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What was your highschool persona?

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Saucy Little Minx ♥️
Class clown I always love to make people laugh plus it pissed off some of my teachers which was also fun! Haven’t changed much if I’m in a meeting there will be laughter or I’ve fallen asleep.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know what a lot of the expressions being used here mean like jock and valedictorian so not sure what the U.K. equivalent is. I left school at 15 and then joined the R.A.F. at 16. I presume High School are those years before you may go to university say 16 - 18? Well during that period and having no education or any other qualification I learnt how to disobey rules but not get caught, march around whilst being shouted at by minor megalomaniacs, operate telecommunications equipment, fire obsolete rifles and dodge doing any thing foolish like some sporting activity. I also chased women and experimented with drink and drugs - all the normal things teenagers do until I was allowed at 18 into the adult branch of the R.A.F which was I suppose the equivalent to a university. A lot of people in the U.K believe that a good cure for our rebellious youth is to bring back compulsory military service. Maybe those so inclined may not be so keen on that if they note what really happens in the military. Persona? We were all encouraged to be identical so those had to remain hidden - you can imagine what mine was.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Drama nerd, debate nerd, student lit mag nerd. I discovered partying and getting laid the summer before my senior year, but found out I could get away with pretty much anything because parents and teachers still believed I was an A student follow-the-rules kinda guy.
Active Ink Slinger
Jock, stoner to who knew me, nice to all
Active Ink Slinger
shy quiet, overweight, not the type of girl guys wanted to date Guess you would call me a misunderstood misfit.
Active Ink Slinger
Popular and a clown lol and good at sports
My 8th grade English teacher recommended me for 9th grade Honors English. I declined, partly because symbolism was such a big deal in his class. In retrospect, bullshitting about symbolism may have been more bearable than the same grammar lessons in 3 of 4 years of regular English. I zoned out through half of high school and barely graduated.
Five years is a long time aged 11-16.

1. Bright-eyed and eager.
2. Serving my time.
3. Too cool for school

in the second term of the fifth year (16). I was politely asked to desist from attending. And so endeth my formal education.
Just one of a couple hundred other kids just wanting to get it done and move on.
Active Ink Slinger
I had read much more and knew more about autors than my English teachers (they were not amused) and knew as much abut European and Russian history as the history teacher. He had discussions with me in class. I drove a bright red and chrome model A rod with a V 12 engine and sometimes my mother's dark blue very large convertible. I was the school intellectual but I ran cross country, the quarter mile and the 4 X 4 relay, which everyone thought was an odd combination. After the 11th grade my parents found a college that would admit me and sent me there which pissed off my girlfriend and the three other guys on the relay team who thought we were going to set a state high school record.
Sexy Seductive Siren
Nerd. Even then, more interested in astronomy, space-flight, physics and mathematics than in sports, boys (or girls for that matter), music or anything else.
Simple Scribbler
I was the smart, good girl. Friends with the popular kids, but not popular myself. Shy, never wanted to be the center of attention.
Tantalizing Teasing Temptress
Huge flirt with a 3.8 gpa go figure. Does that make me a smart ass?
Advanced Wordsmith
Cheerleader for two years, but I wasn't any good.
Most Lush moderators will accept tips (read: bribes).
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Debate, drama and lit mag nerd. Though I did date the occasional cheerleader.

The Occasional Cheerleader would be a great title of a book.
Gentleman Stranger
Misunderstood misfit and a total hippie, hair down to the middle of my back. Too cool for team sports (which I now regret) but a demon at the informal backyard variety (football, basketball). Only had a few close friends and loved to hike and backpack the Rockies alone or with my dog whenever I had the chance.

Nerd too, I guess, since the nerds that got picked on a lot attached themselves to me because I'd turned out to be good at deflecting the bullies either through shame or humor. I never minded deflecting their attentions to me so that the routinely bullied kids could get a break, because I didn't care what the assholes said, and I made some very kind friends in the nerd crowd too as a result. I was, at a minimum, an honorary member.
Started getting laid my junior year and knew immediately that it would be a lifelong pursuit! Mediocre student until I got serious in college following 2 years of drifting and "finding myself" (i.e., growing up) after high school.
Rainbow Warrior
Voted most likely to get pregnant before graduation.
Active Ink Slinger
Total nerd..... music (band) was the only thing that kept me in school as long as I did. More interested in sports cars and girls, although I didn't date until I was out of school.
Active Ink Slinger
Despirited dork, definitely .. Thought I was misunderstood misfit, but definitely despirited dork.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
Goth gamer, I wasnt too happy in high school. Far happier when I got out the other side.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Quote by fillelapine
Slut. Somethings never change.

Hmmm so you probably missed a lot of classroom instruction. I can help. I have a teaching certificate.
Advanced Wordsmith
I was and am the biggest nerd LOL my best relationships is when I dont talk