we are as people, we’re bound to get a scar or two along the way.
Quote by Emerys
I can't say I like my scars. I have a very noticeable one on my wrist from when my sister and I decided to upgrade from fist fighting to fencing...with tennis rackets.

And here I thought I lived the life of a wild child with two older brothers and a friend who lived on a large farm where weekend sleep overs involved running barefoot over large gravel rocks, jumping off chicken coops, and driving his dad's pickup truck when we were both 9 years old. You didn't hear that here though.

Can't believe the amount of stupid things I did as kid that didn't result in mass injuries/scars/or death.

My fist fighting as a kid involved sock-em boppers. Guess I'm showing my generation with that.

Since I started the thread.....I may as well list the rest of mine.

I have 2-3 circular scars from the chicken pox when I was a kid. Those were pretty ugly for a time, but thankfully when I was really young so they really stretched out and faded for the most part. One of my left arm, one on my lower chest above my hip line. I also have a deep one an inch above my nipple. Had the cat in my arms going down stairs. Slipped on the steps for some reason and cat dug his claws in deep. Both that hurt.

Have a circular-ish from the cast on my arm from my 3 arm surgeries post arm break. Has the cast pattern on it. Tiny circular on my right elbow from the pins in my harm, which ultimately had to be replaced with a titanium plate.

Various ones on both my knees from falling into a concrete drain. Knees broke the fall. Ouch.

Half inch one, very faded, on my left thumb. Wood carving. Knife was sharp, but not sharp enough. Got caught on a knot in the wood. I was dumb. Yanked the knife through and slash. Blood spurting.

One on my foot from a Razor Scooter. Lesson #1 from that. Never ride those suckers barefoot. Amazingly, no scars from the neck up.
I have several significant scars as a result of some major surgeries over the years as well as some minor ones here and there. I can't really say that I'm completely 'okay' with the major ones - I mean, they do tell a story and they were basically a means to an end and lovely ones at that BUT to say I haven't wished more than once that I didn't have them, would be an absolute lie. C'est la vie! I would hope that scars wouldn't be an issue for men but unfortunately some men (and women) can be awfully shallow and superficial. My scars are part of who I am, period. If a man isn't okay with them, then "ADIOS AMIGO!" Thankfully, that hasn't been an issue for me up to now.

As for how I feel about them on my man, I happen to LOVE imperfections and scars are just part of the story that makes up my partner good or bad.
I dont really have scars.. only a little one on my claf where I accidentally cut myself as a kid but yeah I think the scar through the eye brow is something I'd want- weird but true.

When it comes to scars on men I do think they can be atractive, sometimes even very much so since they add some mystery and a life story behind the person.
I just have some stitch scars under my chin from football, a tiny scar not noticeable on my head from where a cancer tumor was removed, stitch scar on the knee. So not too bad.
I'm covered in them. Accidents, random scarring, self inflicted body modification both art and from cutting, and some that I have no clue how they got there.

I've always thought they were sexy - like tattoos. ;) some of my favorite stories have them as some element for the characters.

Freud might say it has to do with my early childhood accident that gave me a 5" brutal scar on my leg - but that doesn't explain why I find them appealing on others. Especially since I went through years of trying to hide them all. They're most noticeable when I'm tan.
Quote by Magical_felix

I'm only passionate about two things and one of them is Keanu Reeves.

You couldn't have chosen a better location to come out, Jack. Congrats!

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale

You couldn't have chosen a better location to come out, Jack. Congrats!

now that he has, can we put him back in, please?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

now that he has, can we put him back in, please?

I ain't touching him with a ten foot pole...

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale

I ain't touching him with a ten foot pole...

You just keep your ten foot pole to yourself, gunslinger.
Quote by WellMadeMale

You couldn't have chosen a better location to come out, Jack. Congrats!

I think you need to put these odd wish fulfillment like posts of yours back in the closet (or up your ass). Stop longing for what you can't attain. It's flattering but... Unsettling.
Well I have several from various accidents and many operations.

From head to toes...I have one in the part of my hair were i got caught in a tumbler surfing. One across my eyelid where it was almost severed into two by a wicked crazy swing-set toy. Three inch scar down center of my chest where i dove onto a jagged rock. One on my calf...ugly blob where someone thought it was funny to see if a tiki torch can burn you.

My ultimate one is on my inner right thigh where i had skin and muscle removed to correct my hip socket. Of all my scars that i try to hide from everyone. I am very self conscious of it. the rest of my scars i proudly say... wanna hear my adventures?

My arms and hands are covered with tiny white scar dots. Some are from IV's from operations and some are from my evil, deceased Ex who thought hooks were fun games. When i'm tan there are noticeable...kinda like white/silver freckles. i don't hid them i just ignore them.
As for tats i've got them with pride.

And men with scars i dont mind them like mine they are what i am.
my newest :)
I don't care about scars. I have a few permanent dings here and there. I expect anyone who is truly engaged in life will have some too at some point. It doesn't turn me on or off.
I have managed to get a few battle wounds along the way too, although nothing really big. I wont get into how I got them but like DD said, unless you lived a very sheltered life you are bound to pick up a scar or two! As for are scars on other people being a turn off/turn on for me, the answer is NO to both questions.
I wouldn't find scars either a turn on or off. They are just part of the person. I am always interested in the stories behind them, though.
Scars make for interesting conversationssmile
Being a breast cancer survivor, I find myself feeling self conscious about my chemo port scar and especially the huge scar left from mastectomy of my right breast. Also have scars under my remaining left breast from when it had to reduced, lifted and the nipple cut off and moved. I'm blessed that I am a cancer survivor and that I have a wonderful man who seems not to care about or even notice my scars. There are times when I run around the house nude, feeling sexy and not thinking about their appearance, and times when I look in the mirror and wonder how in the world he can find me attractive.
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