As an avid reader, if I am reading a story with sex as the main character, I like the stories to be short. Not a whole lot of introduction of the people in play, but more of a get-to-it approach. What do you like?
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Good stories long, bad stories short.
Honestly it depends on my mood. If the characters and story are beautifully written and the story is immersive, than I love a long story at times. There are also times where I just wanna skip the foreplay so to speak and get to the sex ;).
I love long stories if they're good, and grip my attention. Unfortunately, I usually get interrupted before I can finish, and have to go back to it later, losing the rhythm of the storytelling.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
I feel like it takes zero skill to write a basic fuck scene, and if that's all I was looking for I'd probably go to a porn site instead. There are a few authors here that can do a lot with just a little space, but for the most part I consider a story of less than 2000 words a red flag for amateurish writing.
On the other hand, it also takes skill to handle length. Authors need to keep the plot moving along, and give a sense that it's all building towards something. A lot of the longer stories go on for pages with meandering character/setting development, and then randomly jump to sex with little explanation for it.
Typically, stories of 3-4000 words in length is worth a look... if the description looks enticing enough. Shorter or longer, I'm not as inclined to take a chance on it unless it's an author I know I enjoy reading.
(That said, a lot of my stories tend to be on the longer side).
Don't believe everything that you read.
I try to use my introductions to set the scene and pull the reader into my stories. I do my best not to bore with a lot of unnecessary detail. However, occasionally the lead up to the main event needs to be a little longer to explain how we arrived there. If it is too short the story can be rendered unbelievable.
There is only one possible answer and that answer is It depends on the story, the myriad of smaller choices, and the writers' level of talent. Some stories seem taylor made for the term 'less is more. Then there are some really long stories I've read where I don't want it to end. They keep it fresh and every sentence is a gem. I have written things I felt so good about I chose to edit nothing.
That which did not kill me didn't try hard enough
My current story is heading north of 8000 words and I'm starting to wonder if I should split it even though I don't think I'll hit the magic 10K. It doesn't really lend itself to it (it's pretty seamless, though it stretches over a weekend so there must be a way I can reasonably break it at the end of one of the days). The reason for my thinking is that someone on the blue site pointed out recently in a similar discussion that they find 5000 words is about the maximum they can handle given how stories are formatted on here and there.
The question is a little too vague. I've been told a 5k word story was "a little long" before. (Followed by praise, so not just a polite way of saying, "It sucked" LOL ) Everyone has their own setting of what's "long".
My personal setting is anything that can be a single submission here is a short story, though 10k words is pushing through the no-man's land between short and long.
Like most everyone else has said, it depends upon the story. A good story can sometimes go on too long and lose its luster, or sometimes end far too quickly. The ones that resolve the major threads and end on the right note ( not always a happy one ) are my preference, regardless of the word count.
I only read the lush authors I like. The maximum words is 5,000. I prefer shorter stories. I will not read a story that’s longer then that. If the sex starts at 3,000, I’m already bored.
It doesn't matter to me, as long as there is a plot with an interesting storyline.
Maybe I'm unusual, but I prefer stories that have lots of detail and not only in the actual sex scene. For me at least, getting there is half the "fun" for me. I love the slow seduction and the extended foreplay, the "delay" only heightening the anticipation and expectation of the moment when it does finally arrive. That lends to stories of longer length being more enjoyable for me. For me, there is more to the sex than the sex itself. (If that makes any sense to anyone but me!)
I just wrote my first story and entered it into the winter competition. It turned out to be just north of 9000 words, but have been told that it turned out well. Always looking for others to read it and comment, especially as I have begun working on my second story. I think most of my stories will be a tale that has sex in it, rather than a sex story.
Although my most recent story took ages of slow progress, both as a reader and a writer, I generally want to briefly set the scene and get on with the sex.
When I'm reading I'll skim the non-sex parts.
**Smile, it's free therapy**
It depends on
A) the type of story
B) my mood
C) how much time I have
I prefer something in between. Short stories tend to lose details but too long of a story makes it difficult to stay focused when short on time.
Not sure of the OP's definition of long or short. I usually go for stories around 5,000 words.
Someone told me that a story should be as short as it can be, as long as it has to be.
Thinking about it, maybe that was me talking to myself, because it sounds suspiciously pompous.
Doesn't matter. I've read short stories that i skipped whole paragraphs because it didn't hold my interest.
I've read long stories multiple times savoring every word because it was well done.
Length matters less than how well it captures my attention.
I think sex (or highly sexual) stories are best read in one sitting, preferably a brief one.
But a long story told well could be the most gripping kind---you live with it for days, you don't want it to end, you want to linger in that world.
What I write tends to be short. (Maybe a sequence of short scenes, a loose novella.) That seems natural to me. Perhaps because I'm a songwriter and think in terms of lines, phrases, images rather than paragraphs and chapters.
Frankly, I need to publish more stories here and see if "doing what comes naturally" is working for me or not!
I like both depends on how much time I have btw thx to all the authors love so many!
Depending on how much time I have to read it, or if I'm trying to get ready for bed and need a story to read, then let's make it short before I fall to sleep.