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Should fireworks be illegal poll

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I am taking a poll. Thank you.
I started to vote no, because we grew up in the 1950' and 60's shooting off fireworks. Everything form black cat firecrackers, to cherry bomb and tnt's to roman candles, etc. However, we had close supervision from our parents until we were over sixteen yoa. Then we were pretty much on our own and in our group, no one got hurt. Of course we also grew up playing war, hunting and fishing, shooting BB rifles, pellet rifle graduating to shotguns and .22 rifles.

Back to the fireworks; in today's world, with lawsuits, angry people at every turn and kids growing up with a gross sense of entitlement...maybe they should be outlawed except by professionals, which is really pretty sad.
I agree with Jackstay. Some people who shoot them off have no respect for any one around them. It is a shame. and not all kids either
No but people who use them unsafely should be punished severely, e.g. idiots who set them off in or near bone dry forests. You should be a minimum age 18 to purchase or possess fireworks.

People are never careful plus I live in L.A. and sometimes you need to look up at the sky to determine if that was a firework or gun shot.
It is a fun game to play.

I don't want to deal w/ humans causing fires this season but I am asking for much.

And I only love Disneyland fireworks. They have a system.

People who set off fireworks don't even bother setting up a visual Playlist. Lazy humans.
Disrespectful misuse of fireworks should be punished with high fines, and the extremely loud fireworks only used by professionals, but an overall ban NO. the enjoyment children get from watching their own little fireworks displays is too precious.
No. But they should and often are regulated as to when and where they can be used. There is a cut off time in Georgia, usually giving fireworks revelers an extra hour for July 4th.

My friends and I have done fireworks parties out in rural very low populated areas on acreage that allows us to have a good time without unduly making anyone else annoyed.
We've done tannerite parties too. Blasting tree stumps to 100 feet in the air is a lot of fun. The shooters must stay sober.
Fireworks were essentially illegal in most of the U.S. for many years. I know everything except what is considered "safe and sane" in California was illegal to manufacture, distribute, possess, or ignite in my state for as long as I can remember until about fifteen years ago. I can't recall a single 4th in all that time when the sky wasn't lit up. Remember the video from L.A. last year? They're illegal in California.

Prohibition on fireworks has the same effect as prohibition on alcohol did. People will not put up with it, and you end up with bootleg garbage that's even more dangerous.

The bulk of the injuries, damage, fires, and even irritation to neighbors can always be traced to idiots using them improperly, and in violation of current law. The rest can be chocked up to shoddy manufacturing — which also can be largely prevented by taking the appropriate precautions.

Looked it up, and my state's laws changed in 2006 to remove the "safe and sane" style prohibitions. Injuries per year:

Ontario regulates them pretty tightly and I am fine with that. They are a safety hazard (to others, not just the person lighting them off) and a noise problem. Basically, they can only be sold in the lead up to Victoria Day (Monday before May 24) and Canada Day (July 1). Though some people stock up during that time so they can use them for birthdays, weddings, etc. We used to have people setting them off from their docks up at the cottage, which I guess is safer than a back yard.

Footnote: Diwali (big Hindu festival) might be allowed, now, too. I seem to recall that from a conversation on another site.
Quote by JackStay
I started to vote no, because we grew up in the 1950' and 60's shooting off fireworks. Everything form black cat firecrackers, to cherry bomb and tnt's to roman candles, etc. However, we had close supervision from our parents until we were over sixteen yoa. Then we were pretty much on our own and in our group, no one got hurt. Of course we also grew up playing war, hunting and fishing, shooting BB rifles, pellet rifle graduating to shotguns and .22 rifles.

Back to the fireworks; in today's world, with lawsuits, angry people at every turn and kids growing up with a gross sense of entitlement...maybe they should be outlawed except by professionals, which is really pretty sad.

Same reaction, started to vote no, thinking back to the extreme laissez-faire attitude toward fireworks everyone had when I had growing up, and how much fun it was. And then I started thinking about the number of idiots in the country these days, and the lack of respect for other people's safety and well-being and property, and people's belief their "rights" are being infringed upon if they don't get their way. I still voted no, because "outlaw" seems a little strong, but they need to be heavily regulated. Because idiots.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

I grew up loving the fireworks. It was always a six plus family kind of thing, with buckets of water staged fire extinguishers all over. There was probably drinking going on but the short version of me didn't notice.

We also had a self-imposed curfew of around 2200, so that everyone could go up on someone elses' deck and watch the now-history Ivar's Fourth of July fireworks display over Elliott Bay.

I don't know what has changed. Part of it has to be that people from other areas moved here, part of it has to be the "it's mine I'll do what I want" mindset. And GPS does us no favours; for a while I lived in sort of an island of unincorporated county . Thing is, before GPS was really a thing, there weren't many problems--the city banned fireworks, and nobody was super interested in a citation. Then GPS came along, and all of a sudden there were all-night fireworks and alcohol and other substances--to the point that would water down my roof and soak my yard.

I moved, and this was years ago, but yah. I voted "yes" because stupid people are going to be stupid. And I had the chance to see the stupid uncomfortably up close, when we, I, were/was still living in that area. Neighbour starts shooting off bottle rockets around 1700, drinking who knows what--beer and something out of keg kind of thing--and so as it got later, and more drunk people showed up, I sat in the corner of my yard--it was built on a hill, so I was overlooking the stupid people party.

I don't remember what time it was, or even why, I went down to street level with my Norman. Late, probably. All kinds of legal and wildly illegal fireworks, alcohol, and not a water bucket in sight. I'm standing on the corner with Norman, sort of assessing the sitch, and then I heard screaming. My dumbass drunk neighbour was holding a Roman candle kind of thing, and I was trying to figure out who was screaming, and then I saw dumbass drunk neighbour's hand. Or what was left of it. And he's still holding the fucking Roman candle thingy.

Long story short, this guy was not only so drunk that he didn't realise his hand was blown off (I'm avoiding graphic detail here) he also didn't notice that his shorts were on fire. And exactly zero people were doing anything to help him. Guy blows his hand off and sets himself on fire, and no one calls 911.

I ran at him full speed, no real plan except a) get rid of fire, fire bad and b) get rid of firework thingy, firework thingy bad. I tackled him, already had my EDC knife out, and cut off his shorts while rolling him--he dropped the Roman candle. Idiot was screaming about his pants. Anyway, I had him more or less pinned, not on fire, and tore off my blouse to wrap around what was left of his hand. Norman helped me, in the sense that he kept the guy on the ground.

Somebody called emergency services, I don't know when. Pretty sure it wasn't a good look when the first engine arrived; huge white ball of fur and teeth standing/lying over dumbass neighbour, me covered in blood with no blouse. I/we moved shortly thereafter, but yah, I'm absolutely fine with stringent controls on fireworks.
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I clicked maybe. Is it dangerous? Yes. There are a lot of dangerous things in the world. I almost got hit by a mortar an acquaintance's teenager lit one off in my direction a few years ago. I'm not a person who loves laws, though, which is a whole other think tank thread. But one of the few things I appreciate about the states (sometimes, even) is the ability for states to make their own laws, because the country is so vast and different. Many areas in the west are in droughts and under fire warnings. There, fireworks should absolutely be able to be banned.
Thanks for your input, everyone. I feel they are too dangerous. People have lost their homes and have gotten hurt by them.
They aren't fun when it sounds like a war zone and my cat is understandably scared from all of the noise.

I personally have a lot of fun with them every year so no thank you.


People are never careful plus I live in L.A. and sometimes you need to look up at the sky to determine if that was a firework or gun shot.
It is a fun game to play.

I don't want to deal w/ humans causing fires this season but I am asking for much.

And I only love Disneyland fireworks. They have a system.

People who set off fireworks don't even bother setting up a visual Playlist. Lazy humans.

I grew up with a tradition of everyone doing fireworks on New Year's Eve, and then experienced later, when I lived in New Zealand, how nice it is when no fireworks go off. In New Zealand, they aren't done in order to protect the wildlife. I really enjoyed sitting on a lonely beach in silence, with sea lions, greeting the new year that way.

Because the new year comes, whether you make a noise, or not.

Fireworks are annoying as shit. The people who use them (at least in my area) even more so. Its always a bunch of idiots setting them off in an unsafe way on their whim disrupting everyone elses peace. They disturb a wide range of people with sensory issues and PTSD as well as pets. To me they are like people who have very loud motorcycles or cars with big wheels and loud motors. They rev up like they are impressing anyone while really they just disturb and annoy everyone else.

I dont care what you do on your time to the point where it starts affecting my peace and sanity. Do them away from areas with houses like parks. And regulate. Fine the idiots using them unsafely. Source: grew up next to an idiot neighbor who set fireworks off every other week with various injuries and property damage.

They are already illegal here. That does not stop thousands of people from going to other states and bringing them back. Enforcememt is difficult at best, as they just stop using them as you turn onto the block. As a disorderly persons offense, you have to be seen using them or possessing them to be charged, so its mostly gather up the unused fireworks and have them disposed of. While you are taking care of that, they are getting more out of the house lighting them off. Its pretty much a no win whether they are legal or not.

Private fireworks displays always seem kind of pathetic to me. "Look at me, and my sad little exploding penises!" Leave it to the pros. I think most people who do it think everyone loves it, but they only hear from the ones who do. The majority of their neighbors do NOT enjoy it unless it's one of those special holidays where fireworks are normal.

It terrifies all the pets in the neighborhood and wakes up babies. I can't tell you how many times I'd finally gotten my kids off to sleep when some asshole on the other side of the block decided to blow off a few mortars. The worst is when they do like one every fifteen minutes. I've also seen private fireworks land on roofs and start fires, and even had the wooden siding of my house hit by a jerkweed firework once.

I'm okay with private fireworks two times of the year: New Year's and Independence Day. Fine, have your fun. Kind of a given they'll happen anyway, even if they are illegal where I live. But the rest of the year: just don't. Save 'em for the next fireworks-friendly holiday, give your neighbors some peace and limit the neighborhood pets to two nights of outright terror.

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No way! I love fireworks! We still light them off at my parents house every 4th of July. It's tradition. Lighting them off yourself is way more fun than just seeing a show.

Fireworks are part of the fun of the 4th. Just be careful with them and it's not a big deal.

I thought I would comment since we're coming up on the 4th.

They just need to enforce the rules that are in place. That would be enough, but they don't. One neighbor used to shoot bottle rockets at our tree because he didn't like that we fed birds. Another liked to see if he could get them to land on our roof. The police wouldn't do anything.

Fourth of July here starts around June 30th and lasts until July 10th or so. On the outlying days, fireworks are maybe from sunset until 9:30 or 10:00. That's fine. July 1-5, they start at sunset and go until 1:30 or later.

So, at this point, yeah. Ban them.

8 Jan 2022


People are never careful plus I live in L.A. and sometimes you need to look up at the sky to determine if that was a firework or gun shot.

It is a fun game to play.

I don't want to deal w/ humans causing fires this season but I am asking for much.

And I only love Disneyland fireworks. They have a system.

People who set off fireworks don't even bother setting up a visual Playlist. Lazy humans.


Mik tells me that Malibu isn't too crazy w/ fireworks like West Hollywood is. Let's see how it goes.

It should be illegal to use Fireworks in California or anywhere where it gets hella hot cause those little fucks cause fires easily.

As some other people responded, I wouldn't outlaw them entirely, but I think stricter regulation (maybe with a licensing system) might be the best way to go. In fact, what I'm reading is that it's not the fireworks themselves that people object to, but the idea of giving idiots unlimited access to dangerous toys (NRA, are you listening?!!!).

Quote by joe71

Private fireworks displays always seem kind of pathetic to me.

Yeah, if you look at the fireworks going off up and down the street, they're usually pretty lame. I'd rather leave it to the professionals. Not only would they be more responsible, but they're also better equipped to put on a display worth watching.

I have another concern, which is the atomization of communities (fireworks are one symptom, but it's a much larger problem that probably deserves its own thread). In short, as a society we've become so individualistic, that many of us prefer a shitty little private display of fireworks instead of gathering with others in a shared space to experience a spectacle together. Ultimately, I don't think atomization is a positive trend for society, and we should be in support of events and activities that support congregation and the building of community.

Don't believe everything that you read.

I’m not a fan. Mainly because of the terror it causes all animals. So many go missing because of private usage. The last time I saw a town doing th I watched a bird frantically circle around its nest in terror. That’s when I finally said no. Never mind the dumb things people do that end up in the hospital that nurses doctors and police officers have to deal with on their holiday also. Also my dumbass neighbor shot them one year into my pool. So for fucks sake celebrate with sex instead.

I enjoy shooting fireworks, but it is very dangerous where homes are close together and it is densely populated.

It's best to go out into some acreage you yourself own or have explicit permission to use, have a big party with friends, and blow up some serious fireworks loud enough for them to hear in town, but not endangering them. Leave some big ass holes in the ground!

Fireworks, when used reasonably and responsibly, are wonderful and delightful. When used by people that are neither reasonable nor responsible, then, they become a hazard. The problem with outlawing something, because some folks can't engage their brains before they take action, is never a solution. My opinion.

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Lot more interest in this topic than I thought there would be. I rescue animals and I can tell you that the number of animals that break out and are sent into panic because of the loud explosions and the sudden noises during certain holidays are tremendous. I have had to tranq some of my large animals because of both legal and illegal fireworks on New Years and the Fourth of July. The local "animal shelter" has had as much as 10 times as many animals picked after heavy fireworks. The Fourth that just passed was a really bad one as the fireworks started on Saturday and didn't stop until Thursday in my area. Yeah, I think it's about time we think about at least broadly limitiing the types of fireworks that are available to individuals.