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Have you ever visited a psychic?

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nope but I have been approached a few times by women who read my palm. They all said the same thing.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by LYFBUZ
nope but I have been approached a few times by women who read my palm. They all said the same thing.

that you masturbate a LOT?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

they said I was going to die and pay taxes
I don't really believe in that stuff, personally. I mean, it's fun to think about, but I wouldn't spend my money on it.
Short Arse Brit
Yeah Crazy bitch told me to close my eyes and concentrate, that soon I would see the light. Then she was clearly holding a candle in front of me telling me to keep them shut and asking if I could see it now? It was so fucking funny; people actually fall for this shit?

I have no time for these people, they take advantage of people who are grieving with promises of being able to contact the people that they have lost. Imagine being a mother who lost her child in an accident, so desperate to know that her child is ok that she will fall for this trickery. Fucking shame on these people, making money out of other peoples misery.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Active Ink Slinger
No. I've never seen the need and, to be honest, the whole thing kind of creeps me out.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Sexy Seductive Siren
No. The only things that anyone can be sure about the future is that the future will changed with you or without you by people you don't even know and that you'll eventually die. No one can predict the future because the future isn't controlled by any single person, but by humanity collectively.
Maker of Mediocre Jokes
Psychic, palm reading, tarot reading, Ouija board and I Ching I've done. Seance no. All complete horseshit.

Hell, with the Psychic I went with the explicit desire to troll the psychic, I said the dead person was my brother, and he was killed in a prison, where he was serving six consecutive life sentences for murder. So when she said he was in heaven, I pretended to be distraught and coming to the realization that nothing has any consequence, if someone who killed multiple people could get to heaven. When I revealed I was doing this just to prove the psychic a fraud (she had (in my opinion) scammed a friend of mine) she got pissed.

Naturally given that she was proven to be con artist, she didn't charge me, ain't I a stinker. I wish I recorded it but two party consent state so y'know.

The tarot and palm reading were too vague to be of any use, ticking off every category you can think of in writing prophecies was in effect here.

Ouija was with friends and we were drunk, so answers tended to involve monkeys and poop, so either we were screwing around or the ghost was as drunk as we were.

I Ching was a bit confusing. I'm pretty sure I screwed up the reading so the reading is somehow more meaningless than it would have been anyway.

I don't like the whole thing, I think it's a predatory scam.
Rookie Scribe
I'm in Australia and yes I've been to one several times, she is a physic/reiki healer and I was a sceptic on day one but she made me into a believer within 15 minutes. She has done reiki on me and it works in her hands, so to speak.
I visited her 3 months after my sister's death and she saw me walk in and rushed up to me saying that I was surrounded by grief.
My sister lived in another state, 1000 miles away so she had no way of having any foreknowledge.
I've recommended her to friends and they all come away shaking their heads in disbelief at how accurate she is.
Some come out crying but with a feeling of comfort/relief.
Never say never.
I believe in all of it
I have had my Tarot read (? not sure of the nomenclature) after meeting a lovely elderly woman and her son, helping her to her destination with her bags. The destination, of course, was Edge of the Circle Books, in Seattle, where she spent a couple of hours every week reading tarot cards for a fee.

Anyway. If anyone is a sceptic, I am. She offered to read my Tarot, declined to take payment, and so I sat down. I told her nothing about myself verbally--although it wasn't a straight cold read, since she knew going in that I was the sort to stop on a street and ask/demand to assist an elderly person in need of assistance.

She came up with what she called some "interesting" cards. IIRC she told me that one doesn't read any card alone but in combination with the other cards. She came up with my being fearless in protecting those whom I love or care about or believe need help (warm read--see above); my being a "master of death" (again, see above); and some other things, like that I make decisions quickly but carefully consider the math on those decisions (risk/benefit analysis; again, see above).

The only one that she possibly could have been "reading" was that I was considering a career switch--I hadn't told her anything about my career, although she saw my badge and probably saw me coming out of the Medical Centre's secure off-site facility, which is how she and I crossed paths. I was at the time looking into a BSc in Emergency Management (done, now) and was in fact working--then on a volunteer basis--with city Fire's Office of Emergency Management. Still, I don't chalk that up to some psychic ability--I chalk it up to a very good guess.

We did have good tea--I had some Murchie's Wedding Blend in my backpack, she'd brought cookies from home for the store owner, we had a lovely bit of conversation and laughter. I still go back on occasion just to check in on how she is doing, even though I now work at the hospital proper and not at the offsite facility. So yes, I have visited with a psychic, and yes, I've had my Tarot read, but no, not even slightly convinced that it's anything more than a very good eye for details that make psychics appear psychic.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Advanced Wordsmith
I was going to but she wanted me to make an appointment.

I mean, WTF.
Most Lush moderators will accept tips (read: bribes).
Active Ink Slinger
I've dated a PsychoChic... same thing I think...
No i have not because i do not believe in those things and i i think it is a load of rubbish. Though i respect others opinion. Also i know of a few people who have been badly effected by following in these things.
Visited? I've never seen one... where are they found?
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Once but they were closed due to unforeseen circumstances smile
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Rookie Scribe
I've been friends with several over the past decade plus, and I've made the acquaintance of many others. There are some who are what they claim to be. Very few. Most are just very good at reading people's expressions and body language rather than their spirit or aura, even if they aren't aware that is what they are doing.

A strong aspect of psychic readings is the person being read. If they hear what they want or expect to hear, they are more likely to believe it and, thus, declare the psychic "real". That said, I have had some experiences which were quite unexpected that have reinforced my belief that there is "something" to it.

The most glaring was one day my (ex) girlfriend and I were in our home office in Arizona. We were developing on an online smoking cessation website and our desks were side by side. Taking a break, we were involved in a Yahoo Group Chat with four or five other people who were all members of a metaphysical website organization. Serious woo-woo, I'm telling you. Anyhow, as those chat groups go, there were a few conversations running simultaneously. Nobody knew Eve and I were in the same place. Her location stated California, where she'd lived before we'd gotten together.

The person I was chatting with, located in New Jersey, typed "phone". Assuming he meant he had gotten a call, I replied "See you when you're done." He came back and said "Not me. Eve." At that moment, Eve's cell phone rang. It was Eve's best friend calling from her home outside of Detroit. She was not a member of the metaphysical group. I don't thing Eve had even mentioned it to her. Well, when I heard the ring I looked at her in shock. Looking back, I saw he'd typed "ha ha ha ha ha".

I've turned this over and around, and there is no way on God's green earth he could have known Ruby was calling Eve, other than a psychic one.
Yes, Ohio State Fair, 1970.

<<< Her and I.

My father was taking us down the midway. Blistering hot and humid day. Mother had stayed back at the pavilion guarding our luncheon. The old man would go from one lemonade stand to the next working his way thru the midway with us.

"Cully, look, boy, take me." Girl

5 dollars a pop. That was a lot of money for then.

"Here, kids." The old man handed me two tens.

"Thank you, Mr. Castleberry." Girl

"You're welcome, sweetheart." the old man

"Take me, Cully!"

The tent was old, gray and smelled awful.

Katie-Girl and I clasped hands tightly.

"You too young."

An old gypsy woman seated at a table.

"Ten dollar. You got?"

There went half the twenty.

"Sit, sit. Too young" Gray metal chairs.

A burgundy babushka quickly whipped aside to reveal a crystal ball.

"Too young. Girl stubborn. Boy stubborn. Too young."

"Hold hand all day. No more."

We froze.

"Go. No more. Hold hand all day."


"You got more?"

Girl went right away. "Yes, Cully-boy has ten more dollars."

"Sit, sit."

There went the whole gd 20.

"Too young." One more time with the too young and I was going to get the old man.

"There love. Long time. Never end."


"You go now. You boy you hold girl hand all day. No more."

"Now, go!"

The old man was waiting for us with a fresh lemonade and two more tens.

"There's always more time-and-a-half, kids."

"Thank you, Mr. Castleberry."

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

"C'mon, Cully take me for a sno cone. A blue one. Hurry!"

Half a century back-That old gyp was right-"Never end."
Rainbow Warrior
No. They always know I'm coming and lock the door and hang up the 'Closed' sign.
Active Ink Slinger
Felt bored .. so I did, and it all ended up false! :P
Voyeur @ f/64
I tried to, but she started crying and made me leave. I went next door and had a glass of porter instead. The bartender said there was a vast plague coming and did I want another.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Gentile
Yes, Ohio State Fair, 1970.

<<< Her and I.

My father was taking us down the midway. Blistering hot and humid day. Mother had stayed back at the pavilion guarding our luncheon. The old man would go from one lemonade stand to the next working his way thru the midway with us.

"Cully, look, boy, take me." Girl

5 dollars a pop. That was a lot of money for then.

"Here, kids." The old man handed me two tens.

"Thank you, Mr. Castleberry." Girl

"You're welcome, sweetheart." the old man

"Take me, Cully!"

The tent was old, gray and smelled awful.

Katie-Girl and I clasped hands tightly.

"You too young."

An old gypsy woman seated at a table.

"Ten dollar. You got?"

There went half the twenty.

"Sit, sit. Too young" Gray metal chairs.

A burgundy babushka quickly whipped aside to reveal a crystal ball.

"Too young. Girl stubborn. Boy stubborn. Too young."

"Hold hand all day. No more."

We froze.

"Go. No more. Hold hand all day."


"You got more?"

Girl went right away. "Yes, Cully-boy has ten more dollars."

"Sit, sit."

There went the whole gd 20.

"Too young." One more time with the too young and I was going to get the old man.

"There love. Long time. Never end."


"You go now. You boy you hold girl hand all day. No more."

"Now, go!"

The old man was waiting for us with a fresh lemonade and two more tens.

"There's always more time-and-a-half, kids."

"Thank you, Mr. Castleberry."

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

"C'mon, Cully take me for a sno cone. A blue one. Hurry!"

Half a century back-That old gyp was right-"Never end."

That was really nice. Great dialogue. Thanks for sharing it.
Active Ink Slinger
I've had my cards read and my past and future explored a few times for fun. Been told a lot of stuff that seemed to have some elements of truth to it. Then some that was dead wrong. I do plant my turnips when Grandma told me the signs were right.
Wild at Heart
I think it's all BS but I do find the history of tarot cards, how they became tools for "divination" and the artwork itself very fascinating. I actually own about a dozen decks simply because of that.

Never had a reading before but would be interesting just to see the reader's "abilities".
Quote by Magical_felix
I think it's all BS but I do find the history of tarot cards, how they became tools for "divination" and the artwork itself very fascinating. I actually own about a dozen decks simply because of that.


You may already know this work, Jack. But if not, you might find it interesting.

The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca tarrochi by Peter Mark Adams.

"e Sola-Busca tarocchi.
For the first time in over five hundred years, the clues embedded within the cards have been decoded to reveal a pagan ritual tradition active amongst the members of the Renaissance elite.
Beneath its beautifully decorated surface, its imagery ranges from the bizarre to the grotesque; we encounter scenes of homoeroticism, wounding, immolation and decapitation redolent of hidden meanings, violent transformations and obscure rites.
Conveyed from Byzantium to Italy in the dying years of the Byzantine Empire, the pagan Platonist, George Gemistos Plethon, sought to ensure the survival of Neoplatonic theurgy by transplanting it into the elite families of the Italian Renaissance.
Plethon’s vision of an elite, illumined Saturnian brotherhood marks the birth of the idea of an illumined elite over three centuries before Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati.
‘The Game of Saturn’ fully explores the historical context for the deck’s creation against the background of Byzantine decline, interstate diplomatic intrigue and Ferrarese-Venetian warfare.
The recovery of the deck’s encoded narratives constitutes a significant contribution to Renaissance scholarship, art history, tarot studies and the history of Western esotericism.

Simple Scribbler
I went a few years ago. This lady was highly praised in the alternative medicine world in my city. Not so much a psychic, but a very spiritual, intuitive lady. It was an unbelievable experience for me. She knew things about my personality and offered advice and we were talking about my desire to write children's books. She told me to do it if I enjoyed it but writing adult content would bring me abundance. Crazy! I had just joined Lush and told noone. She talked about how to interpret things around me. I felt completely understood by this stranger. And I think most psychics are phony, but a few people do have extra intuitions.
Wild at Heart
Quote by LucaByDesign

You may already know this work, Jack. But if not, you might find it interesting.

The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca tarrochi by Peter Mark Adams.

"e Sola-Busca tarocchi.
For the first time in over five hundred years, the clues embedded within the cards have been decoded to reveal a pagan ritual tradition active amongst the members of the Renaissance elite.
Beneath its beautifully decorated surface, its imagery ranges from the bizarre to the grotesque; we encounter scenes of homoeroticism, wounding, immolation and decapitation redolent of hidden meanings, violent transformations and obscure rites.
Conveyed from Byzantium to Italy in the dying years of the Byzantine Empire, the pagan Platonist, George Gemistos Plethon, sought to ensure the survival of Neoplatonic theurgy by transplanting it into the elite families of the Italian Renaissance.
Plethon’s vision of an elite, illumined Saturnian brotherhood marks the birth of the idea of an illumined elite over three centuries before Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati.
‘The Game of Saturn’ fully explores the historical context for the deck’s creation against the background of Byzantine decline, interstate diplomatic intrigue and Ferrarese-Venetian warfare.
The recovery of the deck’s encoded narratives constitutes a significant contribution to Renaissance scholarship, art history, tarot studies and the history of Western esotericism.

Thank you! I love channels like this. Have a a bunch of brainless paperwork to take care of this morning and this is perfect.