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Competition Idea

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I was thinking as I saw the recent competition winners, runner-ups and top ten story competitors announced. Might I suggest, as a way to encourage "rookie" writers to step out of their comfort zone and write a competition story, that in addition to winner, second place, third place and runner-up announcements, that the judges also nominate a first-time competition writer as an honorable mention. Sure, their writing wasn't good enough to break the "glass ceiling," but I believe many aspiring writers never try or give up because they believe they're not good writers. Just a thought...

I'm NOT suggestion any new badges; just a First-time competitor honor mention just for trying. It wouldn't even have to be every competition (although I think it would be great if it was). It could take the form of something like "Rookie of the Year" award given to the best first-year athlete. So it could be to a rookie writer that exhibited the best writing for a year in a competition. They wouldn't have to enter every competition either. Just a bit of encouragement to a writer that shows promise and just needs to hone his or her skills to become truly competitive.
Quote by Meagananne1986
I was thinking as I saw the recent competition winners, runner-ups and top ten story competitors announced. Might I suggest, as a way to encourage "rookie" writers to step out of their comfort zone and write a competition story, that in addition to winner, second place, third place and runner-up announcements, that the judges also nominate a first-time competition writer as an honorable mention. Sure, their writing wasn't good enough to break the "glass ceiling," but I believe many aspiring writers never try or give up because they believe they're not good writers. Just a thought...

I'm NOT suggestion any new badges; just a First-time competitor honor mention just for trying. It wouldn't even have to be every competition (although I think it would be great if it was). It could take the form of something like "Rookie of the Year" award given to the best first-year athlete. So it could be to a rookie writer that exhibited the best writing for a year in a competition. They wouldn't have to enter every competition either. Just a bit of encouragement to a writer that shows promise and just needs to hone his or her skills to become truly competitive.

Everyone that enters a contest, gets a contestant badge. I'm not certain if those have been added to those 'rookies' badge list for this most recent competition yet, but they will.

If a story cracks the top ten, then there is a top ten badge.

If a story makes the podium, then there is a runner-up badge.

And, of course, competition winner badge for the select few.

Is this kinda sorta what you are referring to?

Just a note on your 'glass ceiling' comment. I'm not sure it's what you meant to say. There have been a number of rookie entrants who've actually won a competition. There really isn't a glass ceiling. The best stories rise to the top. Plus, everyone that has won a contest, had to do it the first time, making them rookies as well.
I just know more than a few writers who won't enter a competition because they believe it isn't worth their time. A defeatist attitude to be sure. But like I said, I was thinking of a way to encourage more people to write and more people to write in a competition. This was my first competition. I had no expectations. I know there are just too many more experienced and tremendously better writers than I'll ever be. But I was just thinking of a way to give a bone sort of speak to the best rookie (i.e., first time contestant). It would be a one-time shot... just like professional sports. A Lush competition equivalent to Rookie of the Year in professional sports. A first-time writer who took the risk to write and enter a competition. Being relatively inexperienced in competitions (this was my first entry although I had started four stories before), I know it takes even more courage to step out (especially if the competition theme is not "you") of your comfort zone and write something in a competition. Like I said, not a badge or anything, but just to let a rookie writer in a competition hey, we (the judges) did notice you and keep trying - you've got potential. You know, under the runner-up list, it could Rookie Writer "honorable mention." A way to encourage a new writer to keep trying.
Quote by Ping

Everyone that enters a contest, gets a contestant badge. I'm not certain if those have been added to those 'rookies' badge list for this most recent competition yet, but they will.

If a story cracks the top ten, then there is a top ten badge.

If a story makes the podium, then there is a runner-up badge.

And, of course, competition winner badge for the select few.

Is this kinda sorta what you are referring to?

Just a note on your 'glass ceiling' comment. I'm not sure it's what you meant to say. There have been a number of rookie entrants who've actually won a competition. There really isn't a glass ceiling. The best stories rise to the top. Plus, everyone that has won a contest, had to do it the first time, making them rookies as well.

Maybe go and reread Meagan's post. Specifically the 1st few words of the 2nd para - she's NOT suggesting new badges. Just a mention in the announcement maybe or even just a once in a while thing - rookie of the year, quarter whatever.
As for the glass ceiling, when you've entered as many competitions as me and been around for less than a year, all we know is names. Sure we could go digging into the entrants and start making lists, but on a cursory glance we don't know if Saucy has entered one or 100 competitions (OK I know she's entered at least 2 as she has won both that I have entered.)

Personally I don't think Meagan's suggestion is a bad idea. The Horrorwean comp was her first and from what I read it took a lot for her to put herself out there, she had a great entry IMO and IMO better than some that got a mention, but she is left with a whole bunch of great comments on her story, the final rating it got and then nothing. I know from experience that she hasn't been told what made one a place and another left in the wings... I can't see that happening, unless you were a friend with a judge then you may get some pointers, I don't know.

I don't see how anything that will encourage writers new ones especially to try again, to try to improve can be a bad thing.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

Quote by kiteares
she is left with a whole bunch of great comments on her story, the final rating it got and then nothing.

Don't forget the profile 'Contestant' badge. Those things are sexy.

As for the 'glass ceiling' comment, I believe Ping was trying to point out that the phrase was misused because it refers to a situation in which progress appears to be possible but restrictions or discrimination create a barrier that prevents it. It's usually used in the context of someones profession and most often applies to women and members of minorities being denied the opportunity to obtain upper-level positions.

I see a few inherent problems here. The most obvious one is that the site is being asked to classify some authors as 'rookies'. The only way do this fairly without attempting to qualify the quality of someone's work would be to only apply it to first time competition entrants. This doesn't work in all cases as previous winners have included first time entrants who were seasoned writers on other erotica sites and definitely not new to the activity. Some people may also object to being labelled a 'rookie' just because they haven't entered a competition before.

Just sayin'.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

Quote by kiteares
Maybe go and reread Meagan's post. Specifically the 1st few words of the 2nd para - she's NOT suggesting new badges. Just a mention in the announcement maybe or even just a once in a while thing - rookie of the year, quarter whatever.

As for the glass ceiling, when you've entered as many competitions as me and been around for less than a year, all we know is names. Sure we could go digging into the entrants and start making lists, but on a cursory glance we don't know if Saucy has entered one or 100 competitions (OK I know she's entered at least 2 as she has won both that I have entered.)

Personally I don't think Meagan's suggestion is a bad idea. The Horrorwean comp was her first and from what I read it took a lot for her to put herself out there, she had a great entry IMO and IMO better than some that got a mention, but she is left with a whole bunch of great comments on her story, the final rating it got and then nothing. I know from experience that she hasn't been told what made one a place and another left in the wings... I can't see that happening, unless you were a friend with a judge then you may get some pointers, I don't know.

I don't see how anything that will encourage writers new ones especially to try again, to try to improve can be a bad thing.

I'll need to disagree with you on a few things here, my friend. I also don't think Meagan's suggestion is bad either. However... remember... the judges have guidelines. There are many factors in judging, including, what moves them when they are reading a story. All judges are anonymous for obvious reasons, but Nicola ensures that they are all excellent writers. As a result, they know their stuff.

I too thought other stories that didn't make the finalist list, were fabulous. I read ever single story. This will happen every competition. We all have our favorites. It's personal preference. But I'm not a judge. I'm just like a you, a reader and fan of this fiction. It's like the pie making contest I entered this summer. My pie fucking rocked. It was the best looking, tasted the best, and got the most ooh's and aah's from the crowd and judges. But I didn't even finish in the top 5. Judging is both prescriptive and subjective. My pie judges just didn't want lemon cream pie on a honey ginger graham cracker crust. They wanted peanut butter chocolate on an oreo cookie crust.

Nicola has, on occasion, offered mentions of writers and their stories that impressed her and the judges, but those stories just didn't make the finalist lists. I hear what is being said. I'm sure Nicola will take it into account. But if it's only a pat on the back one is looking for for entering a contest, then refer to the comments section of one's story. If something is outstanding, Nicola and the judges will mention it. In fact, so will mods. There are cases of mods awarding RR's after a competition's results have been released, to stories that did not make the finalist lists. Sometimes there just isn't enough room. Sometimes, Nicola has actually extended the top ten to top twelve. One competition I recall, she extended it to a top sixteen, and even commented on the seventeenth placing, because it was so good, but didn't make the top sixteen. BTW, I'm still pissed about that competition. I didn't even crack the top 17 FFS.

Yes, the BrownCoffee's, Liz's, Saucymh's, Burquette's, Wannabewordsmith's, etc. of our community are formidable writers. That list of amazing writers is long. Many are still here but don't write much anymore. Others don't enter competitions. If they enter a competition, we know they will do well. Like Beffer. She hasn't written for sometime, but this comp theme motivated her. I personally don't like steam punk, but there was no denying her story was well written.

No one has given these amazing writers that respect, they damn well earned it. In fact, I know of some awesome writers who have stopped entering competitions because they worry others think there is judging favoritism. That's just not true. The cream rises to the top. Always. Read past podium and EP stories and you'll see what I mean. I have. Every single one. And I still can't win this damn competition thingie.

For me, having these amazing writers involved in these competitions motivates me to try better. I learn from them. Research. Read. Ask questions. Do more to better what I write. But most importantly, they entertain. Isn't that the goal?

It's funny we are discussing this today. I've been wanting to propose something, actually two things, to Nicola for her consideration. I actually did that earlier this morning. We'll see what she says. I'm not sure if it makes sense, but if it does, she'll let us know.

The best I can say is that we all can improve our writing. There is no perfect score or perfect writing. Or perfect system. But we've got a pretty good one at Lush.
Quote by Liz
Don't forget the profile 'Contestant' badge. Those things are sexy.

Oh Damn! How did I forget those? Bad Ping. Very, very bad. Yes, sexy AF they are.
Quote by Meagananne1986
I just know more than a few writers who won't enter a competition because they believe it isn't worth their time. A defeatist attitude to be sure. But like I said, I was thinking of a way to encourage more people to write and more people to write in a competition. This was my first competition. I had no expectations. I know there are just too many more experienced and tremendously better writers than I'll ever be. But I was just thinking of a way to give a bone sort of speak to the best rookie (i.e., first time contestant). It would be a one-time shot... just like professional sports. A Lush competition equivalent to Rookie of the Year in professional sports. A first-time writer who took the risk to write and enter a competition. Being relatively inexperienced in competitions (this was my first entry although I had started four stories before), I know it takes even more courage to step out (especially if the competition theme is not "you") of your comfort zone and write something in a competition. Like I said, not a badge or anything, but just to let a rookie writer in a competition hey, we (the judges) did notice you and keep trying - you've got potential. You know, under the runner-up list, it could Rookie Writer "honorable mention." A way to encourage a new writer to keep trying.

Congrats on making the leap and entering.

I think this is a good idea, and I think encouraging "rookies" is a great idea. Maybe simplify things: have a competition open to rookies only. Only people who have never entered a comp could enter.

Just a thought.

BTW, I was one of those "rookie" writers who won a competition first time out (first two times out, actually) (totally not bragging) (shameless lie).
Quote by Verbal
I think this is a good idea, and I think encouraging "rookies" is a great idea. Maybe simplify things: have a competition open to rookies only. Only people who have never entered a comp could enter.

Just a thought.

BTW, I was one of those "rookie" writers who won a competition first time out (first two times out, actually) (totally not bragging) (shameless lie).

Damn it, Verbs. That was one of my ideas.

My other idea, since you'll probably suggest it too, was to have a Comp Winner's competition. Smaller field. Simple topic like a picture or loose theme open to interpretation by the writers. Any genre. Any topic. All past winners that choose to enter, write and submit their stories, however... all stories are published on the same day. This way, no one has the advantage or disadvantage of seeing what the others have written.

I forgive you. Just don't be reading my mind again. It's unnerving.
Quote by Ping

Damn it, Verbs. That was one of my ideas.

My other idea, since you'll probably suggest it too, was to have a Comp Winner's competition. Smaller field. Simple topic like a picture or loose theme open to interpretation by the writers. Any genre. Any topic. All past winners that choose to enter, write and submit their stories, however... all stories are published on the same day. This way, no one has the advantage or disadvantage of seeing what the others have written.

I forgive you. Just don't be reading my mind again. It's unnerving.

Hey, we should have a Comp Winner's competition! Any genre. Any Topic. All stories published the same day!
Quote by Verbal

Hey, we should have a Comp Winner's competition! Any genre. Any Topic. All stories published the same day!

Bastard. I said it first.

I think it would be really cool to do this. Get some of those retired writers back in the groove.
Quote by Verbal

Hey, we should have a Comp Winner's competition! Any genre. Any Topic. All stories published the same day!

Why not a no mod competition?
Click below to see

Ping and Verbal - write a story in ONE DAY? I take a week coming up with ideas before I write a single word, I couldn't even write a title in one day, LOL

Now then, unlike Verbal, my rookie competition piece didn't get any awards. Nada. Personally, I love this poem but it's not exactly Shakespeare

From the Valentine's Poetry Competition, February 2015, I present, this...

What a debut, eh?
Quote by Simplicity

Why not a no mod competition?

in the past, way back in the stone age, we had a rule that the top 3 in one comp, had to sit the next one out. it's not a rule i'm very fond of (especially since i am 99.9% sure that i'm the only person to ever be effected by it) but i thought i'd throw it out there to see how other's feel about it?

as for the non-mod comp, i'd be game doing it as a one off, but to be frank the mods put in a lot of unpaid hard work here and to penalize them for it doesn't really seem fair, especially since they were, to a person, picked because of their writing skills and being able to enter comps is kind of like one of the few perks they get, besides having the honor of working with me, that is.

just thought i'd throw those two things out in an unofficial sort of way. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

My brief thoughts, I have some sympathy with Meagananne1986, the only downside of the competitions is that you can feel the absence of feedback. I know that in my first competition entry last December I wondered how to understand the results.

Getting an RR outside the top 10 helped (I have chosen to see that as 11th, smiles,) so maybe the idea of rookie awards has merit. Though was I truly a rookie even then? Have published about 8 stories elsewhere and a handful here before the competition.

To be honest I adore the competitions and have felt like the competitions are the thing that is improving my writing and letting me enjoy new writers. Every competition I have been introduced to people I haven't read before and every competition there are stories I adore out side the top 10. Sometimes I think oh that story should be rated higher, but the lovely thing about this site is it is relatively bias free.

And although I still think of myself as a bit of a rookie when it comes to competitions, well I am still in my rookie year, I have loved the feedback, the increasing number of good authors who comment on my work and the sense of progress with placings, apart from the Notorious story, of 11th, 10th, 7th, and 5th.

The observant amongst you will have noticed I left one off that list. Oxford Street won the Pride competition which was the most wonderful support my writing had ever had. I would have truly loathed it if there had been restrictions on who could have entered that competition. This isn't a horse race which needs handicapping, it needs to be a true challenge.

And in particular I would expect mods who enter to do well, as I hope (and it has been my experience) mods are selected as they can write.

Please don't go changing too much, but I do think some mechanism of feedback to newer writers is good.

Do check out my latest story:

Festive Flash competition: The Ghost of Christmas Past

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 24 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Quote by CuriousAnnie

Please don't go changing too much, but I do think some mechanism of feedback to newer writers is good.

agreed, although something to keep in mind. we had 45 or so stories entered in the comp. someone had to short list that to 20, and then someone else had to short list that to 10 so that our panel of judges could read all 10 and put them in order.

we take this very seriously, so you can imagine the time spent doing this. it's time consuming and it gets in the way of, speaking for myself, my own writing and what little free time i have during the week.

also, i'd like to point out that probably most of the entrants got a LOT more views, votes, and comments than they normally do and my have gained some new fans. just keep entering, folks, and keep writing to the best of your abilities. you'll get better with each story. trust me, my first handful of stories here weren't more than ok. i just kept at it and treated each story as a lesson and, eventually, got better. smile

listen, i do get it. i do hear things like 'comps are a circle jerk for the mods' and stuff like that. but really, i think we've done a good job at providing transparency about the process and it's not at all a popularity contest. i've given high placement to people i don't really like and low to friends all based on one thing - the story set before me. btw, i'm always up for questions about any aspect of the comps, as long as they're voiced politely. :)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
in the past, way back in the stone age, we had a rule that the top 3 in one comp, had to sit the next one out. it's not a rule i'm very fond of (especially since i am 99.9% sure that i'm the only person to ever be effected by it) but i thought i'd throw it out there to see how other's feel about it?

as for the non-mod comp, i'd be game doing it as a one off, but to be frank the mods put in a lot of unpaid hard work here and to penalize them for it doesn't really seem fair, especially since they were, to a person, picked because of their writing skills and being able to enter comps is kind of like one of the few perks they get, besides having the honor of working with me, that is.

just thought i'd throw those two things out in an unofficial sort of way. smile

Click below to see

I like the idea of encouraging newer writers in some way but not through a Comp. Many of the talented writers here work hard at their craft and a competition should be just that. Life is a challenge, writing should be too.
Mods should not be barred, see above.
I like the idea of winners stepping aside for the next Comp. I think a lot already do this anyway.

I'm still waiting for the Canada themed Comp. What would fit better for Xmas? We do own the North Pole.
Quote by LYFBUZ
I like the idea of encouraging newer writers in some way but not through a Comp. Many of the talented writers here work hard at their craft and a competition should be just that. Life is a challenge, writing should be too.
Mods should not be barred, see above.
I like the idea of winners stepping aside for the next Comp. I think a lot already do this anyway.

I'm still waiting for the Canada themed Comp. What would fit better for Xmas? We do own the North Pole.

what do you call a Canadian 3some? a Ho Ho Ho.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LYFBUZ

I'm still waiting for the Canada themed Comp. What would fit better for Xmas? We do own the North Pole.

I love this Comp idea! Winter is a great time for a Canada theme! ??????
Please read my naughty new Micro.


Quote by LYFBUZ
I like the idea of encouraging newer writers in some way but not through a Comp. Many of the talented writers here work hard at their craft and a competition should be just that. Life is a challenge, writing should be too.
Mods should not be barred, see above.
I like the idea of winners stepping aside for the next Comp. I think a lot already do this anyway.

I'm still waiting for the Canada themed Comp. What would fit better for Xmas? We do own the North Pole.

I can already imagine the maple syrup usage...
Quote by vanessa26
What about a comp that's just for the mods at some point?
With judges that aren't mods?

It would be interesting and fun ( I think )

I was thinking similar.
If there is a suggestion that there should be a no mod one, the opposite should absolutely apply.

Others have mentioned feedback. I agree it's possibly the only way to improve in a targeted way. The comments we get on all our stories will include hints to what people might like to see, but it's rare to see a comment or get a mail saying
"If you did this that and the other, you'd find the flow better or the dialogue would be easier to read or... insert"

Some of the mods when verifying a story will give pointers and links for further reading to help. This obviously isn't done for comps. And to do it after the fact would be a nightmare.
I also think it would be impossible to feedback from the judging process to individuals. If I read Sprite's post correct 1 person strips it to 20 and another to 10. These 2 individuals would then need to feedback to (in the last comp) nearly 30 people and 10 people respectively. Not only a lot of work, far too much to be asked of someone volunteering.
What I thought might be doable, some form of anonymised (both judge and story) notes about the top 10. This was good, this is what made is stand out. But having no idea how the judging is done, I am pissing in the dark here.

Are the judging criteria (not rules) posted publicly? If they are, I've missed them both times.
It's pointless taking apples to an orange competition expecting to win a prize (except maybe idiot of the month).
In this competition I saw a post by Sprite saying all entries had to be either in Supernatural or Horror, yet there were entries put into Lesbian and Historical.
Was Sprite's post to be taken as gospel?
She's a senior mod from what I can make out from her posts, so on face value, it was a legitimate post. If so why was it not on the competition page?
The forum on every site I have used are notoriously under utilised by members. So, many people thinking of entering may not have seen it.
Just one example of potential apples and oranges.
If the judging criteria said you are not allowed to base any part of the story on Hawai'i or use dates of real events, that would have ended my entry straight away and I would have no clue that I never stood a chance. So even a check box of what entries cannot include and must include would be a start.

I'm sure those that have been around the site for a while will know the answers to some or all of my points, so please excuse the ignorant newb (yes, still less than a year here, even if it feels like an eternity to some of you).

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

Some of these ideas have been bounced around in the past. The bone of contention in each case I believe was that it is unfair to exclude anyone (except judges obviously) from any competition. Mods are just normal members who volunteer to help verify stories or look after the forum/chatrooms, why should they be excluded from anything?

With regards to providing detailed critiques of entries, that would be a monumental undertaking. Judges would have to submit notes on each story they read, then those would have to be collated and rewritten into something meaningful for each entry. None of this is needed in the current process so would be a lot of extra work.

With regard to competition rules, any that apply are posted on the competition page itself.
I don't enter every competition and, even recently, have had entries not even make the top 10. Nothing technically wrong with the writing, just didn't fit or was eclipsed by other great entries. There are no guarantees.

As sprite says, it's not about being in the club it's about the merit of each story and how it fits the theme of the comp. A lot of thought goes on behind the scenes to pick topics that will challenge writers and produce a variety of imaginative entries. That was demonstrated beautifully in the Horrorween competiton where it wasn't all blood and gore. We had zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, gargoyles, spells, magic, mystery, history, steampunk, intrigue... and trees!

Excluding one group or another wouldn't be my first choice to celebrate the diverse nature of authors' imagination in our competitions, but neither am I averse to a no-mod (bearing in mind there are people who have been mods and are still active storytellers... are they excluded too? And what about people who make another account to appear "rookie"? Tricky to make a level playing field) or all-mod (judged by a select panel of non-mods) competition. The latter might be a lot of fun, and give the judging panel a break.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
I don't enter every competition and, even recently, have had entries not even make the top 10. Nothing technically wrong with the story, it just didn't fit or was eclipsed by other great entries. There are no guarantees.

As sprite says, it's not about being in the club it's about the merit of each story and how it fits the theme of the comp. A lot of thought goes on behind the scenes to pick topics that will challenge writers and produce a variety of imaginative entries. That was demonstrated beautifully in the Horrorween competiton where it wasn't all blood and gore. We had zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, gargoyles, spells, magic, mystery, history, steampunk, intrigue... and trees!

Excluding one group or another wouldn't be my first choice to celebrate the diverse nature of authors' imagination in our competitions, but neither am I averse to a no-mod (bearing in mind there are people who have been mods and are still active storytellers... are they excluded too? And what about people who make another account to appear "rookie"? Tricky to make a level playing field) or all-mod (judged by a select panel of non-mods) competition, as that might be a lot of fun, and give the judging panel a break.

I said to Rachel in a private email this afternoon in what I thought was my last word on the subject that "nothing should detract from the thought that the lush competitions are the best thing online for erotica writers. So well run and so much fun and that point should be repeated again and again."

I had convinced myself that I wasn't going to say anymore, but sadly my friend I must.

A no-mod competition is a bad idea as it misses the point about what a competition is about. If I was standing in second place alongside Martin and Vanessa in the recent Horror competition excluding mods, it would mean so much less to me the 5th place in an open competition. To use a cricket analogy that may be wasted on our North American friends I don't want to star in the second eleven if I can play in the first eleven.

I know I shouldn't speak for the non-mod writers, but knowing me I will. Please dont turn the request to think about how feedback might be given to newbies into a lets restrict the competition, there is no joy in that route. And additionally what exactly is the point of an all-mod competition, are the rest of us supposed to turn up at the writing coliseum to watch who shreds who with linguistic barbs. Entertaining maybe, but edifying? Is it compulsory, does Nicola have to enter, can I be a judge (well I like to participate;) yes there are all sorts of silly questions.

As I said in a previous post, 'Please don't go changing too much, but I do think some mechanism of feedback to newer writers is good.'

And finally it never occurred to me having won the Pride competition that I should sit out the Kinky Fetish one. And I am thrilled that it never occurred to Mags either to sit out the Horror one as she won the Kinky Fetish competition. That just seems weird. Okay I am done, you all have a great Saturday.

Love Annie

Do check out my latest story:

Festive Flash competition: The Ghost of Christmas Past

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 24 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

You're right, I didn't think it through and wandered off-topic. It's a daft idea. Ignore me!

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by kiteares

I was thinking similar.
If there is a suggestion that there should be a no mod one, the opposite should absolutely apply.

Others have mentioned feedback. I agree it's possibly the only way to improve in a targeted way. The comments we get on all our stories will include hints to what people might like to see, but it's rare to see a comment or get a mail saying
"If you did this that and the other, you'd find the flow better or the dialogue would be easier to read or... insert"

Some of the mods when verifying a story will give pointers and links for further reading to help. This obviously isn't done for comps. And to do it after the fact would be a nightmare.
I also think it would be impossible to feedback from the judging process to individuals. If I read Sprite's post correct 1 person strips it to 20 and another to 10. These 2 individuals would then need to feedback to (in the last comp) nearly 30 people and 10 people respectively. Not only a lot of work, far too much to be asked of someone volunteering.
What I thought might be doable, some form of anonymised (both judge and story) notes about the top 10. This was good, this is what made is stand out. But having no idea how the judging is done, I am pissing in the dark here.

Are the judging criteria (not rules) posted publicly? If they are, I've missed them both times.
It's pointless taking apples to an orange competition expecting to win a prize (except maybe idiot of the month).
In this competition I saw a post by Sprite saying all entries had to be either in Supernatural or Horror, yet there were entries put into Lesbian and Historical.
Was Sprite's post to be taken as gospel?
She's a senior mod from what I can make out from her posts, so on face value, it was a legitimate post. If so why was it not on the competition page?
The forum on every site I have used are notoriously under utilised by members. So, many people thinking of entering may not have seen it.
Just one example of potential apples and oranges.
If the judging criteria said you are not allowed to base any part of the story on Hawai'i or use dates of real events, that would have ended my entry straight away and I would have no clue that I never stood a chance. So even a check box of what entries cannot include and must include would be a start.

I'm sure those that have been around the site for a while will know the answers to some or all of my points, so please excuse the ignorant newb (yes, still less than a year here, even if it feels like an eternity to some of you).

I personally just like mixing things up
I'd never want to exclude permanently as that wouldn't be right
but more of a one off thing that's fun for everyone
Like one comp is just the mods which would be amazing to watch
as they are all grand writers so it would be exciting and different.