When you don't matter to someone, but they are your world.
All of the aforementioned but a few more:
Politicians that don't look after their constituents.
Rude People
Que Pushers
Know Alls
People that talk over you
But probablt the worst for us guys is having a lady your really keen on telling u she just wants to be friends. That really sucks.ZhhmGQnmUw0NjOFK
People with multiple excuses for their lack of progress, and who take no personal accountability for it.
I can't stand tailgaters. I always do the speed limit and most of the time maybe even 5 miles over. I had people that just ride my ass.
If I stop short, you will hit me.....grrrrrrr
When people try and tell me how to do my job, or insist that I don't know what I'm doing. Unless you're my boss, don't tell me how to do my job and if you keep telling me I don't know what I'm doing, I will gladly let someone else help you.
The way he broke up with me after barely talking to me for weeks...
But I'm a resilient assed m.f....
Always have been.
Those who leave their shopping carts in a parking space...can't be bothered to push it 20 feet to the cart corral.
People who are cruel to animals, or even just neglectful of them. Dogs (cats and all the others) deserve better people!
People who watch Fox News and allow their minds to be twisted by hate-speech.
When I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep.
When I am in the middle of cooking a fabulous meal and I'm missing an important ingredient.
When I let my emotions get the best of me. It's such a waste of fucking time.
Poor grammar.
People who dont understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. It may seem wrong, but it could be all they know.
People who are disrespectful to others. Especially when basic human rights are disrespected.
Arrogant people.
Not being able to sleep.
I know why I can't. This sucks.
Hitting the back button on your phone and loosing everything you were just doing.
People that don't walk the talk...