A banana, or a piece of pizza. Both winners.
I barely make it up till midnight but if I do it is usually a piece of fruit. Or I also have had some kind of chex mix.
Anything at Waffle House.
a handful of cold globe grapes
I don't really snack that late but when I do is usually a handful of raw unsalted almonds..
yogurt is always good for a snack
A mug of hot chocolate. Salted crackers too. But most midnights, I'd be sound asleep!
A nice thick cock and lots of cum.
Lightly buttered and salted popcorn
Kissing your lips while straddling your lap.
i wud say good small lava cake
toast and peanut butter with a glass of milk
Hmm, all the selections mentioned in the previous posts are wonderful. I enjoy yogurt, fruit, and popcorn. But my absolute favorite is a mix: yogurt covered raisins, dried cranberries, and unsalted almonds. Yummy!
thought of a new one.. peanut butter and nutella chocolate on toast... or cream cheese and jelly on toast with OJ
A couple slices of bread,slightly warmed,apply cheese,lettuce ,tomatoes,a bit of pepper,make a sandwich with a glass if cold milk
Fresh fruit in the summer, but hot cocoa and cinnamon Graham crackers in the winter.
This time of year? I could seriously live off of nectarines and grapes. Especially on hot nights, like this one.
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I usually dip into my supply of peanut butter, or my personal favourite brownies. Both simply melt into my mouth. The jug of milk on the sidebar does wonders to wash it down.