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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 31
United Kingdom


Hello there! I'm Ava-Marie, not to be mistaken with Luciano Pavarotti's Ave Maria hehe. You can call me Ava or Marie but that's rarely used

I guess my passion for erotic novels started a few years back, when I stayed around my friend's house. (No, we did not engage in lesbian activity aha) We were trying to find something and accidentally came across an erotic novel under her mother's bed. I can't remember what it was called but it was really good! I used to write soppy romance novels, but since reading my first erotica, I decided things needed 'spicing up'. Hopefully you'll see what I mean if you read any of my work!

I usually tend to write fictional stories, usually straight sex, masturbation or voyeur, but now I've decided to be a bit brave and write true stories about myself and my little adventures hehe. I'm also not one of those people who only care about getting hundreds of votes and comments. I simply want to please the reader and make it worth their while. However, comments are nice though it at least tells me whether people like it or not!

Just so you all know, I am on here just for my own pleasure of reading and writing. I'm not on here to 'sex chat' with you, nor meet up with you in person or send you dirty pictures. I like to keep everything on this site, unless I actually know you.

So have a sexy day and read my stories whenever you have the chance to!

(P.S! I am currently in a happy relationship, so please respect that and don't ask me for anything sexual, or try to flirt with me. Thank you )

Love, Ava xo

Writing, Playing guitar, Painting, Reading, Partying, Sports, Piercings and Tattoos

But really, my main interest is a little bit of foreplay

Favorite Books
Bared to You, Fifty Shades of Grey, Long Hard Ride.

Favorite Authors
Sylvia Day, Maya Banks, Lorelei James, E.L James, Olivia Cunning

Favorite Movies
The Hangover, Dark Knight, Norbit, Rush Hour trilogy, Runaway Bride, The Hunger Games, The Hobbit

Favorite Music
Foo Fighters, Asking Alexandria, Enter Shikari, Paramore, Parkway Drive, Oasis, Kings of Leon
