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When is the best time to submit?

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I've been submitting stories for a while now and have been quite pleased with the response. (especially Ice Cold Pussy

But I'm curious as to how to increase my readership. Is it a matter of timing? Is there a perfect time to submit?

I've noticed that, within a couple of hours, my stories move off the home page and are, therefore less likely to be read (Is that the case? Are stories more likely to be read if they are on the home page?).

Or is it more to do with having a lot of friends on the site who will, as a matter of course, read any story you submit.

Would appreciate any advice and comments.

I look forward to some good answers to this question myself. I am sure that some days are better than others to. I'd love to know.
at eactly 4:39 PM (EasternTime) on Wednesdays.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

This site is very clique-ish, they way I see it. So yeah, have lots of friends who will read it. If you're a hot girl, you'll get plenty more views with suck-ups praising your story. If you're an old fat ugly dude (I guess I am one.... ), don't expect much and blame others, not yourself. That's the way I manage to cope.
I'm a big fan of the Random Story button, so for me it doesn't matter when your story was posted, it's just pot luck.

There's no way of predicting when a lot of stories are going to be posted. I've had a story on the home page for nearly two days, and another that was off it by the time I checked my e-mail. Having a lot of friends would probably help, I imagine (I don't, so I wouldn't know) but being quite well-known around this place is probably the best way to boost your success. If you can write one really good story and get on the Top Authors list or (even better) get an Editor's Pick, then all of your work, past and future, will benefit.

By the way, your story, Ice Cold Pussy, is on my favourites list - it's excellent. smile

EDIT: Many authors advertise their stories in their forum signature (some with very nice banners). I don't know how much success this has, but it might be worth a shot if you're planning on being a regular poster.
Authors who are published in print books have the same problem. Readers flock to books written by well-known authors because they've read and enjoyed that author in the past. The author develops a fan base through their writing and readers often become very loyal.

Some success is through promotion, some through the story itself and other times it's just because the book has a great cover that grabs the reader's interest.

There's a lot more involved in getting read than just the writing.

If you want to receive more comments on your stories a few ways to do this are:

~ Read and comment more on other writers' work.

~ Write often so your name becomes a common sight on the homepage.

~ Get to know more people around Lush and add them to your friends list. Each time you publish a new story they'll get an announcement on their profile page, so it's a subtle way of advertising.

Just keep at it. You'll get there!
I agree with everything that Lisa said. It takes time to establish yourself as an author and actually get a loyal following.

I think developing an online presence where you show a bit of your personality will often make new readers curious enough to want to sample one of your stories. Hopefully when they do, the quality of your writing stands for itself. Some easy ways to do this are to properly fill out and pimp your profile. Make it an interesting page to visit. The photo album options are a great way to do this. Show people what you think is sexy in a visual way. Posting more often in the forums will also draw in new readers as they get to know you through your opinions and answers on certain topics. The idea is to make people curious enough to want to know more about you.

One can argue that writers with 'hot avatars' or cyber-friendly profiles will get more reads and votes. Yet a lot of those are throw-away votes so don't get discouraged. I've always found that it's better to check out who is following you (ie. the people that read a story you write and actually want to be alerted when you post a new one). I just checked my own stats and see that I have 246 people following me right now. I would say that I have never talked to 95% of them and probably 50% of them aren't on my friend list. So it's definitely not all about cliques or friends. Once you've established yourself on the site and have written enough of a collection of stories, the fan base will often create itself.
edit. My post came off as really really whiny. Someone bitchslap me.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Rudy - your record needs changing.

Good point Clum.

Excellent advice Lisa and Dancing_Doll
I've had a reasonable number of responses on my stories, but there doesn't seem to be much of a pattern to it really.

I do make sure to vote and comment on the stories that I read - there's always a chance that people will see and have a read of yours too...

The best one I have had was a short story which I wrote, it had a reasonable number of votes, but when I recorded an audio version, the views, votes and comments shot up...

I've also noticed an increase if I've been a featured member...

I was going to say something else, but I forget what... damn...

*edit* - lol I remember now - the audio story put me onto the featured writer list briefy too and the views shot up for a while then as well...
I like to submit at any time of the day or night.....

Whoops... wrong thread
Funny enough I have seen the opposite, my first story ever has the one that had the highest amount of votes (21) while my third chapter (which I would say was my hottest one) only received 12 votes. I must have been lucky to submit my story on a little "slower" day and it may have stayed on the homepage a little longer.

That being said, it's the quality of people that comment on your work which makes the difference to me. Thanks to those that have supported me!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Quote by nicola
Rudy - your record needs changing.

Good point Clum.

Excellent advice Lisa and Dancing_Doll


There's some truth to it, though. Okay, I don't want to sound pessimistic, so here's real advice: be yourself and write stories you enjoy. And stick to it. With time, things will pick up. People will read one, then onto another, and so forth. Just give it time and keep to it.
Quote by rudyP34

There's some truth to it, though. Okay, I don't want to sound pessimistic, so here's real advice: be yourself and write stories you enjoy. And stick to it. With time, things will pick up. People will read one, then onto another, and so forth. Just give it time and keep to it.

I looked at your profile and noticed you don't vote or comment on other people's work. Not trying to sound harsh, but it's hard to expect something from others that you're not doing yourself. It really does help if you put yourself out there, get to know people and start talking about writing, either here in the forum or via the comments on stories themselves.

You could even find people who have the electorate and commentators badges on their profiles and read their work. They're more likely to return the favour.


Quote by Lisa
Quote by rudyP34

There's some truth to it, though. Okay, I don't want to sound pessimistic, so here's real advice: be yourself and write stories you enjoy. And stick to it. With time, things will pick up. People will read one, then onto another, and so forth. Just give it time and keep to it.

I looked at your profile and noticed you don't vote or comment on other people's work. Not trying to sound harsh, but it's hard to expect something from others that you're not doing yourself. It really does help if you put yourself out there, get to know people and start talking about writing, either here in the forum or via the comments on stories themselves.

You could even find people who have the electorate and commentators badges on their profiles and read their work. They're more likely to return the favour.



You should of been a moderator Lisa.
With your knowledge, who knows?
I recomend what lisa said fella....
Quote by Lisa
Quote by rudyP34

There's some truth to it, though. Okay, I don't want to sound pessimistic, so here's real advice: be yourself and write stories you enjoy. And stick to it. With time, things will pick up. People will read one, then onto another, and so forth. Just give it time and keep to it.

I looked at your profile and noticed you don't vote or comment on other people's work. Not trying to sound harsh, but it's hard to expect something from others that you're not doing yourself. It really does help if you put yourself out there, get to know people and start talking about writing, either here in the forum or via the comments on stories themselves.

You could even find people who have the electorate and commentators badges on their profiles and read their work. They're more likely to return the favour.



I actually talk to a few people in private. What you don't see is the people I've collaborated with, some of which are no longer members here (although I have no idea why they left), and done so outside of the site itself. I don't feel the need to comment on a story on here when I've actually commented on the same story one on one. Maybe it makes me look like I don't want to get involved with the site, but it's not true. I get involved with people I care about, and that I've come to know, thanks to this site.

I'm not really as bitter for not getting many views, votes and comments as you probably think. And to those who wish to get more views, votes and comments, I'd say just don't try too hard. "Be yourself" was, is and will always be the best advice in any situation.
Quote by scooter
You should of been a moderator Lisa.
With your knowledge, who knows?
I recomend what lisa said fella....

It's "should have"!

Sorry. That is a grammar 'pet hate' of mine.
Here's a tip for getting more views...always make the characters in your story brother and sister, this way you can put it in the category...

Just saying...

Seriously though...I think categories have more to do with total views than the amount of time the story spends on the front page...

People will go and seek out popular stories in certain categories like reluctance, first-time, and of course ...

If you can keep a story out of the love story and straight sex categories, chances are you'll get more views...go for the more popular categories, if you can...

An example of how you might do that...a new member here asked me to read a story of hers recently, which I was a story where a younger man loses his virginity to an older woman...she thought she might put it in the MILF category...

My suggestion to her was to put the story in the first time category, which tends to get more views, and add "MILF" in the tags...

Make sense? I thought so...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Ok. A serious answer.
One. write. A lot. First stories I put up here didn't get all that many reads. The more i wrote, the more reads i got. Sheer volume made it so that i was a familiar name as a writer.

Two. Write well. Seems like a non brainer, but yeah, don't just put something up to put something up. Put the time and effort into making it the best you can. It doesn't matter if it's not Shakespeare or even close. make it the best YOU can.

Three. Be interesting. Make your stories stand out. don't write cliched, put some twists in or something to make it unique so that people take note.

Four. Get known. Really easy, actually, tho it takes a bit of time. Post in the forums a lot. be funny or smart of silly or eccentric or sexy, just sort of get your name out there.

Five. You want people to read your stuff? put some work into your bio page - fill out your entire biography and make it attractive, not just a list, but show off your skills. pick and avatar that reflects you, a back ground, some photos. Take advantage of a blog! show off your skills with little paragraphs of what is up in your life, or poetry, or little bits of fiction, just something to make people go hmm... interesting.

Six. Thank people for comments. I don't always find time to thank everyone who comments on my stories, but i do make an effort to send out notes from time to time saying 'thank you for taking time to read my stories'. It's always nice to be appreciated, and often, people will be more likely to read your stuff cause of that.

Seven. Be friendly. doesn't mean you have to cyber people, but take a moment to visit chat rooms and get to know folks. Put it out there that you're a writer. An occasional hour in a chat room will brush elbows with at least 25 people. do it enough, they remember you, check out your profile, etc.

Banners are a good idea for your signature. Some send alerts to their friend's list, but i'm not a big fan of that. Others put up alerts on their blogs or mention that they are working on stories and give out updates and hints.

Hope that helps. As for what day or at the beginning of the month or end... i don't think, in the long run, it matters. Sometimes it's just pure luck. Sometimes i write stories that i think are just going to amaze people and they get get ignored. Sometimes i write things that i think are ok, but not great and people dump praise all over me. i used to get kind of emo about readership, but after a while, i learned to relax. yeah, it's great to have tons of readers, but with as many stories as there are on lush, sometimes you just get lost in the crowd. if that happens, figure out how to stand out a little. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by DirtyMartini
Here's a tip for getting more views...always make the characters in your story brother and sister, this way you can put it in the category...

Just saying...

Seriously though...I think categories have more to do with total views than the amount of time the story spends on the front page...

People will go and seek out popular stories in certain categories like reluctance, first-time, and of course ...

If you can keep a story out of the love story and straight sex categories, chances are you'll get more views...go for the more popular categories, if you can...

An example of how you might do that...a new member here asked me to read a story of hers recently, which I was a story where a younger man loses his virginity to an older woman...she thought she might put it in the MILF category...

My suggestion to her was to put the story in the first time category, which tends to get more views, and add "MILF" in the tags...

Make sense? I thought so...

good points. whenever i think something could go in more than one catagory, i'll always put it in the one that traditionally attracts more readers.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by clum
Quote by scooter
You should of been a moderator Lisa.
With your knowledge, who knows?
I recomend what lisa said fella....

It's "should have"!

Sorry. That is a grammar 'pet hate' of mine.

It's alright Clum. I know that.
If you don't mind me stating things the way I choose,
I don't mind you correcting me
Quote by scooter
Quote by clum
Quote by scooter
You should of been a moderator Lisa.
With your knowledge, who knows?
I recomend what lisa said fella....

It's "should have"!

Sorry. That is a grammar 'pet hate' of mine.

It's alright Clum. I know that.
If you don't mind me stating things the way I choose,
I don't mind you correcting me

he should of said it nicer tho *gigglefit* heart

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
Ok. A serious answer.
One. write. A lot. First stories I put up here didn't get all that many reads. The more i wrote, the more reads i got. Sheer volume made it so that i was a familiar name as a writer.

Two. Write well. Seems like a non brainer, but yeah, don't just put something up to put something up. Put the time and effort into making it the best you can. It doesn't matter if it's not Shakespeare or even close. make it the best YOU can.

Three. Be interesting. Make your stories stand out. don't write cliched, put some twists in or something to make it unique so that people take note.

Four. Get known. Really easy, actually, tho it takes a bit of time. Post in the forums a lot. be funny or smart of silly or eccentric or sexy, just sort of get your name out there.

Five. You want people to read your stuff? put some work into your bio page - fill out your entire biography and make it attractive, not just a list, but show off your skills. pick and avatar that reflects you, a back ground, some photos. Take advantage of a blog! show off your skills with little paragraphs of what is up in your life, or poetry, or little bits of fiction, just something to make people go hmm... interesting.

Six. Thank people for comments. I don't always find time to thank everyone who comments on my stories, but i do make an effort to send out notes from time to time saying 'thank you for taking time to read my stories'. It's always nice to be appreciated, and often, people will be more likely to read your stuff cause of that.

Seven. Be friendly. doesn't mean you have to cyber people, but take a moment to visit chat rooms and get to know folks. Put it out there that you're a writer. An occasional hour in a chat room will brush elbows with at least 25 people. do it enough, they remember you, check out your profile, etc.

Banners are a good idea for your signature. Some send alerts to their friend's list, but i'm not a big fan of that. Others put up alerts on their blogs or mention that they are working on stories and give out updates and hints.

Hope that helps. As for what day or at the beginning of the month or end... i don't think, in the long run, it matters. Sometimes it's just pure luck. Sometimes i write stories that i think are just going to amaze people and they get get ignored. Sometimes i write things that i think are ok, but not great and people dump praise all over me. i used to get kind of emo about readership, but after a while, i learned to relax. yeah, it's great to have tons of readers, but with as many stories as there are on lush, sometimes you just get lost in the crowd. if that happens, figure out how to stand out a little. smile

Hey Spriteness...are you just taking the stuff I do and using it as a lesson here? If you start selling courses in Lushism, I want a percentage...

And yeah, it really took me a while to get "known" here actually...if you look at most of my early stories the first 30 or so...there are very few comments...

Of course it doesn't help that a lot of my early "fans" have deleted their accounts, for some reason or another...and we all know that when someone deletes their account here, all their comments, votes, forum posts and every other trace of their existence disappears along with their profile...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by scooter
It's alright Clum. I know that.
If you don't mind me stating things the way I choose,
I don't mind you correcting me

Sorry, I was a bit rude there. Of all the bad grammar in this forum, I shouldn't have singled this instance out.

Bygones? smile
Quote by DirtyMartini
Here's a tip for getting more views...always make the characters in your story brother and sister, this way you can put it in the category...

Just saying...

Seriously though...I think categories have more to do with total views than the amount of time the story spends on the front page...

People will go and seek out popular stories in certain categories like reluctance, first-time, and of course ...

If you can keep a story out of the love story and straight sex categories, chances are you'll get more views...go for the more popular categories, if you can...

An example of how you might do that...a new member here asked me to read a story of hers recently, which I was a story where a younger man loses his virginity to an older woman...she thought she might put it in the MILF category...

My suggestion to her was to put the story in the first time category, which tends to get more views, and add "MILF" in the tags...

Make sense? I thought so...

I'm with Alan on this one it wasn't til my fifth story that I got a lot of view, votes n comments. It's what ppl like to read. Hit a good category n that will HELP A LOT smile Now I have a couple of followers n everybody is reading my stories.
Quote by clum
Quote by scooter
It's alright Clum. I know that.
If you don't mind me stating things the way I choose,
I don't mind you correcting me

Sorry, I was a bit rude there. Of all the bad grammar in this forum, I shouldn't have singled this instance out.

Bygones? smile

Bie-gones dude, No worries.
I really ment what I said, correct me all you like Clum.
I'm used to it beleive me, I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.kEGEmipC6lAr1beW
Quote by Lisa

You could even find people who have the electorate and commentators badges on their profiles and read their work. They're more likely to return the favour.

I'll second that. I know it's true for myself - I'm always curious about who liked my work and I dig a little deeper to see if I can find anything to help tailor my next addition. This often leads me to read what they've posted.
Quote by scooter

I'm used to it beleive me, I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.jYliqIcPFSVqnSHv

You weren't the sharpest tool in the shed Scooter? I don't believe it...

Actually, don't feel bad...I wasn't even allowed in the shed when I was younger...

Hmmm, at least you had a shed...I'm jealous now...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
I think titles are super important. Come up with a creative one.

Stories with creative titles catch my attention more than "I Fuck Mom - Part 75"
Rxtales made a very good point about titles. Without a catchy title a very good story may go unnoticed.