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Things that scared you as a kid and maybe still do.

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We all had them that little irrational fear as a kid, may it be something tangble or just some creepy music your heard lets here em.

I had a couple growing up 2 seem to make up my mind the hat with arrows in it with that car dealer ship I could even look at as a kid it scared me, dont know why just did.

And from a book about not being afraid of the dark there was an image of a shadowy monster thing that freaked me out so bad I could never read the book again, turned out it was a coat rack.

and Zombies I hate zombies every since by "friend" placed a "zombie curse on me" I am totally afraid of em at least the moderen day super zombies, no thank you.

Love to hear yours smile
I have an irrational fear of people dressed up in mascot or promotional costumes. As a teenager I was out shopping alone and minding my own business when a guy dressed up as a bowling skittle tried to hand me a flyer. I declined the offer (politely, too!) and he started to follow me. I walked faster and so did he. It got to the point where I was almost running through the shopping centre with a skittle chasing after me.

Now, as an adult, whenever I see the guy who dresses up in a chicken costume and stands on the street corner where I live, I have to cross to the other side of the road. (There's a joke in there somewhere.)

And yes they still freak me out! At least it keeps me away from McDonalds :P
Small towns and rural highways.
So this isn't really a 'thing'...

But when I was little, at my dad's house, we had a downstairs toilet, you had to go through a little cloakroom/hallway, out into one of the main halls, take a right, go through the corridor, down a step, a little further, through a heavy wooden door and into the kitchen/dining room..

What's so scary about that? I used to be CONVINCED that 'Scar' from The Lion King would be chasing me from the second I left the toilet to the second I got into the dining room. It was one of those things I started as a fun little game that ended up overtaking my mind and terrifying me. I used to steel myself up behind the door, give myself a countdown, chicken out, give myself another countdown and make a break for it..

I still get a tad weirded out looking at this little guy!

Can't believe I just actually shared that know....people
Quote by sweet_as_candy

And yes they still freak me out! At least it keeps me away from McDonalds :P

I second that, clowns are creepy bastards! I was always afraid of dark cupboards, you know like those walk in wardrobes. Was always convinced that there was something in there. Just a wee bit of trivia, did you know that clown phobia is called Coulrophobia? And it's an actual medically recognised phobia.
Basements - the cold, dark, damp, coal cellar type found in victorian red brick houses. Grew up with them beneath me as a kid and hated, hated, hated having to go down to fill the coal bucket.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
my mother
Pirates! F*cking hate the c*nts.
When I was young, I lived on a farm with my folks.

The house was a small farm, set back maybe 400 yards from the main road and it was pretty isolated.

At the end of the drive, there was a big steel 5-bar gate.

I had the task of closing the gate and locking it, most nights.

Now, we had loads of dogs and they pretty much had the run of the place, they'd follow you all around and accompany me as I went about my daily chores.

Generally, they'd come with me as I walked down the dark driveway to lock the gate, but, sometimes, they would just stand at the top of the drive as I walked down.

On nights like this, as I put my hands through and around, to grab the chain, pull it round and lock the padlock, I would have visions of a dead, zombie hand thrusting out of the ground and grabbing my wrist.

I would perform the chore as quickly as possible and run like fuck back to the house!

So, for me, it's zombies... Damned zombies... Eeek

(remind me to tell you about the time with the guy who'd just hacked his parents to bits... true story)
Thunderstorms-they still scare me especially at night
Quote by Mazza

(remind me to tell you about the time with the guy who'd just hacked his parents to bits... true story)

This sounds like the makings of a good story. For SS maybe and I don't even know the full story.
As much as I love water, being in a boat, swimming in a pool or pond, I hate swimming in the ocean. I'll surf, or water ski but not swim. I know what lives in there and when I'm swimming, I'm on it's home turf. Wonder if that's because of the movie Jaws? One of my favorite movies but, no swimming.
Quote by chefkathleen

This sounds like the makings of a good story. For SS maybe and I don't even know the full story.

That's a good idea!!

I'll get around to it, maybe, soon...
- creepy dolls that look like their eyes might move and follow you around and then become animated at night with evil plots to kill you while you sleep

- sharks

- a dark closet (which is why my closets are jam-packed with clothes and shoes so no scary monsters or evil serial killers could fit inside them ~ see, I *have* to keep shopping to ensure my safety!)
When I was at primary school we were constantly being told about the plight of the "black babies" and how hundreds of them where starving to death every day. On a Friday we were supposed to "bring a penny for the black babies". I grew to fear hunger and I still do.

I've never really questioned it much until now, but why after all these years, and more, are black babies still dying in their hundreds every day?
jeepers creepers... dah! i'm still scared of that creature though its just a movie
being buried alive : freaks me out just the thought of it
I use to be of spiders. This one especially.
I caught two in my tomato plants. I kept them in a jar
until I found out they were not poisonous.
When I checked on them, She had killed Him
and ate him. I kept her to watch for months. I would feed
her live flies and bugs. My kids would watch her roll her food
and fix her web. It turned into a science project. Then she laid an egg sack
and I let her go. The info said she would soon die after that.

sex is like a's only good if you get it

Ventriloquist dummies. These little bastards freak me the fuck out. I can watch Jeff Dunham all day every day, but if I'm in a room with one of them....
Quote by gianna99
jeepers creepers... dah! i'm still scared of that creature though its just a movie

The first time I saw that film, my friend's brother kept jumping out at me, I've been jumpy ever since. Even Buffy makes me jump! I'm not allowed to hold drinks or food during scary bits in tv shows or films anymore.
Alone at night or in the dark going up the stairs, I always have to run as fast as i can, because someone could be chasing me! Still happens dammit!
When I was around 10 or so I think it was some of the then Dr. Who episodes would give me terrible nightmares and I always remember one in particular which I can still picture in my head some 40 years later.

The CYBERMEN !! .. story was a human base on another planet and these aliens would in the midle of the night enter the complex un-noticed and steal people and leave a sack of well I dont know think sand in their place. The Cybermen had full length silver suits and like horns from their shoulders to their heads .. the episodes really freaked me out !!

Perhaps I will leave my landing light on tonight when I go to bed !!
Quote by crazydiamond
Alone at night or in the dark going up the stairs, I always have run as fast as i can, because someone could be chasing me! Still happens dammit!

When I was little and my sister and I used to stay at our grandparents' house some weekends.

I did two bad things (things which I know still haunt her to this day):

The first was that I always made my sister sleep in the bed facing the door, while had the one behind it...
She asked me why I did this and I told her that it was so that if a man with a knife came into teh room, he would see her and kill her first and I could escape while he was doing that.

The second thing was (and this was also when staying with our grandparents) that I told her that if she didn't manage to get downstairs before the toilet finished flushing, that the toilet demon would 'get' her.

(she nearly broke her leg one time from running so fast)

So, I was a horrid sister...

She did get me back, some years later though...
I was afraid of being kidnapped.
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
Creepy dolls always frightened me.

Almost every horror movie especially movies like the grudge movies.

Being left alone in the dark was one of my biggest fears as a child and still sometimes is.
When I was younger I would go to my Uncle's house and his wife had a Huge China Cabinet filled with---Porcelain Dolls. Eeeeek!
I always thought they were watching me, looking into my soul with their big round 'innocent' eyes. I had to stay the night there
one time and guess where I had to sleep? Right By the Flippen China Cabinet! C'mon! Luckily my Grandma came to get me early
so I didn't have to stay the night. (I Love you Grandma!).

Another thing that still freaks me out to this day is that I always think something is going to grab me if I sleep with my arm hanging off my bed or if I get up it's going to grab my legs and drag me under. Gives me the Sceebies
I was terrified of the cupboard that housed the boiler, it was where Mum used to store the towels and bed-linen - must have been all those white sheets !!