A good midnight snack is usually.....a piece of ass?
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
I'm a string cheese, white grapes and blueberries kind of girl.
fruit or maybe peanut butter
2 rice cakes with peanut butter and honey + glass of water or two.heQNt6FNKDGoKEqD
Cheese and biscuits! Some say eating cheese close to bed can give you bad dreams. I've not found that. Is it true?
Whip cream is my go to snack
since today is the first day of Aunt Flo's visit...a good midnight snack is..anything lol. fuck the first day I'm ravenous (for both food and other pleasures btw)
sweet, salty, doesn't matter
~*~*~* Only the one that hurts you can make you feel better ~*~*~*
~*~*~* Only the one that inflicts pain can take it away~*~*~*
Check out my latest story: Drawn to Addy - Part 2 Leftover comfort food.
Especially meatloaf, fried chicken, or pizza!
(fuck, now I'm hungry)
anything involving cheese makes a good snack for me.
anything involving cheese makes a good snack for me.
I usually do a hand full of nuts or cashews.
I like oatmeal, with pecans and dried cherries or cranberries in it, if I can't sleep.
Or, a thick slice of cheese, cubed, with a big dill pickle, if I'm craving salt.
bagel with butter, hot chocolate with a shot of Baileys, freshly made cookies... pick one food to go with the hot chocolate
In the absence of someone to snack on ... I found tea and water crackers work well.
* Dark chocolate, most people and I use 70%
* Peanut butter
* Extra virgin organic coconut oil
* Melt the chocolate
* Add coconut oil and peanut butter to your liking.
* Divide the solution into muffin paper cups and put it in the freezer.
When you need a snack pick it up and eat it. Preferably with some tea.
Van Holtens spicy pickles
Frozen peach yogurt. Eaten out of the container while standing right in front of the fridge, half asleep. And naked.
A glass of cold organic skim milk.
i like a special k bar, any flavor
Hard to decide being a diabetic... (How about His sweet kiss...) smiles...
15" Pepperoni and green chilli pizza