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Which of these countries you would choose as your 2nd home?

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Well,we all have thought of what country except our motherland we would love to live in.So here is alist of possible one's.Please do not choose your motherland if is listed.
No Canada?
Quote by Beffer
No Canada?

screw that - i'm writing in Canada! hell, might even choose it as my first home way things been going.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

#1 - Canada

#2 - Sweden

#3 - Czech Republic

#4 - Argentina
Going with Norway. My roots are based in Scandinavia
I'd go with Sweden, or switzerland if it was listed, since it's not, Norway then.
That's easy! NEW ZEALAND!
My second home has been the US.

Don't believe everything that you read.

1. England
2. Germany
3. France
4. Italy
5. Jamaica
How is Zambia on this list yet USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland and the UK are not?

I would probably pick the US (west coast) or Australia because my profession is transferable there.

Wait is this a second home in addition to the current one? I think I would pick the South of France then.
If i had to take in mind any peoples liking,then i should have put an Atlas instead of a list.
Quote by DamonX
How is Zambia on this list yet USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland and the UK are not?

I would probably pick the US (west coast) or Australia because my profession is transferable there.

Wait is this a second home in addition to the current one? I think I would pick the South of France then.

Sorry hon,i cant put all the world in it.Zambia btw is an awesome place to be.I have been there and it was fantastic!
New Zealand.
West coast of America.
any country where i can be nude in public i hate wearing clothes
New Zealand for us. We have vacationed there and it is a lovely place.
Greece (but only Greece was listed so I chose Greece)
Of those which are listed, the only ones I would consider living in are Norway, New Zealand, and Japan. Probably New Zealand, if only because I already speak the language and it other than being relatively close to Sydney is not of that much strategic importance in case of multinational or global war. Norway has a generally high standard of happiness good healthcare, and since I took some Japanese in high school, I think it would be easier to learn than a Nordic language.

Including countries which are not on the presented list, I would also consider Canada, Germany, Switzerland. Possibly France, Ireland, the UK, or Australia (Sydney), but they would be lesser preferences.
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For me it has to be Greece
I’d definitely select Ireland as my second country followed by:Australia, England, France, Italy and Spain
Hungary or Poland. Iceland would be a distant third. The rest of Europe is in such chaos I wouldn't even visit for free.
Out of that lot, New Zealand. No, not just because of Lauradj being from there, though it helps . It's a well-off Commonwealth country that more or less speaks English and has some gorgeous scenery.

Another alternative homeland that might eventually happen, at least for part of the year, is China. My wife is Chinese so I have family there (two siblings-in-law, a niece, a nephew, and tons of cousins-in-law), I know some nice places to live, and Shanghai is major air hub now so I could do lots of travelling with my wife's hometown as a base.

That said, I'd probably want to be closer to home than that, just get rid of snow. So maybe the US Southwest (love the scenery and weather down there even if the politics gets me down), California, or one of the Dutch Antilles (Curacao was nice when we visited briefly last year).
I'll take Jamaica - love the Caribbean and warm waters!!!
Portugal for me.
K.C. Harding is the pen name of a couple from the south of England. She is dominant, he is the one with many fetishes. Together they write erotic novels and stories.
None of those listed.

Italy, France and Spain in order of preference.
The land of the little people to be sure. Ireland. I love it been many times and love the black stuff. Then Wales. I love the way the Welsh seak and have a Welsh translator. Then there is the land of the mountain and the flood. Scotland. All those men in skirts. And yes real Scots don't wear anything under their klits as I found out when a guy was having a pee.