Hello all --
I've been here about a month, learning the ropes through trial and error, mostly. I am very happy about the generally warm welcome I've received, both for my first story and for my attempts to make friends.
One of my friends was kind enough to point out that my previous avatar "sucked." She was quite sincere; she wasn't trying to be nasty at all. She likes the one I'm using now, by the way.
So here's the question: what's a good avatar? What's a great avatar? Do you change yours frequently? Never?
My avatar changes with my moods. They always are curvy brunettes, and they always represent a facet of my personality.
Typically, they are nurses, ride bikes(like this one), or show a little attitude of some sort. The great ones combine a couple of those things.
Additionally, they have to work in the thumbnail size.
it's all on what you like personally.
I change mine all the time.
have fun!
don't be afraid to use a picture as your avatar as well.
enjoy it!
I change my avatar maybe once or twice a month. For me, changing avatars is kinda like deciding what to wear everyday. It all depends on my mood.
Have fun with it! Do what makes you happy!
Find one that you think is fun and captures your personality and spirit. Like many of us, you might want a cache of avatars to change things up.
I just changed mine to go with my name change. Both of them have shown my love of Anime though. I will more than likely always go with the anime theme.
Just have fun and show us a bit about who you are or what you like.
Due to learning the ropes, I had the generic avatar for a while at the beginning.
Then, not feeling very creative, I posted a picture of one of our city's bridges.
Had that for a while and then decided to change things up.
I now try to change it at least weekly, and it all depends on my mood.
Sometimes it's a picture, sometimes it's a quote.
"Look up to the sky, you'll never find rainbows if you're looking down."
- Charlie Chaplin
I haven't changed my avatar since I started being active on the site, in mid-March...I guess I should change it up, always admire those who do change theirs up.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!
I used to change my avatar quite frequently until I noticed that every time I upload a pic, it turns darker than the last time I had it up. No matter how much I try to lighten it up with a photo-editor, the pic turns darker when it appears on the site, so I'm just sticking with the one I have now because a lot of people have told me they love it.
I change mine from time to time as my general mood changes. I like to see a face or body in avatars - a reminder that there's real person behind the avatar, even when I consciously know that the picture I see isn't them. With these time-offset discussions that span the globe, it's sometimes easy to forget that a member is just as vulnerable and unsecure as I am and might use words just as clumsily as I do when topics get heated.
I'm just "me" ... old dude that I am and not trying to hide anything.
I don't change mine, but only because I'm lazy. I grabbed this one from Google and just decided it was mine.
Avatar just me cannot show face due to my work.
Any suggestions to improve it Are welcome anyone need help creating one just ask.
this one for now works for me... but do wonder who's the lady in the middle... ( some one take a shoot at it.) lol
Mine is just of my name a member here made it for me (Sensual Sharon).
I like to be mysterious....
an avatar can be what ever you want it to be really. I change mine a bit often all depends on how fast i get bored with them. mine tend to turn towards dark themes or just a pretty girl with lovely eyes and hair.