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What do you dislike about the opposite sex?

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I don't think there is just one thing I can pinpoint on the entire male population...

But if I try and generalize, it would be the carefree way of how men let gas escape their bodies...

But then again, I have met some carefree women in the pass too
I hate that some men are so good at kissing that I can't live without it arghhhhhh damn those male kissing lips mmmmmmm
Quote by HoneyBee000
I hate that some men are so good at kissing that I can't live without it arghhhhhh damn those male kissing lips mmmmmmm

Good one honeybee! I feel the same!

And then they have to hold you tightly, and smell so good, and tell you sweet things.
Its just so cruel
Quote by Necho
I don't think there is just one thing I can pinpoint on the entire male population...

But if I try and generalize, it would be the carefree way of how men let gas escape their bodies...

But then again, I have met some carefree women in the pass too

I'm with you on this point...some things should stay out of earshot.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
This is halarious, great points made by men and women here. BRAVO BRAVO.
I am very impressed with Castle Queen's credentials, i'll certainly take her at her word.
but let me just say that women expel bodily gases to and I can prove it.
Honey, can you come talk to these good people over at Lush.
Quote by KoolHandDuke
This is halarious, great points made by men and women here. BRAVO BRAVO.
I am very impressed with Castle Queen's credentials, i'll certainly take her at her word.
but let me just say that women expel bodily gases to and I can prove it.
Honey, can you come talk to these good people over at Lush.
LOL it's cause we as women of ethnic qualities eat real food like collard greens and beans with ham hocks we tend to have the occasional gases escape or dainty little beautiful bodies thats why we have the hips that all men crave and lust for. not cause we eat like little birds.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Quote by MMonroe
Oh and they think with their dicks

What else do you expect men to think with? Of course we think with our dicks, that's where our brains are.

Some of them guys in porn movies have really big brains. I got an ok brain, kidda nice really, but them porn stars well ....
I REALLY dislike the way a (particular) woman can make me feel so-ooo guilty about being absolutely right about something (its the tears thing - just slays me). Gaaa-aaaah!

Have a Happy New Year Everyone.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Quote by Guest

I have problems with guys who smack my ass and they dont know me!
And a guys who think that Doll Face is a pick up line! Its not my fault that I look like a doll! Please dont hold it against me! I dont like it, neither should you!

Thats about it for a general statement...

I'm just going to make a blanket apology for Doll Face. Some guys think they're living in a 1930's gumshoe movie. It's kinda respectable in a way; he wants to be a classic.

But yeah, then he says something like that. silly
Quote by LushPrincess
Quote by Zafia
LMAO!!!...these responses are hilarious!!!.....

Mr. Plow I will talk to you later about your 1950's mentality along with David....

Stuart.....everyone has the right to change thier minds women and men as for shoes....its my perogative to own as many as I want for the simple reason that I buy them...LOL!

Ali, Catnip, Nic and Lil Birdie....high five....LOL!

Welcome Monroe....

Ahh Roccolicious Tech has done wonders for

Baker you have the right to express yourself as long as you are not violating someone else's rights or degrading someone in the process.

ziiomara......como que hate is a strong was like dislike....hahaha...pero te entiendo...LOL!

And as for me I love men and women and all thier little quirks and when I feel I don't like you anymore I simply more on to the closed.....the end....LMAO!!!

I know, I just got carried away. I have five brothers so you know how that goes.. Oops..! I did admit though that I was getting heated and I quit at only (5) I think that shows my restraint..

LushPrincess I know how that feels. I have three brothers all of them older.

btw, guys complain when we nag but THEY'RE the ones who gives us the reason. Reap what you sow.
Smile at your enemies.. It makes them crazy...
The way some women won't accept how beautiful they are, no matter how much you tell them.
some guys are wayyyyyyy too pushy and some just won't stop following you.
Yea, but they still can't drive.
Quote by fish1212
Yea, but they still can't drive.

actually, we can... when we drive your car into a pole, or almost run you over? trust me, it's on purpose smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

You can drive into my pole anytime you like
I do not have many special problems with men and when I really think about it very much like women. We all find fault with others, my mirror reflects something less than perfection.

Even when we are on the same page communication sometimes breaks down. But is that not true for everyone?

I do find that at times even when were are on the same page, someone seems to be reading upside down. It is not always him either.
hahahahaha these responses are hilarious. There was bound to be a heated argument. Honestly, you shouldn't even be dealing with them if they piss you off sometimes. You're supposed to be on a pursuit of happiness in this world, not bitching and moaning about the opposite sex. You're supposed to find someone that's not going to do any of the things that you find unattractive.

Your supposed to find a person who treasures being yours. Not someone whose gonna blow you off (guys are assholes).

Guys will always be assholes. Even the nice guys, (i hear i'm a nice guy), yet the nice guys will always have that instinct (their cocks) that just wants your body.

Girls, you're always going to want us to be nice and caring and loving at all times, well us guys can be all those things but guys are always going to want something in return....

I'm either talking out of my ass or i'm right in one or two ways.....
lol don't mind me I'll just sit back and watch the show
When women go out with their friends and the guys stay home and BABYSIT the kids.
I'm thinking retroactive pay is in order for the year I took off. Who knew taking care of your own kid was BABYSITTING? Geez...

OH and the next time I see a guy in a bad mood... I'm going to ask him if its "that time of the month" or the ever-so-gracious "ragging it" and hand him a Midol.
men-always has to be right "yes dear"

women- hang on to things "im fine"
I just want to say before I start that I love and adore women and I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the love and care given to me by my mother and sisters......that said...

* I am a man, a simple man. I don't over think things, I don't go through the details with a fine-tooth comb. I just am happy to be here fed, clothed and loved.
*Why do women park so far from the kerb?
*Why do they assume I remember things I was told last week?
*Why do women always expect us men to know what they are thinking, half the time I don't know what I am thinking.
*They over complicate emotions and ideas to the point where I am hopelessly lost and bewildered.
*Why do women find it impossible to work the remote control?
*How do women always twist and turn an arguement so I forget what the original arguement was about?
*Why do women insisit on stealing all the bed clothes and how do they sudenly become 8 stone heavier when I attempt to roll them off so I can have some?
*Why do women never order a pudding at a resturant but end up eating mine? I'm paying love, just have one!
*How do women make you feel instantly bad and guilty by just dropping thier eyes?
*Why do women NEED a new outfit everytime we go out?

All stuff which drives me mad but also qualities I can't help but love!
I wasn't going to get into this thread, but...

I dislike being expected to be a mind reader. How am I supposed to know 'that look' means you want me to go the the grocery store and buy you a bunch of grapes? This is more of a confusion than a dislike most of the time.
I dislike that some women are too COMPLICATED and CRAZY!!!
Quote by Magical_felix
When they say no... Hella annoying!

its annoying when guys dont listen to what we have to say!
Quote by Magical_felix
When they say no... Hella annoying!

Offer chocolate with your proposal... it might get you a maybe
i dislike when men leave the toilet seat up (horrible story that goes with it.)
The opposite sex? You mean as a whole? I love men in general. Each one is different and unique. Having said that *rolls eyes*, (I'm so politically correct) I hate it when you just happen to say you are a sub and all of a sudden the guy thinks he can start giving you orders. WTF! Sorry fellas, but you are telling on yourself. A real dom wouldn't even go there. And, if he was the dom for me, we wouldn't even have to inform each other. We'd know from just general exchange. So wipe that look of utter amazemnt off your face when a girl says that she's a submissive. It doesn't mean little cum-slut that you can boss around.
? A True Story ?
Thick coarse body hair