Vanessa and I wish her our best, and send the love she brings back to her in full measure!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

My latest offering -
Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty
My 2 previous submissions:
Both Love Poems
Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
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My Festive Flash competition story was I recently published-- Hope you read and enjoy it! Don't forget to comment. ☺️
Recently published It's part two of my Women series where Kate and Maura continue their journey of fem desire. The first part is
Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.
Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True
The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)
My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔
My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition
Hanging in the background but around
Do check out my latest story:
Festive Flash competition: The Ghost of Christmas Past
And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 24 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls
For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile
My recommended read
here’s a link to my photography album in my media
For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile
My recommended read
here’s a link to my photography album in my media
My bookshelf includes 227 stories, which include 76 collaborations;
One Editor's Pick, Three Series Awards, Fifty-three Recommended Reads, and Eight Famous Stories are included. Go to
Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up
Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story
The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more
Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel
Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus
Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex