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Lushies you would love to have sex with.

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Rookie Scribe
New to this so nobody at the moment but you never know !!! see how it goes.
Active Ink Slinger
based on nothing more than the fact that each of there stories made me want to track them down for the sole purposes of ravishing them, i'm going with dancing doll, floridaguy2001 and dxm
Active Ink Slinger
based on nothing more than the fact that each of there stories made me want to track them down for the sole purposes of ravishing them, i'm going with dancing doll, floridaguy2001 and dxm
Active Ink Slinger
based on nothing more than the fact that each of there stories made me want to track them down for the sole purposes of ravishing them, i'm going with dancing doll, floridaguy2001 and dxm
Site administrator
Simply just too too too and too many to mention ....
They know who they are
Active Ink Slinger
Not Sure ~
~Crystal; PM Me.?
First and foremost mykitty
Active Ink Slinger
ha ha I am new here so I dont really have a list.. if pics were all 100% true there are def some that make me go Mmmmmmmmmm! But Katie fits in this category for sure.. she told me about lush and she knows it! Sloan doesnt know but based on her stories and our emails its a def YES! ha ha
Active Ink Slinger
She knows who she is
Active Ink Slinger
theres so many,but,all my frends 4 sure.
I have two in mind, they know who they are
Active Ink Slinger
Does myself count?
Because i've been having sex with myself A LOT since i found this site....
Active Ink Slinger
A certain red hot redhead would be near the top of the list
Active Ink Slinger
Well one is not around anymore and the rest I am sure know who they are.
Active Ink Slinger
There are acouple of guys I 've meet on here that I would love to have sex with...
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
still the same one ....
Active Ink Slinger
There is one friend I have talked to a lot who I would love to. The other female friends wouldn't be my friend if there weren't an interest at some level.
hmmm there's two or three :P
Active Ink Slinger
I would love to make love to angiegirl in real life. Going to make it happen one day.
Active Ink Slinger
yes, and one know who she is (ss)
Active Ink Slinger
Would , should and very likely could and will smile my sweet one
Active Ink Slinger
There is only one and I think she could figure it out
Oh goodness....she knows who she is ;)
Quote by BathBomb
Does myself count?
Because i've been having sex with myself A LOT since i found this site....

Yay!!! An honest person!!! TBT I haven't been here often enough or long enough to find just one person. Besides which my sexual tastes are pretty freaky...
Active Ink Slinger
Those of you who know me know I tell just about everything, but there are a few things that need to be kept secret.

I guess this is the top of the list at least on Lush
she knows who she is
Active Ink Slinger
Bill ;) he is the closest
OMKN cause he can wield a belt
Fiesty simply because he LOVES to have fun!
And secretly WellMade ;))
Quote by Guest
They know who they are

the perfect answer! biggrin