If you have sex with Rick Springfield in his trailer while snorting cocaine off a mirror and wearing nothing but your socks and a lobster bib, just so you can have new material for a Lush story.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av. When it's 1 O'clock A.M. , I know I need to get to sleep, can barely keep my eyes open, and I just got hooked on another story...
your addicted to Lush when your at work and ur thinking okay 7 more hours and i can go home and get on lush then 6 more to go .......
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"
Oh I am so addicted to Lush it ain't funny hell me and my wife and girlfriend are met them all cause of this wonderfully addictive site called Luststories. LMAO
When you feel out of place with people who don't openly talk or are disgusted by sexual activities.
All i guessed was that the right answer could be 'masturbate'!!
You know you're addicted to Lush when your partner complains you are on the Lush all the time and even though you deny it you know it's true...just another 15 minutes of chat lol
You know you are addicted to Lush when you have it come on as your homepage and are already logged in to save time from putting your password in. LOL
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
You know your addicted to Lush when your girlfriend is dressed up real sexy and is in the mood and you tell her to quick log on so we can cyber...
I'm Redwolf and I'm a Lush addict.
You know your addicted when you spend more time on Lush than you do at work.
When you can't tell anyone what you watched on T.V. all month long.
when you are on your work computer and first thing you do is log into Lush instead of checking your email
your addicted when u let all your chores around the house pile up and come to lush instead
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"
You stay up till 3:20 a.m. writing a story and then get hit with an interesting question that will probably linger in your mind past the next days quitting time.
And what question would that be eiotis???
I'm ChelleLaBelle and i am addicted to Lush!
You know your addicted to lush when you say your going to check Facebook and instead you check Lush and then you check facebook and then Lush then Email and lush again and Myspace and ... you gessed it. Lush. And when your constantly wondering if that 1 person you really want to talk to is on lush. And even when you get a phone with internet and have lush as one of your bookmarks. lol
I have difficulty working on my computer in the day without seeing who has written a new story. I also love to find like minded people on Lush to chat with.
Next some of our female users have great pictures, so by the time ive updated myself i have a raging hard penis and have to wait until its gone down to leave my desk.
Lush is an addiction, but i think a very healthy one.
When your GPA is in the shitter....
It's my fault, I know. But if lush wasn't so damn awesome, I wouldn't want to log on 22/7 (I take two hours off for sleep and eating food. lol)
My name is Caharain, and I too am a lush addict.
Recently I tried to break my addiction by taking several weeks off (also due to a broken comp) by not using my work comp to log on. I failed miserably. I found myself curled up in a ball in my kitchen, sweating profusely needing my fix. The day my new comp came I almost locked it up trying to get logged on here.
So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family. George Carlin