Friends …
It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that one of our own – PJH – died last month in England.
He had leukemia and lingered, so it is perhaps a relief that he no longer suffers.
It hurts when it's someone you know – and didn't get a chance to say good-bye.
But it's also a tap on the shoulder. Tempus Fugit – time is fleeting, and you should embrace what you have.
So, for today, no grousing about the weather, the coffee, or even the Bear.
Appreciate what we have, and make the most of it.
And a toast – to PJH!
Bertha has been primed, and there are teas in the box, waiting for hot water from Tea Kettle.
Donuts, as always.
Take care out there – and take care of each other, 'K?