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Over 90 days ago
Female, 51
United States


Active Ink Slinger
LOL reading through these posts...y'all are hilarious in some of the responses ;P.

Seriously though, I'm just gonna say if a woman doesn't have a man that is willing to take that whole process at a slow pace when it's a first time thing or even consecutive times after the first, if you don't go that route a hurts.... speaking from experience. and being interested in anal...yeah, the man should know what the f'k he is getting himself "into"(know what I mean ladies??) and doing. Just saying.
Active Ink Slinger
I will simply answer........ YES!! Seeing as how, reading through these posts, I totally agree with each of the other ladies' thoughts on the matter smile mm hmm. Hot, that is all.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with Sprite; on the just kickin' them off thing (if they're impeding your progress at the time) and I definitely agree with DancingDoll about being very careful as far as what kind of material said shoe is made of....that damn sure does suck a big one when the one (manipulating the pedals, as she said) favorite shoe/boot/heeled-type sandal gets all scuffed up...that's just a learning experience though, in my opinion. So yeah, just kick em off if ya can!! Right? lol
Active Ink Slinger
I can remember exactly; Marilyn Chambers - "Insatiable". Yep, my older brother had an extensive vhs porn collection...and well, when everyone was away, I would be a sneaky little ass lol. Apparently he figured it out seeing as how when I got into his stash I could never put anything back in the correct order he had it in....the plethora of porn thus was moved to a more secret location...I guess. Later in life, as adults, we discussed it a time or embarrassed was I!!? lol But I admitted to it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Frank

...and there you have it! Even though Frank didn't include the whole of urbancoyote's post along with his "visual aid"...yes, yes...and MORE YES!! Teasing and foreplay are a huge turn on for me. I crave it, mutually of course....because once he drives me to the point of absolute "almost" no return...then stops and starts again...and stops ohhhh my. Then there is no question of me pleasuring in return.. mmm, love it. Then hey, what can stop the impending explosive, rapturous outCOME.
Active Ink Slinger
I've heard Aranda on a certain Sirius station quite a few times, I like 'em...especially acoustically, voices mix together well.

Active Ink Slinger

Now I Playfully Pinch, languidly enjoying, smiling

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by VanGogh
Quote by exwifen269
peppermint patty

Daunte Culpepper (QB)

Eduardo Verastegui (mmm look him up smile...)
Active Ink Slinger
..."I've been waiting sooo long"...

to get back here to this thread, ... been a while, some great tunes posted on the last few pages!

Active Ink Slinger
^^ That chair looks small, in comparison.

Same as Lisa said. I don't use any of my own photos as avs.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SouthernerEroticer
All twelve, at once, would be fun to try!

A massive Zodiac orgy!? That could be wild...and

I don't judge a person by their sign, so, doesn't matter to me.
Active Ink Slinger
I know what you mean about songs like that, Lois. It's like; "Do I dig this, or don't I?? Hmm, yeah I think I do...well, but hell yeah!" lol.

Great run of vids lately, folks smile.

Well, damn...I keep trying to post a couple of vids but I get some annoying error: "you must enter embed link from you tube...." blah blah, yeah...I know how to do this. Why isn't is working!? lol.

Anyway, posted one on my profile. Amos Lee, loving that song since I heard it on the radio a while back. Have listened to a few of his other songs...great, passionate musician, in my opinion. :).
Active Ink Slinger
In agreement with LMB here.

Back in the dating/hanging out days (man those are far gone now! lol) it seemed that certain guys 'trying too hard' were the ones that always kept on with the incessant compliments (too many can become just too much...ya know?) or the wanting to 'give you things' (, candy...stuff like that). Personally, I've never been one to be 'wowed' by candies and flowers and such. Don't get me wrong, giving a gift is a nice gesture occasionally.

Just be yourself; you like to hang out and take a walk with a certain someone, cool. You like to listen to some good tunes, eat good food and talk about similar interests, cool. You like to engage in some actual intellectual conversation, cool smile. Stuff like that turns me on more than the 'head over heels' trying too hard stuff. But that's just me.
Active Ink Slinger
How often do u Masturbate? At least once a day, or every other day.

what is your record times in a day hmm...three times...

how long do you normaly last? depends on the mood and time frame really; like if I am all of a sudden in that 'mood' but don't have a lot of time, it's quickly (around 3 to 4 minutes) lol. Usually though, I have time and like to spend that time building it up ; at least 15 minutes or so.

how you ever used a sex toy or a object?
if so what did you use? Not really that into toys, but yes, I have; a few different vibrators here and there.

Place you usually do it? On my bed, in the shower, in the bathroom (not in the shower)

How many fingers do you put? Personally, I get off better by just teasing/stimulating those sensitive areas; my nipples and clit, but at the time of impending orgasm I like to slip two fingers inside.

Do you like watch porn? I used to alot (back in my twenties), not so much anymore....rather read some hot stuff or just use imagination.
What kind of porn? Back when I did enjoy it a lot, it was usually male/female, a dude with two chics or couples (male/female...male/female) and if they swapped then, ok smile.

Has anyone caught you? Yes...oops. :).

Do you masturbated in a public place? No
what place?
Active Ink Slinger
*edit* posted about the same time dude above did, but he's first,
