Is there a word count on this one?
Boobies.... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
God, I love boobs. Alas, I'm not sure I have it in me to come up with a comp-worthy story about them by November 19. Got a lot happening in life and work between now and then plus a story (that has 0% chance of fitting in this comp) on the go that I quite like and would like to finish before the poop hits the fan in other areas.
I'll try to read and vote on those who do, though. Bookish was the first comp where I really made an effort to read as many of the stories as possible and it was a fun exercise.
What is the word count? Do they have to be Natural or can they be Enhanced?
I used to think the perfect boobie was big with large nipples. But I know now its not the size but the shape and that for me the nipples have to be centered and look the same as each other . But im a boob man and would never turn away from any suckulant mammary. Just one mans humble opinion.
1) natural or enhanced are go. hell, even robot lazer boobs are fine.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Thank you, Nicola, for this marvellous gesture. My lovely aunt had a double mastectomy a few months ago. Hopefully she is going to be okay now, but you can imagine how traumatic and upsetting this was for her, and also for her family too. Bad enough for me; much worse for her husband and children.
I'm not sure if she reads Lush, but I'm sure she would be touched to know that you are doing this. I know I am.
Annie xxx
God, I haven't written for a competition in so long... but this one is a great cause. I think I may have to bust out the old writing cap and try to come up with something.
A great theme and a very worthy cause. I'm already looking forward to reading some of these entries!
As someone whose mum was diagnosed two years ago, I really appreciate this. What a great idea. I hope we get a lot of stories and a lot of publicity for such a good cause.
A poetry selection!
H. will hound you like a...ermm, hound? Until you enter. She does it lovingly, though.
Thank you, Nic, for this comp. My scars (two, if you're counting) are well hidden but that's because a) I was lucky and my BRCA (DCIS) was caught early both times and b) I have good doctors. Not all women are as fortunate.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!
This competition is a great idea. I think I'm more excited to write in this one than the last. You know, both because boobs are truly amazing things, and because I love what you're doing with the prize money. Thanks for being awesome Nicola (and Lush in general)!