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Over 90 days ago
Female, 52
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jebru
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by LadyX
Quote by WellMadeMale

Even for implying that the woman could get ahead in her job (or keep it) if she just sucked a guy's cock?

I thought Spain was a bit more forward-thinking/liberated, than that. Sounds like an oppressive police state.

I learn something every day.

Happens pretty much everywhere, WMM. Even in forward-thinking Spain, I'm sure.

My willingness to go along with a 'suck and fuck for employment' proposal would depend on how valuable the job was to me at the time. There's no way I could say that no matter what, I'd stomp out all offended and refuse to cooperate. These things are sometimes part of life, and you have to make decisions based on your needs, not what life would be like in a perfect world.

Yeah, I know it happens everywhere, all the time...But, the last time I checked, in America...the offended party can't expect to go to the police and accuse someone of that and expect anything other than an eyeroll from the desk sergeant at the local police department.

You'd have lots better luck taking that to the Human Resources dept, in my city. Unless you were physically assaulted, too...with DNA evidence left behind. When things get to the point where I can go tell my police that some 250 pound Wilhemina has verbally assaulted my delicate sensibilities...and I can expect results.

That's getting a bit carried away with shit, imo.

Not sure about US laws, but if it happened in Canada, sexual harassment would technically be a crime, so you should go to the police, though if you have no proof there isn't much they can do about it.

Exactly! The he said/she said factor can be a bit of a bitch, dontcha know?!

I've dealt with the somewhat smarmy, lascivious behaviors from previous employers a couple of times (as have some of my co-workers at said same place of employment). This also kind of depends on the type of job and working atmosphere you are in, to be able to prosecute and what not, as far as I'm concerned. Now I'm not, by any means, condoning such actions as far as the type of job one has but I'm just saying, from and the couple of other chics this happened to didn't have a 'leg to stand on' so to speak. Certainly causes one to become more leery and aware of such things as far as dealing with the 'bosses' at whatever job you choose. Sucks to have to watch out for that kind of shit, but it's a part of life sometimes. I'm with Christie on this one...I like that response smile, but alas, I was single when I was working where I'm talking about.

I'm so very glad I don't have to deal with that kind of crap any longer: I trust who owns the business I work at now.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by eviotis
paula cole

Jean-Paul Gaultier (French fashion designer)
Active Ink Slinger
LOL hapless! I'll be needing to go and give that story a read though smile.

I'm with Sprite on this subject, I'd rather switch places!
Active Ink Slinger
Still sitting around in my lounging attire...short shorts and a tee shirt, and a pair of tube socks (sexy ), these hardwood floors are a tad chilly on the tootsies. About to get in the shower and get ready for work, glad it's Friday!
Active Ink Slinger
LMAO, WMM...that should definitely go into the annals of priceless vids posted here on Lush.

Carry on with this illuminating discussion, gentlemen.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm calling his wife and asking her if they discussed this and if she minds....don't wanna get her on my bad side since she's also the boss.

No, seriously, he's not really a bad looking dude, but not my type. I wouldn't stoop to that level anyway, just for a job?? Nope...I'd tell him to get f'kd (by someone else) and walk out.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DamonX

Is being short a dealbreaker?
At what height would you consider a man unattractive?
Would you put them in the same category as men that are very fat or unattractive in some other way?

No, not for fact funny enough, as far as the few serious relationships I've been in, they've each been either right around my height (which is 5'10") or shorter but never more than a couple of inches. My S.O. of 17 years is 5'8". As far as the dating scene those many, many years ago LOL...I tended to ogle the taller dudes.
For's about what's inside of the man that is a turn on. His wit, charm, intellectual capacity, humor, and a kind heart are winning combos and can tend to prevail over the looks department once I get to know someone. So, I don't put anyone into any specific category until I get to know them lol. If they turn out to be an ass, they end up in that category...etc...etc....
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I think every guy has a different definition of "really hard"...

My general feeling is that squeezing, sucking, and/or teething my nipples is good.

Yanking, crushing, or sawing on my nipples with your teeth is bad. I have had bruises resulting from overly rough breast play before and it's not a good feeling, either during, or the next day when you see the sore reminders. But maybe I'm more sensitive this way.

I'm still not sure about breast slapping. In the right moment, it's not necessarily a bad thing, but I prefer ass-slapping and hair-pulling far more.

Never really understood the thrill of having your nipples really bitten to the point they may bleed or smacked and squished so hard they get bruised. Squeezing, sucking hard, even light bites is great but don't beat my boobs. I just don't get the thrill of pain at all!!

In agreement here, with both. No torturous squeezing or smacking around of my boobs please, I enjoy that being done to my behind though...well not torturously, but anyway smile. Now my nipples, when we are in the throes then him pinching them between his fingers or lightly biting them generally does me in..mmmhmmm.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703
Quote by CuriousButterfly
Raquel Welch

MMMMMMMMMMM,.................................Oh, Sorry, Back To The Game.

Tahnee Welch - Raquel's Daughter

Tawny Kitaen (appeared in some Whitesnake music vids, ahhh the 80's)
Active Ink Slinger

Waiting, wanting, now lascivious thoughts languorously harbored.

Active Ink Slinger
Jeff Beck is legend...and always so very cool like that; promoting new artists and what not smile.

Active Ink Slinger
Van, love Billy Bob smile.
I'm going with your Billy Ray Cyrus one, Kinky...cause the next one isn't related as far as I can tell??.

Ray LaMontagne (as far as I'm concerned, a great musician/singer :) )
Active Ink Slinger
Same thing got me too lol, but not the Eminem one (I actually dig a few of his songs) it was the other rap one that did me in ;-P
Active Ink Slinger
Pauly Shore (...all I'm saying is, the dude cracked me up a few times lol )
Active Ink Slinger

My arousal has reached its climactic limit