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Where do you wear - your heart?

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Constant Gardener
Deep down inside?

Pinned way out on your sleeve?

Do you have a wall built around your sticky inner self (when you are seeking your next mate)?

Is it worth the risk of a broken heart, to know know that someone else values you in all the ways which are important to you?

I wear mine - pinned to my sleeve. WMM
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
i wear my heart on the outside with a security system in place.....

I wear my heart out there for all to see and break.
Alpha Blonde
I wear it around my neck, but it's encased in titanium alloy... barely hidden beneath a low-cut tight little sweater.
Active Ink Slinger
my heart when it came to "love" had been deeply hidden until recently, now it's more exposed.
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
Active Ink Slinger
On my sleeve, I always have. I've tried to be more careful and lock my heart away, but it goes against the grain.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by crazydiamond
Tattooed on my arse.

I may have to investigate this more closely - bend over and I'll take a look
Clever Gem
Quote by freakycactus

I may have to investigate this more closely - bend over and I'll take a look

Yes ma'am

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by crazydiamond

Yes ma'am

*nods* yep, definitely tattooed on your arse!
Active Ink Slinger
Hidden in a a box where nobody can get it.
Where it's safe....
on my sleeve....
I left it at home locked in a box, with 13 keys. I carried a fake one, just in case someone wanted to see. I was heavily guarded.. Now, when I fell in love? I unlocked the 13 keys threw away the box and handed Warlock my heart. It is his now. And it is safer, than it ever was. He carried it with him always.
Active Ink Slinger
My real heart is worn very privately indeed. I've never shown even a glimmer of it on Lush, it just wouldn't be right somehow.

PS: Seems you are a delicious 'big softie' WMM!! XxX
Active Ink Slinger
In my real life, despite the heartache I've endured over the years which forced me to build a wall around it to protect it, my nature is to wear it on my sleeve - I personally think life is so much brighter and more colourful when you lead with your heart (I know, I mushy gushy...I'm making myself gag a bit, lol). Nothing of substance or quality is gained when one is closed off - at least that's my humble opinion.

Regarding where I wear my heart when it comes to Lush? Again, I am who I am but do tend to tread more carefully whilst on here and guard it more closely.
Rookie Scribe
my heart is the ruling factor in my life, i think with my heart and not with my head. locked away or hidden -guarded i think it would shrivel and die. i find out faster who the lovers are too when i love boldly and unafraid smilei fall in love every day ... i try to fall in love with everyone i meet too, if its hard for me to love them it just teaches me something about myself. love is free and everywhere "a person desperately searching for love is like a fish in the ocean desperately searching for water" i forget who said that, buddah maybe? anyway sometimes its not in the direction i am looking but it is always around me, all around me so im not afraid to let my crushes know how wonderful i think they are heart
Her Royal Spriteness
not sure if this will surprise people, or they'll just nod knowingly...

i have three hearts. two of them, i share. the paper heart that i keep pinned to my sleeve with the self destruct device clutched firmly in one hand. then there's the small one, the red one wrapped in barbed wire with the teeny tiny golden lock and the key on the delicate golden chain that i let a few, a very select few, check out for for a brief time, but i always keep track of it and never let it out of my sight. the other... it's buried deep, so deep no one will ever find it. there is only one other person who knows where, and even she knows that i dig it up and move it from time to time, and don't tell her for weeks where it's gone to...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Purveyor of Sweetness
EDIT: i took out what i had written because it was too revealing..

actually, i don't have a heart... i just have a thumping gizzard...
Despite all my efforts over the years to guard it, hide it, build a barbed-wire fence around it, it's simply not in my nature to be able to accomplish that. It has a mind of it's own and perches on my left shoulder, ready to take a nose dive at any moment.
Active Ink Slinger
My heart.... Wow this will be the deepest I have gone on Lush ever.

My heart is out there constantly for the world to see, trample on, pick up, throw around and even take care of if they so desire. I live with a complete passion for all that I touch. I think that is what makes me so good at what I do professionally as well as for the people I meet personally. Is it tough? Sure. Are there days when it sucks? Sure. Like the other day when I had to let Princess go. There will never be words to describe to you just how much that day hurt. Not just because I was losing something, but I knew she was losing something she loved too.

The reason I wear my heart on my sleeve is one real reason. Not having to make people choose.

See, the fact is that so many people force the ones they love to make a choice between two things they love. The lifestyle or family, sexual orientation or family/faith, job and love. With my heart out there leading me. I know that I won't always make the decision that makes the most logical sense. But I will always make the decision that is least likely to hurt the people that I love. So you let go when Princess says goodbye, you tell your friend that you will be there when they come out to their family and catch them if they fall and you offer to help the guy/gal that might loose his job because he won't transfer because of the one he loves.

I hope that makes sense to people.
If you have read 50 Shades of Gray and think that you are ready to be a dom or a sub. Then you have a lot to learn.

Follow my slave's blog slave skye's real life blog if we can get 100 followers she is going to start posting pictures!!! I know there are at least 100 of you that want to see that click the link enter your email and follow. We hit 100 then she has said she will post a picture of herself.
Active Ink Slinger
My heart was locked away for a long time, now it is openly dancing around me... except I found out my heart might not be real.
On my sleeve... not a good place, believe me
Captain Turtle
It would appear mine moves without permission and everyone but me knows where its moving to.

Someone care to enlighten me?
Insert something witty here.
Active Ink Slinger
Having two failed marriages behind me , I thought that it was locked away & protected from any hurt. And yes that was working..Since finding Lush I've developed a friendship with a couple of others on this site.( NOT LOVE, BUT A CARING FRIENDSHIP) they found happiness in meeting a SO on site. both withdrew from Lush.
Loosing a friend, leaves a void . so I guess its not so deep or hidden as I once thought.
Clever Gem
I don't "wear" my heart anywhere, that would be silly and dangerous and silly and dangerous and silly!
I keep it safe where it should be; located under my ribcage in the center of my chest between my right and left lungs. Nice and safe there I reckon.
Active Ink Slinger
Mazza ;when you get an answer please let me know. Eye may bee two change my answer..
Mazza ;when you get an answer please let me know. Eye may bee two change my answer..

Oh I will... Don't expect it to happen anytime soon though...