As one of the comments half mentioned having sex with babies
the animals believe cures AIDS..
South Africa is by far the most dangerous place in the world for anybody
Some of these issues are covered in Customary Law (Traditional African Tribal Laws) in South Africa, which is completely different from the Roman-Dutch base that mainstream South Africa is supposed to work on, which renders certain issues quite hopeless.
Sadly these are horrific realities.
About 25-30% of my workforce are HIV positive.
From time to time I receive a doctors note explaining that an employee has TB. This means in practical reality he is close to dying from aids. I then attempt to have him admitted to an hospice for him to die in some form of comfort. The family does not always agree. After sometime a group of the family members arrive at my offices wearing their Sunday church clothes. They never make an appointment, so sometimes that have to wait. They usually bring food, as they know they will have to wait. Out of respect for the deceased it is a matter that can only be discussed with the big boss. So they won't speak to anyone else. They ask for money for the funeral and USD500 to buy a cow to be slaughtered at the funeral. I attempt to talk them out of the cow idea, explaining the benefits of using the money for something else ie education for their other children or relatives. It is taken as mildly insulting by them. That is their custom. None of them have any money.
When my workers get sick or injured they only want to go to a witch doctor. Sometimes almost close to forcefully I have them taken to a Western hospital.
Last Wednesday one of my businesses was held up by 4 armed gunmen. It is about the 30th time in 10 years.
There is a lot, and has been a lot of delusional reasoning that takes place here in South Africa.
Despite these things South Africans are fighting to come out of the grave darkness of aparthied. There is a lot of hope and the human condition is improving. However there is a lot of work to be done to ensure justice and that the constitutional rights of all South Africans are upheld.
This is a matter primarily for the South African people themselves. However they need help. To find happiness. From anywhere or anyone that can teach them...........
To think and to reason
In South Africa was treason
To think of fair and be aware
Was something you would never dare
To think of man as other can
With love and hope, was not the plan
Unity was muntiny
Against your fellow man
Justice and injustice
Render each its due
Live your life
Avoid the strife
And see what it makes you
Bring harmony to life
With fellow man your wife
Who I am
Depends on what you do?
This is absolutly shattering to read. How can anyone see this as being "okay", no one woman or man should have to live thier life that way and worry about being murdered for something so basic as who they pick for thier lover. We still see things like this here in the U.S. but it has gotten much better. I hope that these women band together and stand up against thier predators.
I apologise to wake a topic that has died a while ago but its a topic very close to my heart as I am South African.
I really feel that people should NOT judge a country only based on one article. How dare you (DBarclay) have the audacity to say that about a country that you clearly dont know much about. It really appalled me how you can make statements like that and i was under the impression that this was forum for those are well versed in matters that surround them. Clearly some member are not.
Please dont take this the wrong way but......this world is so messed up and so EVIL that while I was reading this it didn't even surprise me. I barely batted an eyelash. It's just one more sick thing to pile up with the long list of sick things this WORLD is capable of.
When you turn on the news and hear about women being abducted and , or tortured, or stabbed. Women being kidnapped and having their babies cut out of their wombs.
Girls being sold into prostitution, babies being dumped into dumpsters.
The halocaust, slavery, The war in Iraq. Women not having equal rights in other countries.
People being kidnapped and murdered and cut up into pieces and stored in freezers....
Fathers who lock their daughters in secret underground apartment for almost 20 yrs fathering 4 and 5 children with her..... and this happens to go unnoticed?
and countless other things. It's no longer a "Today in _______ Country, an atrocity like no other...."
Things are happening all over this world and its like a huge surprise when something else happens. This world is just going to keep getting sicker and sicker and more evil and that's just the reality that we have to live with.
The problem is ignorance, a total lack of education. Parts of Africa are modern but lots of places over there are 1000 years behind us in the evolution and growth of civilization.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av. Id just like to inform you all that they aren't being because they are 'lesbian' they are being because they believe that they are virgins, the story amongst them goes that they believe a virgin can cure them of aids, some believe only black virgins others believe only white.
This is also nothing new, tragic yes I have many friends that have been , but nothing new.
in South Africa has also escalated due to the Fifa World Cup being held next year, most women are captured and prepared for sex trade.
To me the most tragic and heart wrenching is when I see or hear of little girls being , Im an aunty to three beautiful little girls (3,5 and 6), every time I hear of it or see the little girls in such horrific states I start to cry because I can just imagine them in the same position.
Its all very sad, but Ill keep my faith alive that my country will return to the safe place it once was.
However for my own safety I choose not to remain in South Africa, I had nothing to do with the country becoming what it is today and I'm not willing to be tortured by stories and remembrance of what it once was.
Charly, I didn't do what you mentioned. I did say "some" places of Africa are modern and "some" other places are not.
How is that a sweeping generalization of an entire people or culture?
My point was that education would stop the act of to cure aids. for sexual urge or compulsion would still be around and it is in every corner of the planet. However, to cure aids is pretty unique to some areas of the planet which are stuck years in the past and haven't caught up to modern times.
Race is irrelevant and had nothing to do with my comments.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av. As an atheist or agnostic I agree with your comments regarding religion. I also never grouped an entire continent together.
I didn't mean for this to be an argument.
I think some areas of the planet have ass backwards or under developed societies and I don't think it is wrong to call a spade a spade.
I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but its my opinion on the matter.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av. ok so...oops religion talk....wrong room.
People have the right to post thier opinion Primal but there are going to be times that people disagree no need to apologize just agree to disagree......
I personally feel that women in many places on this earth are not doesn't matter the what part......
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
The official statistics do support DB's contention that South Africa is an extremely dangerous place:
Rapes (per capita)
# 1 South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people
# 2 Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people
# 3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people
# 4 Montserrat: 0.749384 per 1,000 people
# 5 Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people
# 6 Jamaica: 0.476608 per 1,000 people
# 7 Zimbabwe: 0.457775 per 1,000 people
# 8 Dominica: 0.34768 per 1,000 people
# 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people
# 10 Iceland: 0.246009 per 1,000 people
# 11 Papua New Guinea: 0.233544 per 1,000 people
# 12 New Zealand: 0.213383 per 1,000 people
# 13 United Kingdom: 0.142172 per 1,000 people
# 14 Spain: 0.140403 per 1,000 people
# 15 France: 0.139442 per 1,000 people
# 16 Korea, South: 0.12621 per 1,000 people
# 17 Mexico: 0.122981 per 1,000 people
# 18 Norway: 0.120836 per 1,000 people
# 19 Costa Rica: 0.118277 per 1,000 people
# 20 Venezuela: 0.115507 per 1,000 people
Surprising to Australia in third, and Canada in fifth.
Murders (per capita)
# 1 Colombia: 0.617847 per 1,000 people
# 2 South Africa: 0.496008 per 1,000 people
# 3 Jamaica: 0.324196 per 1,000 people
# 4 Venezuela: 0.316138 per 1,000 people
# 5 Russia: 0.201534 per 1,000 people
# 6 Mexico: 0.130213 per 1,000 people
# 7 Estonia: 0.107277 per 1,000 people
# 8 Latvia: 0.10393 per 1,000 people
# 9 Lithuania: 0.102863 per 1,000 people
# 10 Belarus: 0.0983495 per 1,000 people
# 11 Ukraine: 0.094006 per 1,000 people
# 12 Papua New Guinea: 0.0838593 per 1,000 people
# 13 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0802565 per 1,000 people
# 14 Thailand: 0.0800798 per 1,000 people
# 15 Moldova: 0.0781145 per 1,000 people
# 16 Zimbabwe: 0.0749938 per 1,000 people
# 17 Seychelles: 0.0739025 per 1,000 people
# 18 Zambia: 0.070769 per 1,000 people
# 19 Costa Rica: 0.061006 per 1,000 people
# 20 Poland: 0.0562789 per 1,000 people
# 21 Georgia: 0.0511011 per 1,000 people
# 22 Uruguay: 0.045082 per 1,000 people
# 23 Bulgaria: 0.0445638 per 1,000 people
# 24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
# 25 Armenia: 0.0425746 per 1,000 people
# 26 India: 0.0344083 per 1,000 people
# 27 Yemen: 0.0336276 per 1,000 people
# 28 Dominica: 0.0289733 per 1,000 people
# 29 Azerbaijan: 0.0285642 per 1,000 people
# 30 Finland: 0.0283362 per 1,000 people
Charley, thank you for posting the official statistics. I am shocked that Australia is listed as third, but then again i'm not. I for one was when I was 14 and no one is surprised when I tell them. Their response is "me too".
It's a very sad mixed up world, no matter what country it is.
thats awful and sick...and just down right disturbing