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1001 reasons why Canada is the coolest country in the world.

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240: Christine Sinclair, powerhouse Canadian forward on Women's national soccer team...
252. Liberators

People celebrating on top of a Canadian carrier in Rotterdam, May 1945
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i

253. Rideau Canal, oldest continuously operated canal in North America and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In winter it becomes the world's largest skating rink 7.8km (4.8 miles) long

Quote by LikeToWrite
217 USA’s largest trading partner
218 American money (especially coins) are readily accepted at face value in Canada. (Funny how in return, the USA completely rejects Canadian coins like the plague)
219 Allows the USA to maintain early warning radar stations on Canadian soil (NORAD)

Those are pretty US centric considering this is about why Canada is the coolest country in the world.


Quote by noll

Those are pretty US centric considering this is about why Canada is the coolest country in the world.

judgey much?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LikeToWrite
236. Canadians love their holidays so much, they declared December 26 as Boxing Day.

My father is such a thrifty freak, I always say that for him Christmas Day is nothing more than Boxing Day Eve, haha. He actually bought his Christmas presents on December 26 many many times over the years when my sister and I were kids; even this year he had no present for me on Christmas Day, but then called two days ago to announce that he bought me three pairs of leather shoes that were on a 40% sale (he and I wear the exact same size of shoes). And yes, that's mainly how I inherited my own thrifty tendencies, even though they're nowhere as severe as my father's.

And although December 26 is the official date for Boxing Day, the shops usually keep the same discounts for nearly a week; if you haven't figured it out, this discount period mostly exists because stores are liquidating their Christmas overstock.

Quote by Myamibi
Pretty sure the Uk has a holiday on Boxing Day too.

For the record Canada has 12 statutory holidays. Depending on Easter this works out to approx one a month in British Columbia. Our floating holiday is in February. It's called Family Day. Just time in the "F" month to have a little break. I believe this extra holiday is decided province by province. In Quebec they celebrate Jean Baptiste Day in June, and other provinces have their own celebratory days.

As an added note, one of those statutory holidays has a completely different name in Quebec than it does in the rest of Canada (although they coincide on the exact same date, around May 20th). What Canada calls Queen Victoria Day is actually called Patriots' Day here in Quebec; they're celebrating the British monarchy while we're celebrating our past efforts to overthrow it, haha.

Funnily enough we still mostly live peacefully as a nation; we just really don't hold the same values.
Quote by HeraTeleia
250. KinderEggs!!


I love those things and they are illegal in America. That alone sways me, plus I married a Canadian and I am some days much fonder of my in laws than my own family. They really are nicer. They break the law to send me Kinder eggs, lol.

Quote by LikeToWrite
218. American money (especially coins) are readily accepted at face value in Canada. (Funny how in return, the USA completely rejects Canadian coins like the plague)

That's not because Canadians are any more generous/hospitable than Americans however; it's simply because the US Dollar is worth more than our Canadian Dollar. A Canadian storekeeper who accepts $10 USD actually receives $13.50 CAD; an American storekeeper who'd accept $10 CAD would only receive $7.50 USD.
255. Many provinces and territories, such as British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Quebec and Yukon produce over 90% of their electricity from clean/renewable hydroelectricity, while 60% of Canada's total electricity consumption comes from that source. By comparison, only 20-25% of the world's electricity consumption comes from renewable energy.

256. Spelling - That old rascal the confusing British English u remains in Canadian English words such as colour, valour and honour, and they call the last letter of the alphabet zed, just like the British. Canadians also put the British double L in travelled and unravelled.

Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. That makes Canada pretty cool in my book.

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by HeraTeleia
250. KinderEggs!!
They're Italian, by Ferrero, who also make Nutella. The inventor of the surprise egg, William Salice, died last week in Pavia in the north of Italy, aged 83.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by SereneProdigy
196. Canadian Tire. Because every good Canadian fundamentally needs a reliable supplier of winter tires, antifreeze and shovels.

Jeez, NEVER buy your tires from "Crappy Tire"

It's a glorified hardware store, if that. You get better tires (and better car mechanics) from a place that specializes in tires, or auto repairs.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
The BEST view of Niagara Falls!

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
Built the AVRO ARROW
- The best fighter jet in the world, in 1958
- Terminated prematurely by the most stupid Conservative government Canada ever had (probably in part due to pressure from the U.S., who did not want to be outdone, and who proposed Canada buy nuclear missiles instead)
- All the great engineering talent on the AVRO ARROW project went away to other great projects: the Apollo landings on the moon; the British/French Concorde supersonic airliner.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
Robertson Screws
- they actually will stay on the end of a Robertson Screwdriver, making it way easier to start screwing

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
Great place names:

260. Come By Chance, NF
261. Bangs Falls, NS
262. Community Punch Bowl, AB
263. Bastard, ON
264. Blow Me Down, NF
265.Heart's Desire, NF

266. Lulu Island, BC
Quote by MorePleasin
Robertson Screws
- they actually will stay on the end of a Robertson Screwdriver, making it way easier to start screwing

i'm all about making screwing easier smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LikeToWrite

217 USA’s largest trading partner
218 American money (especially coins) are readily accepted at face value in Canada. (Funny how in return, the USA completely rejects Canadian coins like the plague)
219 Allows the USA to maintain early warning radar stations on Canadian soil (NORAD)

Quote by noll

Those are pretty US centric considering this is about why Canada is the coolest country in the world.

Thank you Noll for your comment, because now at least I know someone read my submission. Now that I have gone back and read once again what I wrote, I’ll admit you may have a good case up to a point. I hadn’t thought about the words I used in those terms that you mentioned.

I interpreted Sprite’s original statement that started this wonderful thread as meaning ways that Canada is different or unique from other countries, either the country itself or the people.

217. If you can accept my definition, then wouldn’t you agree that being the ‘LARGEST trading partner’, (keyword being LARGEST) would put it in a class by itself, thereby being different and/or unique?

218. I have never traveled outside of the US or Canada, so while I know that American coins are accepted as currency in Canada, I am unable to talk about other countries and whether or not they do the same thing. If I were in your country and handed a cashier some American coins to pay for my purchase, would that person accept them without giving it a second thought? If a cashier handed me back some change, could I reasonably expect that there may be one or more American coins there? Only you can answer those two questions, but if your answer is ‘YES’, then I admit I was wrong in my statement and I stand corrected. The second part of that submission about the US not accepting Canadian coins is true. We don’t. I doubt that any merchant here would accept any of your coins either.

219. The more I think about this one, the more I can see how someone could read this in more ways than I intended. There are only two countries on this continent, and those radar stations are there to be an early warning system for North America, since they are not on USA soil, where else could they be, but in Canada. I know that the US maintains military bases and I’m sure similar radar stations in some of the NATO countries, to guard against Mr. Putin sending someone a Christmas present of some of his short range missiles. Though these stations may not be guarding North America, I’ll concede that they do serve the same purpose as the ones in Canada.

Noll, I do not intend to get into a long discussion with you about your concerns, as valid as they may be, and thereby diverting this great thread, so if you are willing, I’ll make a deal with you. Let’s let the talented and ever beautiful Sprite decide about the validity of my original statements. If she decides they do not fit in this thread, then she can delete them and let someone else use these three numbers. I’ll accept her decision. Does that sound fair enough?
Quote by noll

Those are pretty US centric considering this is about why Canada is the coolest country in the world.

Quote by sprite

judgey much?

Sprite, don’t be too harsh on him, because as I’ve stated above, he may have a point.

P.S. Sprite, as a side point of interest, I hope that there will be someone at your home in the next day or so to accept the box of chocolates and the large bouquet of red roses I’ve sent. Please accept these in the spirit I’m giving them to you, and don’t think that I’d ever stoop so low as to try to bribe you in any way.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Quote by MorePleasin
Jeez, NEVER buy your tires from "Crappy Tire"

It's a glorified hardware store, if that. You get better tires (and better car mechanics) from a place that specializes in tires, or auto repairs.

I wonder why you say this when they carry the exact same brands as any other tire store in much similar quantities/varieties; and that's coming from a guy who worked nearly two years in a tire warehouse owned by one of the biggest independent retailers of his city.

But whatever, my point was that Canadian Tire is a staple/exclusive Canadian store that's immensely popular for anything winter-related.
267. Captain Canuck

268. Guardian (RIP) and Guardian.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

269. Dudley Dooright (who is much tougher than the Guardians!!!) Dudley is the MAN! Don't mess with Dudley!

Quote by LYFBUZ
Great place names:

260. Come By Chance, NF
261. Bangs Falls, NS
262. Community Punch Bowl, AB
263. Bastard, ON
264. Blow Me Down, NF
265.Heart's Desire, NF

266. Lulu Island, BC

Don't forget Dildo, Newfoundland. Been there not that long ago. (My better half is a Newfie) I think NF has the longest list of interesting place names.

Leading Tickles
Joe Batt's Arm
Cow Head
Seldom Come
Push Through
Etc..... (That's not one as far as I know)
275. After counting Gillian's:

TERRY FOX. I doubt there is a Canadian that epitomizes the spirit of Canada any better.

In 1980, with one leg having been amputated due to cancer, he began a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. His Marathon of Hope (re ran a marathon a day) began in St John's, Newfoundland and came to an end near Thunder Bay, Ontario. Tragically the spread of his cancer forced him to end his quest after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 mi), and ultimately cost him his life. His efforts resulted in a lasting, worldwide legacy. The annual Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981, has grown to involve millions of participants in over 60 countries and is now the world's largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research; over C$650 million has been raised in his name. Terry Fox passed away on June 28, 1981. He was 22 years old.

In Canada's Parliament, Justin's dad, Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister at the time said: "It occurs very rarely in the life of a nation that the courageous spirit of one person unites all people in the celebration of his life and in the mourning of his death ... We do not think of him as one who was defeated by misfortune but as one who inspired us with the example of the triumph of the human spirit over adversity"

If you don't know Terry's story do yourself a favour and read up. Bring tissues.
Quote by LikeToWrite
217. If you can accept my definition, then wouldn’t you agree that being the ‘LARGEST trading partner’, (keyword being LARGEST) would put it in a class by itself, thereby being different and/or unique?

218. I have never traveled outside of the US or Canada, so while I know that American coins are accepted as currency in Canada, I am unable to talk about other countries and whether or not they do the same thing. If I were in your country and handed a cashier some American coins to pay for my purchase, would that person accept them without giving it a second thought? If a cashier handed me back some change, could I reasonably expect that there may be one or more American coins there? Only you can answer those two questions, but if your answer is ‘YES’, then I admit I was wrong in my statement and I stand corrected. The second part of that submission about the US not accepting Canadian coins is true. We don’t. I doubt that any merchant here would accept any of your coins either.

219. The more I think about this one, the more I can see how someone could read this in more ways than I intended. There are only two countries on this continent, and those radar stations are there to be an early warning system for North America, since they are not on USA soil, where else could they be, but in Canada. I know that the US maintains military bases and I’m sure similar radar stations in some of the NATO countries, to guard against Mr. Putin sending someone a Christmas present of some of his short range missiles. Though these stations may not be guarding North America, I’ll concede that they do serve the same purpose as the ones in Canada.

Noll, I do not intend to get into a long discussion with you about your concerns, as valid as they may be, and thereby diverting this great thread, so if you are willing, I’ll make a deal with you. Let’s let the talented and ever beautiful Sprite decide about the validity of my original statements. If she decides they do not fit in this thread, then she can delete them and let someone else use these three numbers. I’ll accept her decision. Does that sound fair enough?

First of all this is just a fun thread of course, since it's not about the Netherlands smile

About your points:

217. Being the biggest trading partner is not something unique. Germany is the biggest trading partner of the Netherlands for instance. That's what I meant by US centric ;)

218. We have the same currency, the euro, these days as our neighbouring countries. As for US dollars being accepted here... in some very touristic places perhaps, but even then only paper money I'd suspect. In the pre-euro era you could pay with German marks here, but you'd pay about 10% more and would receive change in Dutch guilders.

219. As far as I know Latin America is part of the northern American continent as well. But I guess there's more than one definition perhaps. As for radar stations on foreign soil: Russia has radar a station in Belarus (and probably in many other former Soviet states as well).


Quote by LYFBUZ
Great place names:

260. Come By Chance, NF
261. Bangs Falls, NS
262. Community Punch Bowl, AB
263. Bastard, ON
264. Blow Me Down, NF
265.Heart's Desire, NF

266. Lulu Island, BC

I'm in Bangkok at the moment and just got off the metro that went 'to Bang Sue' (that's what the sign said)

Edit: added pic


Quote by LikeToWrite

Is that why Canada exported you to the United Kingdom, because you were so naughty? LOL (Sorry Sean, but I couldn't resist saying that. I'm sure you are a very nice guy.)

i was there for "school" i actually got sent back home for some of the things i got up to. so i guess the answer is yes. lol
Quote by SeanR83

i was there for "school" i actually got sent back home for some of the things i got up to. so i guess the answer is yes. lol

Did they put you on the register too?

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'