The effects of COVID have varied widely around the world.
In Large nations like the US, Canada, China and the UK responses have varied depending on geographic locale and political ideology.
I was going to ask if you feel like your nation was adequately prepared, but honestly....
Nobody was.
Has your government met your expectations for this type of crisis?
What do you feel was lacking?
Has your government used this as a learning tool to prevent future outbreaks?
Quite true, no one was prepared for this. Living in the USA, l think the response is about a D+ if you use school grading. Too slow, too unorganized and chaotic, not uniform in material, and too politicized.
I do think in the future a better presidential administration can use this response to know how to do a much better job.
Currently, states have to do too much fending for themselves when it comes to protective equipment, tests (especially the newest tests). States have been competing with one another to purchase equipment and medicine from both domestic and foreign companies and governments. In the past, the federal government did that and states got what they needed from the feds. But not under Mr. Loves His Own Image Trump.
In the USA, we have a president who actually does not understand what his legal limitations on power are, nor the leadership he is supposed to take in a crisis. He flip flops on his actions and is clearly in over his head. And Trump often does not follow science, the advice of expert doctors.
With states not having much coordination and leadership from the federal government, there is no telling how long Covid-19 could keep popping up with hot spots.
I feel an organized, effective response could've resulted in fewer deaths, a shorter pandemic, and less economic damage.
I'm very satisfied with NZ's response to this and the work Jacinda and her team of experts have done. We've had 1,137 confirmed cases, 1,276 recovered, and 20 deaths. All of the deaths have been elderly people as our biggest cluster was a rest home. Those deaths are people at the end of the day though, and if we didn't take such strict action when we did, our death toll would've been a lot higher and recovery rate a lot lower.
I am currently unsure of the Government's plan for any future potential pandemic but I'm sure with this being an election year it's bound to come up at some point.
ScoMo (Scott Morrison) has done a great job for Australia. If it wasn't for the Ruby Princess, Australia would be doing even better than we are now.
It's a good question, but ultimately I'll have to say, "Still too early to call."
Somewhat to my surprise (I'm not a fan of our Prime Minister, or our state Premier), Australia has done remarkably well at going from confirmed cases increasing at a similar rate to Italy or the US to having fewer than 20 new cases per day for almost two weeks now. Some of that was that probably that our confirmed cases were closer to the actual number of cases in the country than for either Italy or the US, some was the natural advantage of being an island, and some was Aussies being very aware of what had happened in China and Italy leading people mostly pushing the PM to go harder on lockdowns rather than rioting on the street about the idea. And some may have been pure luck.
So I'd say a solid B+ so far. Some marks off for mixed messages, a massive cock-up in letting people wander off a cruise ship before tests came back on a number of staff and passengers (several were positive), and a large cluster at an aged care facility which hasn't been handled well... I do realize that much of the rest of the world would wish that they were the biggest problems...
BUT... this things got a long time to play out yet. A vaccine is at least several months away, people are trying to figure out how to ease restrictions and the virus is still out there. Oh, and winter is coming (that's a nice, ominous line... I wonder if anyone's used it before??) Obviously, this virus can be transmitted in hot weather, and no one really knows yet if it's more easily spread in winter, but it's definitely a possibility.
So we just passed another bill that gave millions in support to front line workers. It was achieved by the federal government and the various provincial governments who actually worked together... Wow, what a concept.
Not a hand out.... A wage top up.
Of course the people that have continued to work should be compensated. I have no problem with my taxes going to that.
Los Angeles County and the State of California? I strongly approve.
Maryland? Stongly approve.
New York? Doing what's right!
National government? Fuck the Trump whitehouse and anyone who supports them.
"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.
Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
The Dutch government calls our lockdown implementation an "intelligent lockdown", meaning less strict than in many other European countries but therefore with more personal and collective responsibility to make it work ("intelligent" refers to the citizens being able to handle such responsibility, not to the measures themselves).
Measures were late, too late, though if they had been set earlier then there would probably have been no support for them at all. But it was to be expected that people going to the Alps for winter sports as well as the celebration of Carnival in the southern parts of the Netherlands would likely become the point of entry and the means of rapid spread. And that's exactly what happened. So not satisfied with the response times (at many stages), but overall rather satisfied with the kind of measures taken.
One other thing I'm not satisfied with is the lack of transparency in the decision making process though. Lack of transparency is a thing that keeps coming back with the current government though, not just related to this crisis.
Australia may be upside down but our government has their approach the right way up.
Trump should be in prison for criminal negligence. He has tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths on his hands.
I agree with Beffer and sprite. Piss poor doesn't even start covering this deadly fiasco.
You mean the response where the government:
1) ignored the virus
2) downplayed the threat of the virus
3) took the virus seriously and asked for precautions like masks and social distancing
4) took the virus seriously while simultaneously telling people to RESIST precautions like masks and social distancing
5) ignored the virus again
6) looked like a deer trapped in headlights as the second wave hit
7) lost the November election in a resounding landslide that gave the Democrats the Presidency, the Senate, and the House, and left the Republican Party limping and broken and entirely out of touch with an increasingly young, non-white electorate.
I might be getting a little ahead of myself with #7.
Aside from the mismanagement of the medical supply chain, why blame Trump? At least 30% of Americans are crazy and lack common sense. Trump didn't force them to sing in choirs, go to rallies, have family gatherings, hang out in large numbers in indoor bars. He didn't forbid them to wear masks. Americans just hate their neighbors. Masks save lives - who the Hell cares? Infect your grandma, or someone else's. They think the numbers are fake and it's all a Democratic, socialist, communist, Black Lives Matter, Jewish, Muslim, gay, Gates, plot. Wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, avoid crowds, stay safe.
I'm pissed everything was shutdown and fucked up over a lame flu type virus
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.
Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
A Reuters report today said "Fauci warned that the daily increase of new cases in the United States, currently around 40,000, could reach 100,000 if people do not adhere to social distancing guidelines and wear masks."
I drive around my community outside of San Antonio, Texas and see signs of hate and defiance. The reality is that we need compassion and respect for each other.
How satisfied am I with my nation's Covid response? On a scale of 1 - 10 I'd rate it at -35.
And by the way I know a 28 year old man who struggled with Covid in March-April. Grow up, Millenials!
All people should have the common decency to wear a mask in public. It's for protection for other people more than for yourself. Not caring about the well being of others is a major indication that one is very selfish.
Quarantine is Quarantine is Quarantine ! ! !
Are some people that dense or can't they look in a dictionary to find the meaning of the word.
The US government's response has been dreadful. It came late to the game and is still not doing what could be done.
But huge numbers of the population are also responsible for the virus's continued, and apparently accelerating, spread.
California just this week had to dial back its staged reopening because of newly climbing numbers of infections. People getting impatient have made this whole thing worse.
One thing that really ought to happen is PSAs on TV every day repeating how much more dangerous than flu this virus is and how wearing a facemask is a socially responsible, even patriotic, duty.
A daily reminder might help sway fools who refuse to wear a mask, currently. A message repeated over and over will stick eventually.
I keep coming back to this thread. I type and then delete which isn't my M.O.
The US Government responded in a snail's pace.
California, well, Mayor Gracetti and Governor Newsom did what was best for us, Angelinos. Newsom have order to reopen gyms, bars and restaurants which was clearly stupid but of course, humans flocked to them. I can not feel bad for those whom have chosen to attend these places and have fallen ill to the point of expiring.
Please wear a mask that covers from your nose to the chin. If it doesn't fit your large face then buy another mask.