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Have you ever met someone on Lush that made you really regret answering them? Like those who are a bit more to deal with than you want? Experiences? Am I just crazy?
All I can say is: the 'block all (invisible)', and 'away' settings are your best friends on this site. smile They block all the cock (and vadge), putting you back in control of who you contact, and when. But I definitely know what you mean; you want to give everyone a shot, but some people turn out to be a real beating to deal with.
Yep have met a few total dickwads to be sure as Ladyx said the block button is your friend lol
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
regrets? i've had a few. but then again, too few to mention...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
regrets? i've had a few. but then again, too few to mention...

That's why I come back time and time again. So true.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Sadly yes. What I thought was special wasnt, what I thought meant something, did not mean much at all. I'd rather put it behind me and move forward. Chalk it up to lesson learned.
I've had ups and downs on here, good times and bad. I've blocked a few, deleted a few, been deleted (I don't think I've been blocked, but you never know).

I've been hurt a few times and I've sadly hurt a few.

I can't say that I have any specific regrets per se, although I would maybe do things differently, were I to go back.

All of these experiences help to shape us in some way, so, in the long run, it's all good.

I put it down to personal growth and development...
early on i added people without having conversation first.... that was a huge mistake.... now i am more selective....

i have been hurt

i have hurt others

i have learned SO much.....
With a few notable exceptions, I have stuck with people whose writing has struck me as particularly good. There are another very few people whom I added because of posts they made on a forum where I had a particularly strong feeling, or axe to grind. So, by and large, no; I have no regrets.

Besides, I haven't time for regrets. I am too old, and haven't enough time left in this life to waste any on regrets, or for that matter, shame. :-)

"When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple, and a red hat that does not match ..." (thank you, Jenny Joseph)
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I have had to delete and block some people... I try not to, but if they really annoy me, then I have no choice... I feel mean when I do though =(
i keep having to block Gav, but then, he rewrites the software to get around it - blocked him like 23 times now, going on #24

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
regrets? i've had a few. but then again, too few to mention...

That's 'cause you did it your way...
Maggie R
Quote by magnificent1rascal

That's 'cause you did it your way...

*giggles* thank you, finally some one got it! *hugs*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
Quote by magnificent1rascal
Quote by sprite
regrets? i've had a few. but then again, too few to mention...

That's 'cause you did it your way...

*giggles* thank you, finally some one got it! *hugs*

For you, my dear...

Maggie R
Quote by ThunderQueen79
Have you ever met someone on Lush that made you really regret answering them? Like those who are a bit more to deal with than you want? Experiences? Am I just crazy?

Only one but that was way back when I first joined the site and was being too nice to people. lol He tried to seek revenge when I had to abruptly cut off a first-time online-chat. He took this as being rude but was actually a real life interruption that I didn't have time to explain. Anyway his subsequent actions got him banned so all ended well.

Admittedly I really don't chat much, and it takes a while for me to build trust where I'm open to regular/ongoing communication on this site. I'm a guarded person in general based on life experiences and the fact that this is the internet.

Other than that one blip, I have actually never had to use the block-feature on this site before, and because I'm careful with who I get to know and let into my life, I have zero regrets. Everything has been very positive so far!
Quote by sprite

*giggles* thank you, finally some one got it! *hugs*

Are you kidding me??? Good grief, I assumed that everyone got it!!!

Anyway, I like this version of the song better...

Yes, yes I have. He was a nice guy, but too creepy. So I made myself offline and stopped responding to his messages. He went away eventually, and I doubt he has an account any longer.
Quote by ShyVixen
Sadly yes. What I thought was special wasnt, what I thought meant something, did not mean much at all. I'd rather put it behind me and move forward. Chalk it up to lesson learned.

I had the opposite problem. What I thought wasn't anything serious she thought was.
Yes! I hate the drama queens. The ones who's moan on about not feeling wanted or cared about by fellow Lush members. Get a life. I come here to chill and have a laugh, not be a part of your identity crisis.
I hate having dramas in my real life, I would much rather just quietly stroll along just trying to have a laugh as best I can without having to listen to others peoples self-made misery but there are some downers on here, luckily not too many, but there are a few.

I end up deleting them normally although I have never blocked.