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Have you Ever lied about your "number?"

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Active Ink Slinger
Personally, I think the number of sexual partners you have should be like the number of jobs you have. To demonstrate would you hire a guy (or girl) who had a bunch of different jobs, or someone who held the same job for a number of years? Most prospective employers are looking for long-term employees and you should look for a long-term sex partner.

It's not the number of partners you've done; it's the number of partners you've done WELL!
Force of Nature
Quote by Master_Jonathan
Personally, I think the number of sexual partners you have should be like the number of jobs you have. To demonstrate would you hire a guy (or girl) who had a bunch of different jobs, or someone who held the same job for a number of years? Most prospective employers are looking for long-term employees and you should look for a long-term sex partner.
I'm not looking to hire them, I want a fuck. Several would be nice, then we can start thinking about a possible long-term relationship.

Quote by Master_Jonathan
It's not the number of partners you've done; it's the number of partners you've done WELL!
That would be pretty much all the women and most of the men.

As for my number, I lost count, I don't know it. I would not lie if I did.


Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

Active Ink Slinger
I’ve lied about my number being bigger than it actually is and, prior to losing my virginity, lied more than once about being experienced. Of course, this was early on and now I’m more honest about the number of partners I have been with. It’s really no business of most people so I may still lie to try and shock them but if I’m being asked by someone I know, I’ll give the honest truth.

I don’t mind the number of any partner or potential partner. If we are the same, there is a comfort to that. If they are less than me, there’s a special feeling of getting to be one of the few(er). If they are more than me, it’s exciting to hear their stories and show me their skills. Either way, it’s all a win-win.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Advanced Wordsmith
No, but a guy did give me his number once and I do wish I would have called him. I regret that I didn't.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm sure I have because I don't quite know what the true number is
Mana wahine
Never lied about my number, never judged a man for the number of past sexual partner's he's had. Past is the past
Active Ink Slinger
I've never lied, mostly because I lost track at University.
If asked, I'll be honest and say, I've never had any STD. That's the lucky truth.
kisses, amy
Active Ink Slinger
No of Partners - No. I am probably below the average now with being with the same partner now for 30 years and I don't cheat .

Phone number - Yes !
Active Ink Slinger
Why would anyone ask and why should I answer. Unless it is just before he gets down on his knee and offers me THE RING.
Rainbow Warrior
I approximate, since I'd have to count them all over a span of 25 years, and the number isn't small, so let's not worry about exactitude.
Active Ink Slinger
Thirty years ago as a teen I lied about the number of partners I'd been with. When I first met the man I would eventually marry I also lied to him about the number of guys i'd been with. When things got serious between us I eventually told him, and he was very interested in knowing the details about my past lovers and our sex life.
Today, I have no idea what the number is, just that it's a big one.
yep, lied about it being bigger than it actually is
Saucy Little Minx ♥️
Yep I’m really a virgin ?
I was honest with a woman over dinner about my number of sexual partners. It was low. In disbelief, she laughed so hard she spit out her food.
Her numbers was in the hundreds.
We did not last but she changed my world and I will always feel great love for her.
Active Ink Slinger
I think mine is less than 20 ( i should make a list someday ) I try counting them up in my head, I always lose count. I've usually been in LTR and most of those were monogamous. I actually couldn't care less either way though what a potential partners number would be.

I can vaguely recall being asked that question one time many many years ago, and at that time i believe it was less than 10 so thats what i said, and she asked if i wanted to know hers, so thats pretty much what i said, I could actually care less to tell you the truth. Unless its zero.
Rainbow Warrior
I've been known to evade the question if it seems like honesty would freak out a new or potential partner.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think that the majority of the member here will answer yes.
For the marketing messages.. Yes
Active Ink Slinger
You mean people actually count them? Somewhat pretentious I think.
Active Ink Slinger
Never lied about it. I do know that mine is less than either of the women I've been married to.
We never really talked much about past achievements until a
serious sexy talk one night.

He has enjoyed many more encounters than I. (he's 9yrs older).
It was actually fun to exchange stories and ended in a rousing night of
kinky fun!

I have no idea what my number is - No one told me I was supposed to keep track! lol I just tell anyone who asks that it's above average.
Active Ink Slinger
No one has ever asked me what my "number" is. I guess it would depend on who's asking, and why.
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