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Always Faithful - Chapter Thirty-Five

Greg forces a climax to his relationship with Laura and she is forced to choose.

Climax and beyond “Damn you Greg! Just damn, damn, damn you! I always knew it would come to this.” Laura looked into her lover’s eyes across their table. She cleared the champagne glasses to the side and leaned to kiss him. Sitting back upright, Laura raised both hands in front of her; she stared at the rings she was wearing. Greg noticed her gesture and thought he understood what must be going through her mind. He recogn...

Always Faithful - Chapter Thirty-Four

Dan and Laura continue into the future.

The triad relationship, Laura with her two husbands, began another new phase. Laura once more made her primary residence at her home with Dan. As Dan asked, and Laura replied, her affair with Greg ended in no way, only returned to its original form. Laura’s home life with Dan was as complicated as ever. Laura and Dan did their married couple life maintenance chores together, they ate meals and slept in bed together, and t...

Always Faithful - Chapter Thirty-Three

Laura comes home to her husband after seven months with Greg.

A sound at his office door brought Dan’s head up. His secretary stood in the opening and spoke softly to him, “It’s Laura; do you want to take the call?” Dan picked up his phone and spoke without pause. “Well hello, so good to hear from you, it has been a while.” Dan recalled with distaste the last time he talked with his wife; it was six weeks ago at Thanksgiving when she told him she was leaving to go skiing with Greg....

Always Faithful - Chapter Thirty-Two

Christmas and New Years with new partners.

Dan’s secretary was delighted to accept her new vice president’s date request. She remembered how nice he was to ask last year when she was down about her failed marriage; returning the gesture was the least she could do. She remembered having a great end to the evening in her bedroom with him last year. I could get used to a once a year do the boss tradition. Dan had been very cautious about presuming anything more than...

Always Faithful - Chapter FiveThirty

Laura living with Greg through the holiday season.

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and l...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Nine

Laura abandons Dan for Greg - part one.

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 1 The weather was perfect for brunch on the patio the Sunday after Greg’s birthday. “Dan, I have made a decision about my relationship with Greg. We need to talk about it.” Dan felt a chill up his spine. “You have made a decision, but we still have to talk. Is it talk time or tell time, Laura?” “We need to talk. I have made my decision, but I haven’t said anything to an...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Eight

Laura and Greg celebrate his second birthday as a couple.

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Greg’s Second Birthday At nine-thirty Laura reached for the doorknob and twisted it. She would not have been surprised to find it locked, but the door opened. Laura looked first in the kitchen. The coffee was made, pot full, with two clean mugs on a tray. Dan wasn’t in the kitchen. Dan and Artsy? Dan and I? She poured the two mugs full. She heard the shower running as she entered their bedroom. She...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Seven

Laura move in with Greg and Artsy finally makes love with Dan.

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Laura with Greg as Second Husband Laura started her car; she fingered the ruby ring on her right hand before shifting to Drive. Having Dan with me in San Francisco last week was great. Fucking with Dan and Upper Floor in the fog on the balcony excited me the way I knew it would. Strapped to that thing, strapped down, whipped, and then ass fucked by that Mario was crazy, and you loved it girl, admit...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Six

Laura taunts Dan about her sexing with LF and Artsy and introduces Dan to her neighbor Upper Floor.

Chapter Twenty-Six - Laura with Artsy and LF Laura and Dan didn’t return home until Saturday evening. They packed for their trip and went to bed, to sleep. They rose early Sunday, leaving for the airport after a quick breakfast. Laura set off the metal detector with her jewelry; she asked if one of the women attendants could perform a private screening. Dan was curious about her night with LF and Artsy, but Laura continue...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Five

Laura and Artsy host clothing designers in Mrs. Patron's home.

Laura’s four weeks at home were a whirlwind of activity, not totally sexual. At Tuesday lunch with her fellow executive assistants, she floated an idea for modeling Business Lady outfits at the regional bar meeting in the summer. The next day Laura began serious preparatory work for the quarterly Senior Partners Committee meeting. Work kept her busy; she skipped her Friday lunch date with Greg. Her hectic month culminated...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Four

Both Dan and Laura experience other love partners.

Chapter Twenty-Four - Other Partners Only a simple action required, open front door with your key and a twist on the knob; Laura’s persona changed from wife of Dan to mistress of her other home, her home with Greg. Less than two hours before, she woke up beside her husband, made coffee in the kitchen, showered in their bathroom, and pulled a simple shift over her head for dress. She kissed Dan as she handed over his first...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Three

Laura with Dan and Artsy discuss art and fashion for Business Lady.

Chapter Twenty-Three - Laura with Dan, Plus Artsy Dan answered the telephone in the middle of the third ring: Hi Baby, I am just calling to confirm my travel plans . . . Yes, I am still on the red eye . . . I will see you Thursday morning before you go to work . . . I love you too, Baby. Save a kiss for me and maybe a little bit more. Bye bye. The red eye flight that carried Laura home from San Francisco left on time and...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Two

Laura meets her San Francisco neighbor and discovers BDSM and exhibitionism.

Chapter Twenty-Two - Adventures in San Francisco When her flight was at altitude, Laura accepted champagne from the stewardess. She used the four hour flight to go over the week ahead and the past few weeks of her ever more hectic life. Her first thought was Dan is really getting short changed by my new jobs. Laura hadn’t spent a full week with just her husband in a month. She knew she had to take steps to maintain her pr...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-One

Laura drifting toward Greg, just a date night for Dan

Chapter Twenty-One - Laura Drifting Away The Senior Partner’s secretaries had their luncheon the last Friday of every month. All held the same title as Laura, Executive Assistant. Old Jacobs’ secretary extended the invitation. Laura knew the women could be catty, even vicious; Dan helped her select clothes Thursday evening. Laura suggested no BL clothes; she didn’t want to build envy any higher. Dan disagreed; he went thr...

Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty

Mrs Patron is teacher, Dan is student, sensuality is course material

Chapter Twenty - Dan and Mrs. Patron’ s Lessons “Daniel, would you come for me at seven-thirty Friday; we are due to meet Interior Decorator at the country club at eight?” Dan assured his friend he would be on time and returned attention immediately to his desk. The week had been a bear at work. When he reviewed his calendar Monday, his first thought was thanks that Laura was in San Francisco. My thought then, and still i...