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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 56
United Kingdom


Cucumbers, carrots, bananas, chocolate bars, bed post, these are just some of the things some of my female partners have used over the years.

pulls up a chair next to tech to watch pixie as whoop Bat,

"Is this a mud wrestling match by any chance" lol

Go Pixie Go

would you like some Tech
A woman who swallows is so HOT and usually as i have found far more adventurous
Besides why should a woman get jaw ache but no reward for her efforts.

so swallow me swallow
make my cock hollow
but don't you worry
my balls refill in a hurry

Happy new year everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
munchable, suckable studs that grow like chapel hat pegs.....

they have to be very sensitive..........

Release the puppies............

But Lena's nipples are great asp
It was only meant in gest ladies, i love you all dearly.....

now please take your foot off my throat....

lol xxxxxxxxxxx for all those i have upset
Not sure if your being vain Rocco or talking from experience...sorry don't mean to offend

Being Bisexual myself something that has been ecouraged by several female partners i have had, i guess woman find gay men less challenging or less competitive than other women.

we all know how Bitchy woman can be...
Driving along the motorway slowing down by all the Trucks.

We don't care who

You only live once
such poor english or is just excitement, i actually meant

"Do not blame me if it ends up in a frenzied sexual encounter"

but have been the visions in my head of all you wonderful people naked that made my keyboard go all blurry
your all welcome to bring your own cameras

But down blame me it all ends in a frenzied sexual
My Gf Squirts from time to time, no Hurricane but more like a Tidal wave and not every time either, there is no way this is Pee although it does have a different taste to Normal juices that flow when i please her.
When she does squirt it is such a great sensation and her body seems to go into overdrive and she becomes very sensitive around her clit region.

A lot of Women moan they do not get equal rights to men but look who got all the best body bits and the numerious eroginous zones and thats before we get on to the ability to multi task........
Gfire wrote:
Invite her girlfriend. LOL

Gfire wrote:
Invite her girlfriend. LOL

Excellent suggestion

I Thank you all, being swingers we both have had one or more of her girlfriends already, i was looking for something we could share between ourselves. lol
Hi All

In order to become a better lover i am wanting to inlist your help..

While making love in the missionary, me and my gf kiss long hard and very passionately
in the Doggy position i tend to either massage her back or run circles with my finger tips
if her legs are up on my shoulders i try to attend to her nipples with my mouth and tongue

My questions is:

What else can i do to excite and please her while having sex?

Thank you all in advance Tim x
Well Thanks Zafia, now i have another hard-on to deal

When holding my gf close to me, my finger tip runs in small circles just at the top of her Butt cheeks and over the small of her Back, she seems to really like this.

She loves all your other points too.

Tim x
Hi does anyone know of a chat room for writers to meet and chat live about erotic stories and for constructive critism?
(Not a poor excuse for pervy chat, genuine)
(No really Honestly)

to get back to the origal topic link, i prefer the pussy on the right in the advert rather than the pussy in the bikers hands.............
Hi I also had a message from someone but am unable to find them on the list.

"Sexymouth" its all i have except they said hello from a fello brit
Thanks Lush

I answered the questions in the wrong way maybe as i was mearly trying to say each to their own, i was by no means talking of my own experiences (mores the pity, i have a very HOT secretary) But would not risk upsetting the working balance my team has, so i'd let them all join in.....

Mind you i would like to know how i did not get a straight 100
if you have ever seen the film "THE CROW" you would have heard some Pantera as they played a couple of tracks in that movie.

As a good introduction to the Band you should listen to Their Greatest hits Album.

I would not be able to name any of the band but the music is outstanding.
Your score is: 90

What does your score mean?

Your office is more than just your workplace; it's a meat market! You have absolutely no qualms about dating, fooling around with or outright pursuing any hot numbers that happen to catch your eye at work. This may or may not be dangerous ground you're treading on. We spend most of our waking hours, after all, at work, with people we usually have many things in common with. And more and more corporations are recognizing this with less restrictive rules about office dating - hopefully, your employers are in this category! If not, you could be setting yourself up for disaster. Consider whether all your playing is worth the possibility of losing your job, or even the hassles of mind games and nasty breakups with co-workers

OOps guess this means my morrals are lower than i
We only live once
Being a Nudist/Naturist exhibitionist i find it so much more of a turn on to find a little hair or a completely shaven Heavenly area either on men or women,

I love to be down on a woman for as long as she can handle it, from puss to bot and back again its a highway to heaven......

if your paint brush got a little bedraggled you'd buy a new one would you not, so a wire Bush is not for me, anyway i find if both parties are shaved it adds to the sensation, and i agree with others shaving each other is great fun from begining to end, anyone got a razor???????????
You could also try it has various stuff on there for all tastes.
also the chat rooms have pics posted constantly on them.

I'm sure who ever looks will enjoy, i did frequently


Any Bi adventures in the west mids uk here????