Try Marmite cashews: totally yummy!
well you're half right...
I am one of the few of this world who is indifferent to Marmite.
I know, I know—I must be some kind of freak, right? Well, maybe I am. If it was offered to me, I'd probably take it but I wouldn't, of my own accord, buy a jar.
Love Twiglets, right enough.
EDIT: May I just say, I would personally love to see more of these kinds of thread—tackling the BIG issues—here on Lush. Kudos to Lizzy.
I have never heard of Marmite. I have heard of Vegimite but I have never had a chance to try it. If I ever get the chance I will try either one. I am always up to try new foods.
I have never cared all that much for baked beans because of the texture and the sweetness. If I ever get the the UK I will have to try baked beans there.
Seeing how the people that have tried both Marmite and Vegimite seem to react, it makes me think how most people in the USA react if they are asked if they prefer Pespi or Coke.
Massive YES! Love it! Vegemite is just not good enough. And Marmite chocolate is the best! (available at BHS iirc)
Marmite has been mentioned a few times in the "Gourmet" threads recently, though clearly this is a sign of madness. In the interests of human safety I feel it important to revive this thread.
Marmite is a vile concoction with the appearance and consistency of used axle grease. It tastes even worse. Under no circumstances should it be consumed by humans.
Marmite was discovered when a mad drunken German, clearly off his head with drink, fell into an ancient dried out beer tank. He licked the bottom of the tank and when he didn't die he decided to sell the residue to the Brits as no one else would buy it. The German's name was Justus von Liebig which certainly provides a clue to his marketing skills. Marmite is basically made from the useless crud left over from beer making. In countries other than Britain this is referred to as "toxic industrial waste' and is disposed of by suitably trained professionals wearing haz-mat suits.
If your Brit friends offer you Marmite, politely refuse no matter what sexual favours they might promise. Its not worth it, NOTHING is worth it. Do not blame your British friends for their eagerness to poison you. They seem to have some kind of genetic mutation that allows them to actually consume this disgusting substance. I suspect it is a secret cult ritual of some kind. It is likely Marmite is a toxic substance that leaves those who consume it in a semi comatose state whereby their taste buds are fooled into thinking Marmite tastes like rainbows. It doesn't.
Hell no it's got to be Vegemite all the way