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Finding schoolmates on Facebook, Pros and Cons?

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A few days ago I opened a Facebook account. I never liked that kind of stuff, I kinda keep track of my family and close friends via e-mail, I always thought it was stupid to post pictures and personal stuff where anyone can see it and become a target of a stalker, or get fired because you insult your boss, or watch your ex gf account and turn crazy when you read how she talks about her new boyfriend or any retarded stuff like that.

But anyway, a just opened it, I was curious if I could find people from my school, and hell they all were there, almost the whole class.

At first I liked the idea...but when I started watching the pictures of them, of their kids, their new lives it started to creep me out...20 years since I left school ,I had the feeling my life back then belonged to another person.

They have already had a couple of dinners, reunion type, they all look so different, and I guess they must think the same about me.

And the most sureal...there was this bully, the kind of kid who kicked everybody in the school, he beat me up several times back then...and the guy sent me a request to add me as a friend,LOL, I just ignored it, but I was very close to send him a PM and tell him to f*** off.

So I have mixed feelings about the whole thing...I dont want all that crap again, this people bring back all those ankward childhood moments, but at the same time, it's cool to keep track of them, some sort of voyeur pleasure, I am not sure if I must jump into this new stuff, or just delete my account and forget the whole thing.

What about you? Have you experienced something similar?
I did a similar thing with Friends Reunited a while back. I even went to meet up with a former schoolmate, it was nice to see him but he had clearly changed completely and we never repeated it. I was recently contacted by one of my old high school teachers too, it was wierd since I was a right little horror back then and made his life hell at times. I think he was just trying to make contacts for his wife's business though (selling timeshare in Spain). Personally I think if you lost contact with these people, then FB won't help you get it back again. The lesson you youngsters can learn from me is, don't lose contact, especially not with people you care about. You will regret it later, and you will never recapture the lost time even if you do find them again.
If you're going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill
I look at people on Facebook who I went to school with and it skives me out a bit. They are all still friends and hang out together.. I went out for after drinks with a school friend who lives her in London and we had a good time. I am a totally different person now than what I was back then. I don't think they have evolved at all. My friends and I were a bunch of misfits. We had an extremely camp male friend.Every assembly or break time we'd get some asshole screaming gay taunts at us. So I really don't want to know most of the people now. I don't add people on FB but I do add them if they request it.I like taking a look at their pictures.

In my opinion... one of the weirdest things on earth.

When it still worked here in China... I only really had one to share pictures with my family and friends back home on my private account. It was actually one of the best ways to share pictures. I did get more than a few requests for old school chums to be-friend them. I used this rule... if they are not someone I communicate with on a regular basis (at least monthly) or people want to visit when I visit Canada, then they are not added to my list. I had a great laugh when I went back to Canada this past summer and actually popped into Facebook to try to delete my private account (word to the wise? It's virtually impossible to do so) and I had well over 700 friend requests, do-dahs for groups things whatever those are called and all sorts of things for this mafiaville and gardens. Of those 700ish people who wanted to be-friend me, I only communicated with about fifteen of them, and hadn't seen the rest in over twelve years.

I just really don't see the point in it all to be honest. People have tried to explain it, and many people here were very ticked off when Facebook was blocked by The Great Firewall of China. Me? Email. Love it.

And here is a question for some of you... do you add you online friends to your Facebook? Or have you created a new account for the online people in your life? Or if you add them to your general Facebook listings, do you ask them to keep your online life out of it?
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
I make sure my Facebook page is set on the highest of privacy settings....its not so much my old friends that have creeped me out....its some of the new ones who have done some very weird and sometimes hurtful things
Pro: Can't think of one.

Con: They find you too.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I actually like keeping up with my old friends via Facebook. It's a nice way to stay in touch without having to do the hard work like phone calls and visits.

On the other hand, I have had several ex-boyfriends find me....and THAT can be a bit creepy.
Yeah, the ex that stalks is a great reason NOT to be on Facebook. I do understand though, how many use it just to keep in touch, especially for those at a great distance.

Personally, I prefer to write a letter (the real thing, with pen, paper and envelope!) or email, if the phone/texting isn't an option. I share enough on here! lol

Oh, by the way, I heard on the news the other day that more Canadian mothers POST pictures of their children on their public sharing websites than ANY OTHER country.

The story itself presents the pros with very little cons.

I was on FB for awhile. As Lois said, it kind of bugged me that so many of them were still hanging out together and that was over 20 years ago for us. A lot of people seemed to be the same as if they hadn't matured at all. I also had friend requests from people who picked on me but I ignored them. I guess I was taking the word "friend" too literally because a lot of people just try to collect as many "friends" as possible.

One good thing that I got out of FB was that I got reacquainted with a couple of people I knew later in life during my university days. One of them had moved away but we write to each other often now and probably know each other better now than we did back then.

Slightly off topic, but I absolutely despise FB. As a software developer, I think it's been put together by monkeys. Maybe things have improved since I left but it really bugged me that any idiot can write an "app" that can essentially have access to all your personal info. And it is possible to delete your account, but they don't make it easy which is just another reason why I despise that piece of shit. Sorry, starting to rant....
Slightly off topic, but I absolutely despise FB. As a software developer, I think it's been put together by monkeys. Maybe things have improved since I left but it really bugged me that any idiot can write an "app" that can essentially have access to all your personal info. And it is possible to delete your account, but they don't make it easy which is just another reason why I despise that piece of shit. Sorry, starting to rant....

It was a good rant and WMM is going to like it. I think he hates FB too.
Quote by chefkathleen
Slightly off topic, but I absolutely despise FB. As a software developer, I think it's been put together by monkeys. Maybe things have improved since I left but it really bugged me that any idiot can write an "app" that can essentially have access to all your personal info. And it is possible to delete your account, but they don't make it easy which is just another reason why I despise that piece of shit. Sorry, starting to rant....

It was a good rant and WMM is going to like it. I think he hates FB too.

Thanks, but I think I'm being unkind to monkeys.
Quote by shygeek
Quote by chefkathleen
Slightly off topic, but I absolutely despise FB. As a software developer, I think it's been put together by monkeys. Maybe things have improved since I left but it really bugged me that any idiot can write an "app" that can essentially have access to all your personal info. And it is possible to delete your account, but they don't make it easy which is just another reason why I despise that piece of shit. Sorry, starting to rant....

It was a good rant and WMM is going to like it. I think he hates FB too.

Thanks, but I think I'm being unkind to monkeys.

They will forgive you.

Quote by shygeek
Thanks, but I think I'm being unkind to monkeys.

Sup Monkey disapproves of facebook, too

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
'sup is soo cute.
Hey don't scare me...I just joined Facebook a few weeks ago, and people from school are starting to find me, which I have no problem with...
As far as using FB to keep in contact with people, I can just call anyone I really want to keep in contact with on the phone...
I agree it's not a real well designed site, most certainly not as nice as Lush...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Btw, funny you mentioned the reunion 30-year class reunion got postponed twice before they finally got there act together and had it...a year late, btw...they called it a "Thirty and a half" year
I did not go, I saw there were only about a dozen people on the list, none of which I cared about...
My opinion is, if you don't want to talk to somebody, or don't want to go to an even...just say "no"...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
one thing about facebook , you find all the people that used to be in your class at school or old work places or whatever , and you always find out , that the person you had a secreat crush on , and never done anything about it because you allways thought there was no chance they would like you in that way. turns out , 15 or 20 years down the line , on facebook , you find out they did have a thing for you after all. grrrrr and to make it worse , they allways seem to be married and stuff like that..
I just cancelled my account... received a request from my ex, so I added her to prove myself the whole thing is over, and had the power to act casual, and play the "hi there, how you doing" game.

I started watching her pictures and her conversations on the wall with other guys , and it was just too much to handle, so just cancelled the whole thing , thanks god I had a paper bag handy so I could hyperventilate.

I lost a battle, but the war is not over!!!
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by shygeek
Thanks, but I think I'm being unkind to monkeys.

Sup Monkey disapproves of facebook, too

Now there's a monkey that can design a website!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Your facebook friend request was more conversation than we had in high school.
Thousands of user submitted stories removed from the site. You are nothing without your users or their freely submitted stories.
personally, i feel facebook is very good.
it is so easy to change your settings. you can ignore people, you can make sure nobody but the people you have on your friends list can see your personal details or your pictures, plus, its incredibly easy to delted the x girlfriend and block and posts related to things you dont like silly
Wouldn't it be great to meet up on FB with the person you always had a crush on at school, but were too *nervous/inexperienced/confused/spoken for/in the wrong gang, and you knew her/his feelings were the same, then meet up and have amazing sex, like you should've before?

Just my thoughts, as per, one track mind!

*delete as appropriate
Whatever we may say about Facebook its popularity speaks for its self. Just like Mcdonalds and it grows and grows. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
If I made no effort to keep in touch with someone for the past 20 or 30 years, there must be a good reason. I feel the same about reunions. Anyone I wanted to keep in touch with, I already do. No reason to pay too much for a bad dinner and boring evening.
The 23 yr old perpetrator, George Bronk - hacked into over 3200 email accounts.

He scoured his victim's Facebook accounts for answers to the security questions used by email services such as Google, MSN and .

Of the 3,200 accounts he broke into, Bronk found nude or semi-nude photos in 172 of them, prosecutors said.

Once Bronk gained account access, he would change the account password -- locking out his victim -- and search for any racy photographs. If he found any, he posted them to the victim's Facebook profile.

In one case he persuaded a victim to send him even more explicit photographs by threatening to post the ones he'd stolen if she didn't.

Bronk faces six years in prison on felony hacking, child pornography and identity theft charges. He entered his plea Thursday in Sacramento Superior Court.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale

In one case he persuaded a victim to send him even more explicit photographs by threatening to post the ones he'd stolen if she didn't.

That sounds like the punchline to a bad 'Blonde joke'...

What an idiot...
Yep, I've done this. I met up on Face Book with classmates from way back in the early to mid seventies. There were: the restless and insecure ethnic kids like me, the overweight girl with a heart of gold now a single mum comfortable in her own skin, the cooly arrogant over achiever who now finds himself perpetually single and a lot humbler, the clever girl with glasses, who I did have a crush on, who is now a world renouned physicist, the mentally ill and yes, inevitably, the suicides...............

It was quite an experience.
Quote by deadlogger
Whatever we may say about Facebook its popularity speaks for its self. Just like Mcdonalds and it grows and grows. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Not Really Into Facebook, Opened An Account But Really Never Even Check It