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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155


It's 1000% better when you and your partner have a connection that makes you the only two people in the world during sex. I've had it both ways, and fantasizing about the girl that's under (or over, in in the lap of) you, is way better than flipping through a mental file for a separate fantasy just to get through the thing...

Notes on this: 1) it's never been 'beautiful' enough to insist on being naked in public, especially once it harelips the cops. 2) that being said, did they really have to give him the knee? and 3) my toddler nephew called, he'd like his penis back.
Quote by Pam111
we must make a conceptive effort

most of my efforts to that effect are contraceptive, but hey, nothing wrong with a one-day push towards a higher global population to commemorate earth day.

cheers, and happy baby-makin'!
I was reminded today of one of my favorite "Deep Thoughts" from Saturday Night Live:

"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man."
As long as he won't be a child about it, and you can handle a little low-key tension, maybe it will work out fine, though.

That's a big 'if' for some though...knowing that any random comment or look might be construed as something it's not.
Quote by nicola
It's so easy making your own pizza, including the dough, you have no excuses not to, other than time, and the hassle, making sure you have all the ingredients, and the.....

I've eaten at Pizza Hut perhaps twice in my entire life. I don't plan on doing it again any time soon.

I'm a terrible cook, but luckily pizza is sufficiently idiot-proof to make- as long as I don't leave it in the oven too long.

When I was a kid, I could eat pizza every day. Now...more like once a month is plenty.
Have vaginal sex.

Would you rather cook great food for a spouse but not eat it, or have her cook you mediocre food, but never burden you with the cooking and cleaning?
I wouldn't pretend that dating relationships are really the same as marriages...but I can tell you that I knew it 'was over' when there was no hope that things would remain good or change permanently for the better when we resolved a dispute. When the hope is gone, so is the fuel to the passion fire, brother.
I think I could go the rest of my life and never eat Pizza Hut again.
Quote by O0ziiomara0O

4. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to thay shings
like thish.

She's not as think as you drunk she is...
Quote by Monocle
Make sure you don't fly autopilot over the Grand Canyon.

well played, sir!
A guy that's working on a project with me revealed over an after-work beer that he's a member of the American Communist Party. Not sexual, granted...but bizarre and random nonetheless. Normal guy, otherwise though. Doesn't dress like Fidel Castro or use the word 'proletariat' in casual conversation.

Maybe he did take those Rage Against the Machine lyrics to heart, though...