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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
United States


Little things that turn me on, you ask?
I enjoy many, but they're a big deal to me so I'm forced to further define them as exclusive, meaningful, intimate, thoughtful, personal, and even clandestine. These "little" things can easily escape the notice of the keenest eye and remain forever alien to uninitiated. Femininity, of course, but I mean a real girly girl. I tend to dote upon daintiness and occasionally I fall for one I should've stayed away from, taken captive by womanly charms never meant for me yet still enslaved.
But wait, there's more!
A petite woman looking up into my eyes, smiling and embracing me.
Lovely manicured feet with cute little toes that curl to show me the effects our lovemaking hath wrought.
Dutifully and sensuously sucking on those toes mid-coitus, our eyes locked and completely connected
Dirty talk, I mean a truly filthy color commentary on our hot coupling
However, of all things that turn me on, there is nothing quite like a woman who could be anywhere she wants but chooses to spend her time with me for no other reason than because of me. I cannot feel more special than that nor can I be more turned on.
Oh how many will be quick to say no, you cannot trust someone after an infidelity. That's what makes sense to me also, but I've lived through a different circumstance. I married young at 19 my then wife being only 3 months younger than me. I cheated on her left and right and she was naive enough to think I wasn't capable of it. It led to a messy divorce, a divorce that hurts so much, acknowledging that it was almost entirely my fault, it alone changed my way of thinking and made the thought of straying abhorrent to me.
That was 30 years ago and I haven't cheated since. Oh I've been worth dumping on occasion, I've wanted to cheat, been a bad boyfriend in other aspects, but I didn't, haven't, and won't be unfaithful. If something hurts bad enough you don't repeat it. Another example, I absolutely hate brussel sprouts! I am in no danger of sneaking off into a motel room to clandestinely eat the hateful substance.
Communication is everything. If a man or a woman wants to cheat I will always advise to talk it out honestly and without fear. Be brutally honest about what's crossed your mind and if you do it right, often, and consistently from the beginning; the goal in mind being to safeguard the relationship against cheating and other terrible things people do to each other, it can be avoided or inoculated against, if you will.
It's like that song. It goes "I wish I knew what I know now when I was younger" or something like that? But alas, I was young and stupid and in my case, those were the same word, they were synonymous.
Sorry, didn't mean to write a novel. I just hope I talked some sense into somebody on the verge multiplying their sorrows.

a quick addendum. If you have a somewhat open relationship and you're both on the same page and everything's up front, by all means, get your freak on, but don't sneak around behind the others back. You're both worth more than that. I'll shut the fuck up now.
A. is cute little nuzzler. You'll need to also employ the tip of your nose to your cunnilingual repartee

D. will kiss you back. If it talks, RUN!

E. actual aperture looks so tiny, so cute- nuzzle, nuzzle, kiss, kiss

F. Hell yeah, that's some sweet black pus ... Is that a head, an elongated head? Right side labia, dead center. WHAT THE UNHOLY FUCK!?

Without a doubt the clear winner!
The perfect pussy
Her inner lips, like delicate flower petals, gingerly peek eager to be kissed roughly by my hungry mouth. It's such a pretty, pouty pussy it's almost a shame to have to stretch it out & loosen it all to hell ... almost.
There is only one possible answer and that answer is It depends on the story, the myriad of smaller choices, and the writers' level of talent. Some stories seem taylor made for the term 'less is more. Then there are some really long stories I've read where I don't want it to end. They keep it fresh and every sentence is a gem. I have written things I felt so good about I chose to edit nothing.
Just brain stormed a story idea. Please be kind, yet honest.

Guy comes home early from work - hears fucking upstairs - know right away, but must look anyway - enters his bedroom & on their marriage bed wifey is air tight entertaining 7 guys, black Latino, & white - all quite big dicks

He measures in on the lower end of average which is considered small, but outside of that young, goodlooking, in shape, normally personable on days he doesn't find his wife being gang fucked.

Walks min after filming a few minutes for his lawyer - putting phone away - surprise everyone - shit talking from guys " well, I'm not stopping just cause her no dick hubby caught us" " Yeah, fuck him!" " Let's beat his bitch ass!!" Wife quiet, but for the sound of throat fucking - mellow ass black dude - never even looked up - quite content long stroking the slut's neck - slowly smoking a fat joint - wife can't get his attention

Husband slowly walks in - doesn't look toward bed - slowly shaking head no - cheating wife angry at husband instead of ashamed of self - husband says ' nope, nobody is beating my ass and you wouldn't call me a bitch if you'd stop comparing me with your whore mom" as he leans against wall 8-10 feet from bed - guy fucking what hubby assumes is her ass - ' who says we're not beating your ass, thimble dick!?!? as he begins to mega pound the fuck out of her as does the guy underneath - she doesn't budge from cowgirl position as she knows her soon to be ex spouse - finally pulls spit soaked mouth & face from the 10 fat black inches having a fun time in her throat - he finally notices the unwilling spectator - and his friend - eyes go wide - takes mean old rip on the joint - at same time wife speaks " 'don't go near my husband' 'you said you didn't give a shit about that motherfucker' - hubby ' that motherfucker has a name'

Hubby - calm - measured answering' loudmouth 'a name that's going to go good with a beating from all 7 of us. HAHA Then you can lay there & watch us go back to fucking the shit out of your wife HAHAHAHA!', - hey, bitch boy, this whore ever make these noises for you, puto? chimes in Latino anchor guy facing up to her brutally fucking up into her as she desperately, almost manialy builds up a massive orgasm 1st obnoxious fool laughter dies down as Nathan turns to face bed and all can now see hubby's friend, a black 9mm. semi automatic pistol and responds ' not all 7 would make it to me, but all 7 can leave here alive if they act right. Step 1, you shutting the fuck up, wanna be tough guy - no response - hubs 'you're brighter than you look, but then again, you'd have to be' Step 2, all you fuckers, out of my wife - sounds/ whines - husband 'hey fuck you assholes, I catch you gangbanging wife whore wife & offer you a way out alive. You shitbags are not even close to having a right to bitch when I say out of her fuck holes so not another motherfucking gripe - gang kind of look at one another - hubby is right moment - slow withdrawal from her holes

Pissed off wife - "just so you know, asshole, you ruined what was already the best fuck of my life and we hadn't even broken a sweat yet. (softens tone) C'mon Nate, let it be the last nice thing you do for me & let my huge dicks finish having fun with my body. At least don't make these two pull out of my pussy.' Some fucking nerve, bitch asking any favors from ... they're both in your pussy?!?!? the bitch nodded contently and happy she'd caused another hurt. 'Jesus, it just keeps getting better. Hey, assholes, for the record, I showed her porn of double vaginal sex when she asked what my favorite fantasy was. She yelled that it was disgusting, I was a deviant, any homo do that blah, blah, blah and never with you or any other faggot. Guess that means you guys too while I confess it's my fantasy too and not judging past, well, she's my fucking wife. Know what, fuck this shit, I changed my fucking mind two conditions first, I'm putting this on the web & make some money. I'll be nice & blur your faces. No share of cash - not killing you on the spot is not even etched in stone yet so before any bitching starts shut the fuck up. Second, I don't want you to just resume a gangbang, but I want you to take to highest notch then just imagine the roughness you'd want inflicted if your wife did you dirty, wait. This goes beyond doing me dirty. Boys, this meaningless cunt did me grimy Be merciless, hope you ate your Wheaties this morning. Bitch, I hope you didn't, haha! Wife - cocky - 'these are my guys. Thy care for me. They don't listen to you, HA!' OOOWW too ...rough as the men start pounding brutally fast & hard, shocking her with their betrayal. WTF, guys! guys?' ' You are the dumbest bitch, aren't you? In the last 10 min I allowed them to keep their lives, promised to hide their identity, & gave my blessing to destroy you with cock. Where the fuck you think their loyalties lie now?' hubby thinks a minute. 'case of any beer to the first motherfucker who takes her home with him.' Smiles at her - congrats, you just moved' No hands immediately till mello weed mouth fucker brother takes one for the team. 'I'll take the slut in. You 'bout to be one tired ass white bitch - wife growing more & more worried see, not only are these motherfuckers gonna start coming over a fucking lot more, I showed yo naked pic to every brotha in my building they all wanna piece a' yo ass. They wanna see you turn into a full on card carrying queen of spades'. - coming to a realization - turns to husband 'you taxing me on what she make me?' 'naw, man. this video is plenty. I wouldn't mind if you shoot me a gang fuck movie here & there' - wife crying and coming, didn't that was possible 'black pimp daddy, thanks to this bitch, haha' leaning down - whispers 'the only true thing I said was you coming home with me. I'm not going to curse you like that, I was raised better then gives her little peck on upper left cheek hidden from husband. Got your back baby oh, that and Imma fuck the holy shit out your little white pussy from now on, but pretty normal beyond that' ' smiling into his ear 'well, you could share me a little'

That was rough draft of chapter 1. In ch 2 it's after the ganbang guys gone she waits in Don's car (Mellow black guy) - Don has private conversation with hubby - from that, hubby transforms life learns all sex techniques, tantra, yoga cardio/weights, penis size the only thing unchangeable, but can perform like few others & give partner multi-orgasms hours - become quite sought after. I'd add another chapter or two, but I need to be somewhere -
My dear Alexis,
I find it quite probable that were you to probe the deepest recesses of my mind, your own mind would recoil in horror, you'd begin/continue to fear strangers, clowns would scare the shit out of you, but only if they're naked (don't ask), but most importantly, my truly uninhibited, unfiltered, & absolutely uncensored sexual musings would cause worldwide spontaneous orgasmic bliss, but only if you enjoy using naughty words. The subject matter is positively filthy and requires a rather potty mouth, but the orgasms rival a coronal mass ejection in intensity.
Truth be told, I lived out most of my fantasies during my 20's. I wouldn't mind doing some of that again, but it's not a must-have. I was fortunate to have been able to cover a wide range of assorted kink alongside very sexy people who shared my interests.

Public sex. a restaurant booth, atop a washing machine during an unbalanced spin cycle, a police station parking lot (Which was also a threesome celebrating a friends' release from prison. It was her idea to be shared between him & me which to me was the fucking hottest thing ever!)

Roleplay. I've played the teacher, the brother, the stranger, the (her fantasy). Call me Doctor, landlord, your honor, but especially daddy. Enjoyed the freedom of the escaped mental patient where my hot Dr. could only get me back to the hospital by systematically draining the cum from my balls. Felt the captivity of being the captured American pilot and she was my nazi interrogator. She haad vays oof meking me talk. (German accents are so much better when you can hear them.)

Threesome/Group Here was so much effort to get things right because there are egos & feelings that can be crushed by careless words or an innocent oversight. They were the most difficult fantasies to fulfill but held the greatest rewards, IMO.
To me, having sex with two women was the most labor intensive. No two women are the same so you must pay careful attention to both together so short attention spans are kind of a minus. You could be an asshole and demand they service you, but one or both of them won't want to revisit and your barebones minimum goal, as a man, is to be invited back. Is that not a healthy & attainable challenge? You don't want to learn you got cut from the squad over not being a team player. If I ever have sex with any who read this, I'd really like the suggestion of fucking me again to sound like a good idea to you.
It's more than twice as difficult when you double the women because you're not just attentive, but very attentive and to subtle differences between the women as no two are the same. PLUS you're paying noticeably more attention to the one who's your actual girlfriend/wife because she's the priority. Go ahead & piss her off, see what happens to you. The man is as much an assistant to both women as he is a lover.
Example: The girlfriend loves big breasts. Our companion, date, slut, guest, fuck toy, whatever happens to have a very nice rack. If I'm aware of all this, I'll confidently saunter behind our topheavy temptress and wearing only my most wicked smile cup & lift her yummy funbags. If she questions this, I respond "I'm preparing to feed your big tits into my g/f mouth" ... after I inquire as to who in the unholy fuck gave her permission to speak. Harsh? Yes, it is which is why I like it. Also, you are showing your g/f she ranks higher than the newcomer while showing the newcomer, in no uncertain terms, she's our bottom bitch.
Hierarchy established, let's fuck!

Those were great days. I still, however, have a couple of things I'd really like to do.
1) Double vaginal penetration which, as the name suggests, means two penises in the vagina at the same time. Again, I won't die without it, but it's an awesome fucking kink. I'd done the more common double penetration (one in the pink, one in the stink) roughly twice a month for close to a year & a half and even that felt like our dicks rubbing against each other due to the very thin wall of flesh separating rectum and vagina.
DV, however, has no such barrier; no go between to assist and gay accusations are more prevalent. I'd heard of it back my adventurous 20's, but never dreamed of bringing it up for fear that others might think I was gay. 25+ years later and I'm still not gay, but I stopped giving a fuck whether you think I am or not. PROGRESS!!

2) Film and direct better porn than the recycled crap we're force fed down our throats. You know, the exact same camera angles often in the exact same order. How about shoes/clothing gone from one moment to the next. If continuity were a virgin when she met porn, she'd be a $2:00 whore with a pussy so loose by now a horse couldn't touch both walls.
Sorry, I'm anal about analogies
I digress, proper filming isn't particularly difficult even when you're trying to portray a fantasy.
Example: Many scenes feature teen/amature/ first time or something denoting newness. Then the first cock to enter her (assuming more than one guy) which is often a larger example of penis enters her alleged low milage pussy in one quick thrust and begins pounding away - BULLSHIT! a fresh new young girl would scream bloody murder & dry up like death valley. The fix is easy, film 5-8 seconds of the dick beginning to enter nice & slow to preserve the fantasy of her super tight pussy then fade away & fade in his hard, fast, merciless long strokes. Voila, illusion preserved, running time added under 10 sec.

Fuck, I TMI'ed it, didn't I?
Sorry, kids, I'm working on that and other character faults even as we ... you read.
It is better to give and receive.
It all comes down to both confidence and trust, doesn't it?
Confidence if you're giving as you want to give the very best pleasure you can and it's not just giving oral, it's the attitude in which you give it. If you give your partner oral as though the only thing that mattered in the entire universe were your partner's genitals while simultaneously making eye contact while smiling warmly your partner's toes are going to curl and they're going to cry out in blessed orgasm.
The trust part is the opposite side quite literally. You are trusting that your partner is willingly giving you the absolute best mouth you could possibly endure at which point you can totally immerse yourself in the pleasure they're trying to give you.
All that said, you are really sending a message. Your mouth is intimate and anything you place it on is near and dear to you.
Live out, huh?
Well, right off the top of my head something post-apocalyptic as I kind of have "one of the last survivors" thing."

Pluses: No law enforcement- you can't be arrested for seeing something & taking it

Minuses: No law enforcement- nobody will be arrested for seeing something of yours & taking it

In such an event, I'm going to all the crappy, grimy, forsaken neighborhoods and empty all the dope houses. Any drugs I don't do I barter. I so come off as a dope fiend, but it's as much currency clean water. Shit, I don't want to go through the apocalypse sober and neither do most of you.

I'm not entirely sure which story I'd live, but there is one author here on Lush I'd love to be stuck with. Actually, it would be more accurate to say 'whom I'd love to be stuck in'
During my late 20's I was fortunate enough to enjoy what I considered to be the perfect storm. I was dating a tiny redhead (think Piper Perri small), It was her, myself, and another ex-boyfriend of hers who turned out to be a really cool guy. He liked anal with her, but she didn't like her pussy neglected.
I had experimented with my ex-wife & didn't enjoy it as much as vaginal. Like I said, perfect storm.
Did I enjoy it? After getting past one critical moment I absolutely fucking loved every part, every pump, and every stroke.

*CRITICAL MOMENT* Because it's an easier position, the girlfriend sammich started with her facing down stradling me in the anchor spot. I'm not super long, but I'm extra thick. Whereas she stood 4'9-4'10" and wouldn't weigh 90lbs. soaking wet & holding a brick. We never lived together so we normally enjoyed weekends by planning nice things & staying in nice hotels.
Before I got the surprise of how much tighter she could actually feel, I got a shock that almost ruined the whole thing. She was on top getting used to me again when he tells her to hold still a second so he could get in. The three of us were and had been nervous that entire Friday and when I'm nervous, I joke. I asked "What the matter, soldier, can't hit a moving target? We're both former army infantry so the joke seemed apropos if not funny, but they both chuckled which gave me permission to also". Her laugh morphed into a very sexy moan when she felt his dick pressure against her asshole. I was so caught up in how sexy she sounded the new sensation was, not ignored exactly, but secondary for certain. Yeah, that sensation got an immediate promotion when it felt like his cock was actually rubbing against mine! The shock prevented me from asking if we were both fucking her pussy. I soon after learned that the flesh that separates vagaina from anus is very thin & plyable. I presume it has to do with making room for a baby. Ah, what we learn from the human body. I'm drawn to Hamlets soliloquy " In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god" the wonder of it all humbling me BACK THEN I WAS SCARED SHITLESS!! No one prepared us for any of this.

Another wonder of the human condition is how incredibly fast the brain can blow through an impromptu checklist when properly motivated. He's not worried, or if he is he's playing it off very well. She should be screaming if we were both stretching open her little pussy. Or did he somehow rip through, wait, no. Again, no screaming. As excited & turned on as I had begun, fear had begun to soften my cock. Would my dear readers think ill of me if I confessed to you for the first time ever that I felt greater shock over my cock going soft than I felt when I considered him ripping her? Intense apprehention shattered by my fellow bread slice by his encouragment "C'mon, man, let's fuck her!"to which I responded with movment in & out of her super tight, yet equally super wet cunt. We slowly increased tempo & thrust throughout the night. It got intense, but I'm afraid I have to leave it there for tonight. I'll write the complete story for you all soon.
Quote by Vanellus
I'm constantly wondering about the ideas of women in some erotic stories. I constantly feel that it is unrealistic to portray a woman

-- getting off on being called a "whore" or a "slut";

-- actually finding pleasure in sucking a penis to the point of seeking this activity out above their own pleasure;

-- calling their mouths or themselves as "cum hungry".

I understand the desire to please and temporarily acquiesce to a male fantasy of domination, but is it realistic to think women would thing and act this way normally?

This question can be answered to the satisfaction of many in one sentence, But I will use many sentences because I am verbose in such matters.
The short answer is that all erotic or pornographic or romantic creation, whether it's written or filmed or Morse code, is about fantasy and thus bears little resemblance to reality. (that's the short bit. here's where I become garrulous)

In this fantasy world women are constantly hungry for cum, begin to literally die without a penis in their mouths, and love being called a slut or whore more than life itself. In addition, they're angry, no, hateful toward their hubbies for having a small (as if he had a choice) unsatisfying thimble penis and the only remedy is to forego the marriage vows and seek out a gargantuan fire hydrant cock, usually black.
Almost as bad, is the hubby whose promotion forces him to travel 90% of the time thus frustrating his dear wifey, but being oblivious to her practically backing into door knobs for release is what truly pisses her off. This scorn comes with several avenues available to her. She can engage with her friendly neighborhood BBC, pick up a temp or long-term cheat mate who is OTB (other than black), have an affair with his boss, sleep with her stepson, sleep with her actual son, in one I read she began having hot nasty threesome sex with her son AND daughter (yea, that one was really hot and I'm not a big guy), or she can gather an ensemble of fun-loving boys and treat them to a good old fashioned gangbang. Let's see if I've got this right. She's neglected by her 1 husband so she goes out and screws 10+ guys, all of whom enjoy making her airtight and treating her like a $2.00 whore, making a habit of it from that point forward. That's like using a chainsaw to cut butter. You can end a loud party by nuking the city too. The word 'overkill' doesn't even show up to this discussion out of embarrassment.

All seems quite unlikely, but it's what we like. We're attracted to that which goes beyond our collective norms or surpasses the established range set before; we look up to it. It's why Superman has been around for so long or why we cheer and celebrate the winners of the super bowl and it's not just physical prowess. Stephan Hawking was a celebrated intellect, Whitney Houston a highly celebrated singer ...... and drug addict. Shit, I was hooked on dope years ago, nobody applauded my fucking bravery, but I digress.
It's the awe believers feel in embracing an all knowing, all powerful GOD; in all flavors too. Whether you favor the monotheistic single creator, the polytheistic eastern multiple deities, or the pantheistic transcendence of god being the sum of all creation even as far as the alcoholic's higher power that he/she clings to during recovery, they all share the fact that your focus is on something greater than you, and infinitely greater at that.

Somebody is going to freak thinking I likened belief in God to the enjoyment of porn and that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying our need, our inescapable mental and emotional need to value/praise/admire/label/judge/consent/worship/idolize/venerate/respect/marvel/wonder/adore/esteem will find an outlet and in erotica that manifests itself in the popularity of storylines that are possible, but unlikely. That's part of what makes them so hot, knowing it'll likely never happen to you.

Want proof? Go on Porn Hub and find some hardcore gangbang videos like Kink and DP Fanatics, especially the interracial stuff like Dog Fart and read the comments. You'll find hundreds of women (or men posing as women) leaving the same comment "wish that was me" and it never will be for several reasons, not the least of which is her lack of nerve to go through with it. I've filmed a number of sex scenes discretely for a for a select few friends. Some were gangbangs, two IR. Those women didn't wish, they searched for and arranged and scheduled and when the time came, they got brutally gang fucked which is what they asked for in writing. I believe I even filmed them being called slut, whore, and bitch if memory serves.

Ultimately, there is a danger in writing or filming the same behaviors which do not represent truth repeatedly. It's the human failing that has caused unimaginable suffering throughout history. When you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. Hearing the lie from many directions and over time brainwashes entire populations into believing a lie is the truth. I doubt erotic writings or pornographic films will dictate some future sexual doctrine because it has to overcome thousands of years of mental, emotional, societal, and religious conditioning, but a few will buy into a false narrative and begin parroting it. Besides all that, even if a woman wants to be called whore and slut while hungry for cum from the cock she's begging to have in her mouth, only one in a million would ever want it advertised.

Thank you if you made it this far. Please let me know if I'm wise or full of shit. It's hard to tell sometimes.


Are you kidding? I personally have derived immense pleasure & enjoyment from your continued contributions. What a nice way to say I often rub one out to your stories. See, you've made me a better writer and added to the currency in my spank bank. Win/Win
Truth be told, I think explicit erotic literature is more difficult to write than other genres because the writer has to deal with this exact realism question without it coming off contrived.
Many a song conjure up erotic moods, thoughts, memories or whatever, but this little gem from the 1980's should score high on anyone's list. It certainly does on mine. I used to love this song back then particularly as I was a teenaged boy with big dreams and a penis that was rarely soft. Things are very different today. I no longer have dreams.

Prince Rogers Nelson, you are missed.
Absolutely, Boxer briefs. There's nothing like them, the length of boxers, but the close tight fit of tighty whities that feel like someone's cupping your balls. Fuck yeah! The bulge is more defined and a few women have told me they like that.

Quote by Ls63563
1. Do you live in your Mom's basement?
2. Have you ever had a date with a woman not related to you?
3. How many hours a day do you play video games?
4. What's your favorite way to get high?
5. Have you ever paid a utility bill?
6. How huge is your dick?

Okay, I'll bite. Perhaps no one will comment or share. Perhaps I'll learn something about myself.

1. I would've loved to. There's something dungeon-esque & no frills about it, but no, I never lived in my mom's basement.
2. Yes, I have dated beyond, not only my family, but outside my ethnicity. I'm Latino and dated black women, Asian women, white women, & Latina women.
In the end, the sex was better with the ones I was related to.
3. I used to play a lot; maybe 6-8 hours/day. I'm over it & haven't played in like 2 years.
4. Crystal mother fucking meth! Fucking loved that shit more than life itself, but it takes everything from you; from your time, your job, your will, appetite, personality, friends, self respect. If you haven't done speed, don't start. That said, fucking a tweaker slut is very hard to top, but there's no arguing with them. Probably not worth it in the long run.
5. I've paid every bill. I'd be offended if anyone thought otherwise.
6. My dick is not huge, but it is big. 2 notches shy of 8 in. & a little over 3 3/4 in. around, not including the flanged helmet head which is closer to 4 in. circumference. I did learn something. I learned that I love my dick. I think you will too, he's fucking friendly! ???

P.S. The guy above me has a much better avatar than I do
Quote by honeydipped

BLASPHEMY! everyone knows the best banana pudding is ice cold out of the fridge?

lol seriously, i don't care for bananas too much. when i occasionally buy them, i get no more than three. i enjoy them plain, in cereal and smoothies. my ALL time favorite way to enjoy them is in popsicle form.

cheap, no frills, artificial goodness??

Indeed, banana pudding is a dish best served cold.
. Old Klingon Cookbook

Bananas have a little too much sugar and potassium, but their F.P.I., or, the female phallic index is through the roof. In layman's terms, of all the penis-shaped foods that men pretend are their cocks while they watch women eat, the banana stands fully erect as number 1. That frozen feast of oral fixation, the Push Up, cums in a distant second somewhat lacking in length but scoring acceptable marks in overall girth.
Warning: Adding Viagra to your coffee can be risky.

Coffagra, just say no
Honesty & integrity are key. Without it, you can't build trust and without trust, it wouldn't be an enjoyable experience for anybody. I'm not one who takes the MMF to the fullest expression, I'm only into the woman. You can do that, you know? You don't have to indulge every conceivable aspect or every possibility. An ex-girlfriend of mine and I, engaging in the fulfillment of mutual fantasy were seeking a second man. The man she chose was another ex-boyfriend, so she felt comfortable. He and I got along well so I began to feel comfortable enough to go forward. Surprisingly, he declines. The reason? He is bisexual and, in his words, wanted to explore this fantasy to its fullest extent, enjoying both my girlfriend and me. This turned her on and she began to nonchalantly nudge forward the suggestion that I too might be bisexual and I owed it to myself to know for sure. I always admired how she would fight to get what she wanted, except this time and asked her to quit. I admit I was flattered, but I’m not attracted to men and could not reciprocate the attraction no matter how fucking cute he was.

Whatever the parties involved agreed to beforehand, that do. If you didn't think ahead & discuss the endeavor to set limits & protect each other, you made a mistake
Oh, quite simple and, on the surface, a bit selfish. I'd travel back to engage myself at the critical crossroads in my life where I chose the wrong path. Yes, 'crossroads' is in plural form which means multiple incursions into the past as I have chosen many a wrong road.
I say selfish on the surface because, initially, I'm only helping me, but as I correct mistakes and place myself in a continually improved state, I'm better able I am to share any benefits of said state with others.

Then again, perhaps I'm a better man today because of those very things I seek to correct. Perhaps I become the worst possible version of me after exhibiting such audaciousness. Such might actually be the fate of those who dare to play God.

My head hurts now