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Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty-Three

"Laura with Dan and Artsy discuss art and fashion for Business Lady."

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Chapter Twenty-Three - Laura with Dan, Plus Artsy

Dan answered the telephone in the middle of the third ring:

Hi Baby, I am just calling to confirm my travel plans

. . .

Yes, I am still on the red eye

. . .

I will see you Thursday morning before you go to work

. . .

I love you too, Baby. Save a kiss for me and maybe a little bit more. Bye bye.

The red eye flight that carried Laura home from San Francisco left on time and benefited from a tail wind. Hers was the first plane to land in the morning; the captain parked at the gate a full fifteen minutes before the official earliest landing time the airport authority allowed. First class and no checked baggage meant Laura was at her doorstep at six-thirty; the light at the door was lit for her. She tried the door knob and it turned. That was always Dan’s way of welcoming her home, whether business trip or time with Greg, the door to Dan’s life and heart was always open for her.

Laura checked the kitchen before heading upstairs to the bedroom where she found her husband waiting for her. Their greeting was a fervent kiss, “Ugh Baby, you need mouthwash.”

“I need a quick shower too; wait right there for me.” Five minutes later Laura returned to the bedroom mostly clean, and mostly dry. Dan was ready and waiting for her.

“I’ve missed you Baby, I need you just like this. Let me do the work.”

Laura made her announcement as she settled on her husband’s cock. She rocked forward and back, she swiveled with a twist, and she lifted only to slam down hard. Dan tried to reach and participate, but Laura held him back.

“Let me fuck you; let me do the work. My Baby can just enjoy us together; it has been too long.”

Dan leaned back and tried to relax to control his excitement, but it had been almost three weeks with little sex. The first hard squeeze on cock from Laura’s muscles almost sucked sperm from his balls. Dan looked intently at his wife above him; her nipples looked hard and a little bruised.

“Feed me some tit, Baby.”

Dan sucked each in turn. He stared at the Vee between her thighs; Laura’s lips may be swollen, but they wrap my cock so tight, Dan thought to himself.

“Oh yes, that feels so good; fuck me Baby, just fuck me.”

Laura squeezed tight and rocked forward. Dan screamed and spewed, filling his wife with stored produce of loin. They rested still joined, and played kiss face lightly. Laura’s homecoming was satisfying for both. Dan reached between them to play with Laura’s nipples.

“They aren’t terribly swollen and bruised; haven’t you taught your young lover how to rough them yet?”

“Oh no, he is history. I didn’t fuck him at all this trip.”

The BJ she gave Legal on arrival didn’t count to Laura; she knew she only called him because Dan was sure she would. “Let’s talk all about our last ten days tonight, it’s time for breakfast and then off to work.”

> > > > - -

Dan was home when Laura came through the front door with two sacks of take-out dinner.

“I thought you stopped for a quickie with Greg when you called and said you were going to be late.”

“No Baby, no quickie with Greg. I’ll work something in soon, but I want to be with you right now. I don’t go back to San Francisco for a month, and we are going to spend most of this month together.”

Laura earned a kiss in appreciation.

“Greg will have to make do with a little less of me, but I’ll make sure I see him enough to give you a couple of special kisses.”

“Want to eat on the floor in the den? That’s what I want; let’s go get into some comfy clothes.”

Laura suggested Dan wear his black silk pajamas, and she put on her harem girl outfit. “We haven’t worn these in a long time.” They fed each other food and wine, and shared touches and kisses to build their appetites.

“Do you have a story to tell, Scheherazade? Is that why we are in costume?”

“No story, at least not much of one. Let’s start with business talk.”

Laura told about entertaining the president of BL and the ideas she presented.

“He really wanted to try to get you out there right away. Whatever hang ups in schedule on our side will be resolved fast. President said he was going to call your VP direct.”

Dan laughed at his wife’s our side reference and told Laura the BL production VP called his boss the next day.

“I am supposed to fly out with you next trip, and talk with your VP on the phone at least once a week.”

“Okay, next new business subject, do we have something set up to meet with Artsy?”

“Yes, sort of, either tomorrow after work, or Sunday afternoon. I wasn’t sure about scheduling tomorrow; I know you like to be with Greg Fridays.”

“I like to be with Greg any day, and Fridays are nice, no work on Saturday. I want to talk with you and Artsy about BL stuff, important new things.”

“What’s so hot about meeting with Artsy; I didn’t know BL had a division for women artists.”

“I’m being serious Baby, don’t go silly on me. Artsy always wears the most distinctive clothes made just for her, by her friends. We have talked about her clothes before.”

“Yes, we have, and I agree Artsy almost always wears one-of-a-kind clothes for openings and things like that. You want to talk about the artists who do her things?”

“Yes, I do, and you are involved too.”

“How me?”

“I wore that pajama jumpsuit you bought when I had President and CFO to the condo. We talked about after work clothes possibly being a new line for BL. You picked that out; you have great instincts for women’s wear.”

“I have this great model for inspiration.”

Laura climbed onto her husband’s lap and kissed her appreciation. Dan reached for his phone and pressed his speed dial number for Artsy.

“Hi Sweetheart, can I intrude on your evening for just a few minutes?”

Dan offered a more complete run down of Laura’s interests. Artsy suggested they meet at The Palette at six-thirty.

“I’ll wear something suitable for the fashion lady. Tell Laura she needs to dress too. No Business Lady suit.”

“I’ll tell her, and I will see you Saturday evening as well. I haven’t talked with Laura about that; she can always find someone to entertain her if she doesn’t want to come along.”

“We are all set for tomorrow night Baby.”

“Good, that’s my business news for the week; how about with you, anything special?”

“Yes, but wait here just a second.”

Dan returned to the den with a fresh popped champagne bottle and flutes.

“You must have had a really good week”, Laura offered.

“Let’s drink to the newest vice-president.”

Dan held his glass high and Laura followed suit. She kissed her husband and wrapped him tight.

“I had Artsy in last Friday to hang my newest office piece, plus two more from her gallery. VP insisted on making another to-do affair. Afterwards, VP, the president and I talked privately. VP is retiring later this year, Labor Day. President told me I will be name to succeed him, officially on New Year’s Day.”

“That’s wonderful Mr. Vice President; you deserve it. You’re good, you’re good in business and other ways I can think of.”

Laura put her glass down to congratulate Dan without spilling. “The three of us can celebrate your success tomorrow as well as talk about new business possibilities for me at BL.”

“Artsy and I celebrated a little last Friday after I told her. We did spontaneous dinner and dancing.”

“Good, at least you had her since you couldn’t come to San Francisco. Did you get lucky with Artsy?”

Laura expected laughter and a good-natured denial, but she saw a head shake and mild frown.

“Maybe a little, but not much, kiss and hug only.”

“I should respect her for staying distant; my life doesn’t have room for much more right now. I don’t need the competition. She would be good for you, though, when I am busy there.”

“You have been known to get busy here with Greg, and now you have your BL life.”

“If Artsy would give you a good screw at least once, you would know what you’re missing.”

Dan thought to himself and then voiced, “Are you sure you want me to know what I’m missing?”

Before his wife could respond to Dan’s dubious question Dan continued telling of his weekend in Mrs. Patron’s bed.

“I did have the favor of a lady’s bed Saturday night. Mrs. Patron and I went to the country club, and then I spent the night with her. She is an amazing woman; we have sex, and it is very fulfilling sex, but what we really share is as much a mental exchange. I don’t quite know how to explain. I am not even sure how we fell into whatever relationship we have.”

“Baby, I think that woman has done wonders for your outlook. I admire the hell out of her. When I am sixty I may look for a thirty something bright guy to mentor the way she has you.”

“Mentor may be the perfect word; I often feel like a student in her classroom.”

> > > > - -

“Okay, does that just about cover all of the business news? Want to hear about my social life in San Francisco?”

“Yeah, if Young Legal is out, tell me about his replacement.”

“He is a neighbor, the older man you suggested; I accidentally met him through Young Legal.”

“I am not sure I suggested you try to meet anyone else, Baby.”

“Sure you did Baby, you are the one who said not to waste my time trying to teach a child how to please me.”

“I think you mis . . . .”

“I followed your advice.”

“. . . understood me.”

“I met a neighbor, older, mature, more experienced.”

“Okay, how and why did Young Legal introduce you to his replacement?”

Laura told her story about calling Young Legal soon after she arrived in San Francisco, she told about teasing and sharing oral pleasures only, and then sending him on his way.

“I walked him to the elevator to make sure he didn’t turn back. That’s when I first saw my neighbor.”

“He was waiting for the elevator too?”

“No, on the elevator when the door opened.”

“If you had just finished screwing around with the boy, what were you wearing?”

“When I saw how handsome he looked, I called out my phone number to Legal and said call me. Young Legal thought I was talking to him, I’m sure. My neighbor knew better.”

“And you were wearing?”

“Oh, that pretty black negligee Young Legal bought for me, the one I wore for you right here last month.”

“How long did it take for your neighbor to call?”

“He waited a couple of days; he was a gentleman.”

“My Baby is something special, a one-of-a-kind original sexpot.”

“Thank you Baby, that gets you a kiss.”

Laura told about entertaining Upper Floor the first time and then going to his condo to see his playroom and balcony.

“What did you wear when you entertained your new friend?”

“The pink one you bought; he loved it.”

“I’ll bet he did. Did you wear just that when you went to his place?”

“Sure, he was with me. It was okay.”

“I love you Baby; you get a kiss for your spirit.”

Laura got more than a kiss. Dan used his hands to fondle everywhere, and one kiss turned into many. Finally they broke for more champagne.

Laura described her neighbor’s playroom and Dan listened with rapt fascination. He seemed to be most excited by her descriptions of the different kinds of whips, much to Laura’s surprise. Dan knew that Laura would get off on the balcony as a sexual playground; she loved to show off.

“Did you have him fuck you in his playroom, or on the balcony?”

“Not the first time, but he cuffed me to the rail and left me on the balcony. He took my nightgown and left me in the spotlight. God how I loved it; I heard a man call out to me. He called me a whore.”

Laura leaned over the edge of the sofa and pulled her harem pants to her knees.

“Fuck me Baby; imagine me naked on Upper Floor’s balcony just like this. Fuck me hard the way I wanted him to fuck me.”

“Did he fuck you like this?”

Dan thrust hard, jabbing his cock in from behind with all of his muscle power as Laura held fast to the sofa arm.

“No, he didn’t fuck me Baby, he left me there. You have to fuck me for him. Fuck me Baby, fuck me and hear the man call me whore.”

Dan held his wife by her hips and fucked hard strokes; hard cock-to-cunt strokes that brought both to high pitch. Laura continued with blurbs of her story between gasps of pleasure.

“Naked . . .

in spotlight naked . . .

only hear, somewhere in the dark . . .

whore – puta – come puta . . .

pussy dripping, alone in the light .

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. .

come whore, come to me . . .

fuck me Baby, fuck me hard Dan, someone fuck me hard . . .

he’s out there, he wants to fuck me, use me, ohhhhhhhhhhh, yessssss, I want himmmmmmm.”

Dan slumped exhausted on his wife’s back. He just went to the San Francisco balcony with Laura and took the place of the voice in the night.

> > > > - -

The couple made love once more, in their bed, and slept cuddled and content. Both Dan and Laura woke full of energy; both needed the sexual bonding they shared as a rejuvenating balm. Breakfast was a normal time together as normal couples do daily. Laura packed a bag with her evening clothes, kissed Dan goodbye and out the door to work. Dan followed to his office shortly after wife but on schedule.

Laura made a round of her fellow executive girls as a glad to be back greeting, and to catch up on company news and gossip. First business with them was planning an out of schedule lunch for the coming week. She emailed Greg; it looked a bit cryptic on screen, but there could be no confusion. Friday lunch? . . . Usual place? . . . You drive or me? Shortly after noon, their waiter escorted them to their private alcove.

Suits with wrap skirts are convenient; Greg’s hand almost immediately found its way to Laura’s crotch. The hand rarely strayed during their lunch. Laura had no intention of pushing her man away. They had been apart almost two weeks, but it seemed longer. Their desire for each other burned.

“When can you spend some time with me?”

“Not tonight, probably not Sunday, can I have tomorrow?”

“You can have all my tomorrows.”

Each used one hand to touch and fondle, and the other to eat their lunch. Laura told of San Francisco between bites. Greg did his best to distract Laura’s story fingering under her panties. Finally, Laura gave up eating and story telling; she leaned back and gave herself to Greg’s pleasure.

“The waiter is on his way; he is going to ask if we need anything. Come for him.”

Laura tried to swallow the sounds of her climax, but Greg’s fingers pulled them out to hear. Ahhhh . . . Ohhhh . . . Yes . . . Yes . . . Ohhhhhhhhhhh . . . Yes . . . Mmmmm.

Laura looked up and saw the waiter standing at her side. He had seen her cum other times, and he enjoyed the sight. He was pleased watching her now. Only his eyes asked if she needed anything more.

“I’ll have another brandy please, one for me and my lover. Put it on a check so I can pay.”

Greg shook his head slightly toward the waiter suggesting he ignore the lady.

“It will be the pleasure of the restaurant to serve you and your friend brandy Madam, we have missed having you share our hospitality.”

On the way back to the office, Laura told Greg to let his new secretary get away early today. “I have to change for my meeting with Dan and Artsy tonight; I may as well use your bathroom. If you can get rid of her by four, I will have time to check under your desk and make sure she isn’t doing any extra duty.”

“Come at four; I will send her home at four-fifteen. I want you to meet her, it is best you both know one another.”

Greg’s secretary seemed nice; she was just a bit younger than Laura, attractive but not stunning. If Laura thought she had any worries about competition over Greg she might worry. She walked confidently toward Greg’s bathroom to change as his new secretary walked toward the elevator. She put her blouse, skirt, jacket and stockings on hangers, then went to sit on her lover’s lap.

“We have a little time, not much, at least half an hour and then I need to get dressed to meet them. I’ve missed you.”

They kissed and touched reunion; Laura through Greg’s business clothes, and Greg touching bare flesh and thin lingerie. Laura’s fingers worked shirt buttons so her hands could have equal opportunity to touch skin. Lovers kissed frantically. Lunch had been too public for the intensity they needed.

“Under the desk, I need you.”

With motions often practiced, Laura got to her knees in the cubbyhole as both worked with frantic hands to free cock from its confining cloth. Laura swallowed cock hard, deep into her mouth, and she sucked as fiercely as she could. The cock she really needed filled her mouth; others lacked compared to her lover’s tool. With sure knowledge that this one cock still filled and fit her mouth perfectly revived, Laura backed her mouth to titillate cock’s upper shaft and head.

Tongue and teeth now actively played. Lips kissed and nibbled. Her lover held Laura’s head firm and fucked little short strokes that shivered thrills from cockhead to spine to brain. Greg moaned a soft ahhhh that suddenly became louder to YESSssss. Cockhead now lodged into Laura’s throat, her arms pulled tight against Greg, trapping him deep. His hips bucked franticly until he spewed. Each twitch of cock shooting sperm in her belly sparked a thrill shock of satisfaction. Finally they released each other.

“You need to get a client in San Francisco.”

“I will scout for one; I need you as much as you need me. Two weeks is too long.”

“Take my panties off and eat me until you are ready to fuck. I want to go to Dan full with your cum.”

>> > > - -

Twenty-five minutes after Greg’s first lick of tongue, Laura was in his bathroom dressing in the lounging pajamas her husband purchased and putting on evening makeup. Her white lace panties and swollen labia formed a dam to keep her lover’s cum inside until her husband found his hot spot later tonight.

Laura arrived at The Palette first; rather than select a table, she ordered a cocktail and leaned at the bar rail observing. There were few customers at this hour; all dressed casual but not outlandish. Laura had never been here, but she did not feel out of place in lounging pajamas. She noticed the minute Artsy stepped through the door; her color brightened the room. Dan had changed clothes also, one of his leather outfits, deerskin slacks and vest. They seemed a couple; Artsy saw Laura and led the way. All exchanged kisses and trivial greetings.

“Purple isn’t a shy color, but I have never seen it that vivid. You light up the place wearing that outfit; I love it.”

“Dan called me early this morning, before noon, and told me what you were wearing. I think we both go well with this gentleman, don’t you?”

“I must agree; you have done wonders for Dan’s style away from the office”, Laura kissed her husband and stroked the soft leather he wore.

All had a round of drinks at the bar; they made polite, inconsequential, conversation and greeted a few people Dan and Artsy knew. Artsy admired the bolero cape that topped Laura’s outfit, “This cape makes the look complete. Wear it for an evening out, leave it off, or wear only the cape, in the bedroom.”

After fifteen or twenty minutes at the bar, they decided to sit and have dinner. At their table, they began with wine and appetizers. Artsy suggested oysters on the half shell. Dan visibly blushed and shook his head no; Laura grinned, but tried to cover with her hand.

“You two don’t eat raw oysters, I’m surprised?”

“Dan had a bad experience with oysters the last time we had them; let him tell you sometime, when you are alone. Why don’t we order from the tapas menu?”

“Artsy, the reason I wanted to get together tonight is to talk about a possible new line for Business Lady; let’s call it Business Loungewear for now. I don’t know how much Dan has told you already.”

Artsy summarized what she already knew of Laura’s idea. “Where do I come in?”

“You know designers, fabrics and colors. Most important, you know how those things have to fit together to be stunning. I need a quick education, and introductions to the right creative people.”

“Tell me more about the clothing style, how do you see it, who would wear these clothes and to what sort of things.”

“I would say very dressy casual, early evening. I see what you are wearing, maybe not quite so much color, and what I am wearing, with a more substantial fabric, as the look I want. Maintain the professional image, but comfortably and with style; not sexy, certainly not daring, but dramatic and elegant. Does that fit?”

“I think I get it, sounds cool in fact. What price range, who are you customers.

“Price is two-fifty to five hundred, maybe six. Market is professional women, wives of executive and professional men, also very senior support people like myself. The market is women who are confident and want to comfortably show that confidence out of the office.”

“You can shade that price range higher just a bit. I am a junior executive, and I know I would pay four hundred without blinking to have the woman at my side help with a new client introduction just by looking confidently dressed and successful. I wouldn’t blink at six hundred because the potential reward is so high.”

“Do you see why I love to have him go shopping with me, Artsy? Dan, you are special; what other man would pick out a dress that cost nine hundred fifty dollars to wear on a date with Greg?”

Dan blushed and Artsy decided not to respond.

“I can put you in touch with some people; I think a get together at your home, possibly an evening at my gallery or even Mrs. Patron’s home would work. Now I want talk about your home, about your living room art gallery. I am sure your portrait is feeling lonely in there by herself.”

“Laura and I have talked about this exact subject recently.”

“Let me make suggestions; trust me, I am the expert on this topic.”

“Your nude is a fantastic centerpiece. Every gallery room must have one piece of art that says what the room is about, you have it as your first piece.”

“Stay with nudes I hope you mean, not just nudes of me.”

“Exactly, but more exclusive than just nudes, show only paintings, sculptures, drawings, even quality photographs of ordinary people. Beautiful like you, of course, but not models, I think your gallery room should focus on men and women you know.”

Artsy led this discussion. Dan especially, also Laura, participated with ideas and questions. Their conversation was spirited, and Laura realized how much Dan was totally comfortable with the subject matter. Her husband seemed captivated by Artsy’s world in a very easygoing way. The artist’s mind, as well as her art world, had become his passionate hobby. Laura gave Artsy a tender kiss on the cheek, and was pulling away when Artsy pulled her back. Laura accepted Artsy’s warm lips on hers; she felt them quiver as though speaking inner thoughts.

“Give it to Dan, from Artsy.”

Laura did her best to convey the exact kiss his friend had entrusted down to the quiver in her lips. Dan’s tongue snake darted three times between her lips as they vibrated on her husband’s. Laura pulled back, stared into Dan’s eyes, and saw those eyes shift to the other woman.

“From Dan.”

Laura spoke softly, but with emotion. Artsy accepted Dan’s kiss from his wife’s lips. Laura repeated the three light tongue thrusts and Artsy opened for them.

From this last kiss, Artsy tried to ease away; Laura pulled her back. She had rarely kissed another woman with passion, but passion filled her head. Laura kissed Artsy with the same fierce passion she always shared with Greg. Tongue extended strong and deep, searching every nook inside Artsy’s mouth. With lips working together, Laura tried to suck the tongue out of this feminine mouth and swallow it whole; Artsy gave her mouth willingly. Dan sat amused, but uncomfortable watching his wife kiss his girlfriend, and wishing he was kissing either woman as they were kissing each other.

“You guys look like clowns with red face; I love you dearly but you might want to retire for repairs.”

Artsy stuck her tongue out, “Let’s go see what we can do girl.”

In the ladies room, Laura spoke first, “I haven’t kissed a woman since college, and that was young girls playing. I could learn to like kissing you.”

“I often enjoy kissing women, men are nice, some can kiss nice, but I do enjoy women. That was a good one.”

They spent time first cleansing, then applying more makeup. They inspected their faces in the mirror and then each other.

“Dan is a good kiss; we don’t often kiss like that, but we have.”

“I thought maybe you had; I agree, my husband is a good kiss.”

“Is your lover a good kisser as well, maybe better than Dan?”

“Greg is very good in many ways, kissing is just one of them. He is no better than Dan that way, but different; I respond to his kisses as a lover, his lover.”

“Ready to return to Good Kiss Dan?”

Halfway back to their table Laura took Artsy’s arm to stop her, “I am going to spend tomorrow with Greg. I haven’t really been with him since I came home.”

“And . . . ?”

“Dan would enjoy your company tomorrow - tomorrow night.”

“I am sure he will come to the opening, he is invited.”

“I meant after.”

“I am going to introduce you to a lesbian friend; she is an artist. I think she could do you well.”

They joined Dan and each selected a cheek to kiss.

“Laura has agreed to pose for a friend of mine. As quid, you and I are going to pose for Portrait and hang in your gallery. How does that sound, Big Guy.”

“I’ll pose with you; we can wear boots and straw hats.”

“I’ll set it up with Portrait; I’m serious Dan, and I can tell you are joking.”

“Baby, I am going to spend tomorrow with Greg; Artsy has agreed to entertain you. I will see you both Sunday morning for a late brunch.”

Written by BobNbobbi
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