Quote by LYFBUZ
I did hear a rumour that Canadian themed stories get bonus marks. Better to be safe than sorry. Just saying.
For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile
My recommended read
here’s a link to my photography album in my media
Quote by seeker4
Does mine count? I didn't specify that it was set in Canada but it well could be (and mine generally are). Snowboarders partying in a ski lodge. Weird creatures in the mountains (other than the snowboarders, that is). Hot sex involving huge cocks. Sounds Canadian to me. Maybe it would be more Canadian if one of the 'boarders was named Justin?
See for yourself, I guess.
New Mac & Grace story:
Boardrooms & Boudoirs Part Five: Ch 17-20
Latest stand-alone story:
Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.
Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True
The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)
Quote by Ping
Just wondering...
Since only two entrants followed the competition’s explicit instructions to use the ‘attached photo’ for inspiration, does the other competitor’s oversight disqualify the rest of the stories? These are words; should they not be literally taken? (A few others were picture-theme adjacent but didn’t use the photo)
I’m predicting this will be the most challenging competition for the judges to chose a winner... EVER!
There are five, six, maybe seven stories that could easily win this. This is going to be a tough one. The toughest. I hope Lush has a health care plan for judges because they will all suffer from PCJD - Post Competition Judging Disorder.
To simplify matters, and to again bring attention to the rules explicitly laid out in the competition announcement, there really should only be two stories eligible for this competition.
I tried.
RUMP!!! I need my spicy dark rum and coke, short glass, shaved ice, skinny straw. Thanks barkeep. I’ve got some corner-sitting, fetal-position rocking planned for the rest of the day. Therapist’s orders.
Quote by Jen
How do you know they didn't use the photo for inspiration?
There's a big difference between using the photo for inspiration and using it as a cover photo.
Quote by LeCygneNoir
I am pretty sure our friend Ping here is trying
Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.
Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True
The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)