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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 31
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
Hey, I was wondering if anyone out there is experiencing the same issue as me. I got my Commentator badge 3 days ago, (still says so on my timeline) and it's gone away. This has happened twice. Is it just a glitch with my account or is this happening to others out there?

Active Ink Slinger
Leo isn't 42... He's 38. Had to look it up, because I thought there's no way he could be the same age as my mother! (Yes she had me young)

Active Ink Slinger
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned BBW or Squirting. Personally neither are categories I'd be interested in, but maybe there are members on Lush that will be?
Active Ink Slinger
I fucking HATE it when I'm walking along the pavement and the person in front of me is walking REALLY SLOWLY in the middle of the pavement. Fair enough if you're an old person, disabled, or pushing a buggy, but if you're none of the above why are you walking at like 0.0000001 mph AND taking up the whole of the pavement, making me have to walk in the road just to get past you.

Fucking pedestrians.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

*nods* just look at the views, stories typically get twice the readers as any other - also, we seem to get more submissions of stories than most of the others as well. true fact: many of the authors who typically write non-inscest stories have done at least once, just to get their readership up on the rest of their library.

i once wrote an story that was meant to be ridiculously over the top, just to prove a point - it's my most viewed story - it has 6 times the views as the one i wrote that took first place in a competition, in fact. LOL - it sort of backfired on me.

Aha I know what you mean! I wrote one due to popular demand from my friends. I guess the reason why it's so popular is because is something people would rather live through a fantasy than real life. I'm not too fond of it though.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

*nods* just look at the views, stories typically get twice the readers as any other - also, we seem to get more submissions of stories than most of the others as well. true fact: many of the authors who typically write non-inscest stories have done at least once, just to get their readership up on the rest of their library.

i once wrote an story that was meant to be ridiculously over the top, just to prove a point - it's my most viewed story - it has 6 times the views as the one i wrote that took first place in a competition, in fact. LOL - it sort of backfired on me.

Aha I know what you mean! I wrote one due to popular demand from my friends. I guess the reason why it's so popular is because is something people would rather live through a fantasy than real life. I'm not too fond of it though.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
i voted hardcore - that said, i can tell you that the most popular catagory on Lush is .

Hmm interesting. I knew people liked it, but I would have never thought it was actually the most popular category...
Active Ink Slinger
I'm really curious to find out what is the most popular category on Lush. I couldn't put down all the categories on here as I could only put 9 choices! However, the ones I did decide to put in this poll are categories I've written stories in, like, and are the most common ones I see on the homepage.

Let me know what your favorite is!

Active Ink Slinger
"The feeling of his man fat oozing down my throat got my shrimp sap flowing quicker than greased shit off a shiny shovel. Within no time, I could feel the shitty magician's wax draining from my balloon knot and all over my clap flaps. It was bliss having his pink tractor beam shoved inside me again; stuffing my smush mitten with an egg timer just didn't get my herring hole gushing like it used to. By now, my vibrator crater was flowing like a jizz waterfall. With my velcro triangle now much like the Japanese flag, he thought it was time to start shoving my shit winker. Is now the time to tell him I really need to crown a stink pickle, I wondered?"

I simply cannot express my feelings towards this hehe
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by clum
Please be careful what is discussed here with regards to the age restrictions placed of conversations of a sexual nature on Lush.

I kind of figured I would have little to no sex life so... yeah, I'm living the dream.

Same here! However, many people expect me to say that my sex life is amazingly great. I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not aha.
Active Ink Slinger
Looks like everyone's having yummy dinners night. I'm stuck here with a microwave meal of mac and cheese. I'm just too lazy to cook something proper
Active Ink Slinger
Voted number 1 here. I just have a slight interest in the opposite sex, nothing major smile
Active Ink Slinger
Had mine done last year, so I think they're awesome. Taken them out now though as I've been the only person who looks at them. Pretty boring
Active Ink Slinger
I've always wondered if I may be bisexual. I know for a fact I'm not a lesbian (I like men too much - In a non slutty way) I've just had a real interest in what it feels like to have sex with a girl, I'm talking about emotionally as well as physically. I've been turned on by girls but I really can't see myself with one. Maybe I'm just a confused little bunny
Active Ink Slinger
I get a tingly sensation that travels from my lower back around to my pelvis

Active Ink Slinger
Oh wow, most people are saying they've had it quite recently... Me, the last time I honestly had sex was almost 2 years ago. It's a good thing I'm not crazily horny, otherwise I would have went mental aha.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
I think we need to start charging a buck per message, like Facebook does...

I had to take a screenshot, because apparently there were some who didn't believe...myself included...

Aha, unless you're kidding why would you want Lush to start charging us for sending messages? Even if it's a little amount. Are you sure you're using the right Facebook ;) Because I've never heard anyone say Facebook has charged them for sending a message. Also if you look at the message it says 'You aren't connected to Evan on Facebook' That maybe your problem? x

Active Ink Slinger
I took my little cousins to watch The Hunger Games a while back. I heard about the book way before the movie release and it didn't really interest me much. 24 kids fighting in an arena, um no thanks? So anyway, I took my cousins to watch the movie and I actually enjoyed it, it's now one of my favourite movies. I did end up buying the book after and it's much better than the movie! It also rubbed out little confusions I had about the movie smile

Active Ink Slinger
Never had a one night stand before. Sex means a lot to me, so it has to be with someone I'm in a relationship with smile

Active Ink Slinger
I used to play 'Running Shots' with my mates when I was younger. It's just basically a race, but whilst drinking as many shots as you can. First person to cross the line wins. Aha, silly I know ;)

Active Ink Slinger
Wearing sexy lingerie doesn't really do anything for me. Personally, knowing the fact my lover desperately wants me all to himself makes me feel quite sexy aha

Active Ink Slinger
Best: I'm not judgmental, and I love to help people. Also everyone seems to love my tattoos aha.
Worst: I'm very sarcastic... and I have weird elbows hehe

Active Ink Slinger
I have 4 tattoos. Two on my arm, one on my lower back and another on the lower side of my belly. I personally find guys with tattoos attractive, probably because I have tattoos as well
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by crazydiamond

Naughty and slutty are very different things. One is positive, the other to me is negative. I'd be happy with that score, but that would mean actually doing a silly test about Sluttiness. I am not slutty. I am very naughty and highly particular. Why be proud of a high slut score? That does not compute with me at all.

I know that... And I did actually say I'm happy with my score... But everyone has their own opinions. In my own opinion, a slutty person is obviously extremely naughty. Now, I'm not saying I want to be a slut because I actually have better aspirations in life. All I meant was I'd like to be a bit more naughtier because I'm sometimes far too bored with myself. Ok thanks...
Active Ink Slinger
I got...
46% Slut

Your above score was normalized against the average, so don’t even TRY to disagree with us. Science is certain, and so are we: you are absolutely 46% slutty.

I'm happy with that aha, although a bit higher would show how naughty I am ;)