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Loves to skip naked when no one is around!
Quote by Scshavedmom
Loves to skip naked when no one is around!

Arrived late and disheveled, for all the manditory sex education classes
Actually has a second pair of eyes growing out of his shoulder
Is a fighter pilot in the USAF and is the leading ace, her callsign is Hotmuff.
Is currently laying in my bed with a carrot thong on.... well for a few more minutes anyway...
she hates kids!
dislikes exposing her breasts!
can only dog paddle when swimming
Is really high on catnip!
is trying to steal my catnip
She loves to fart in crowded elevators.
he stole my carrot thong from Te11tale !!!
She's very BUSTY!!!
He's the KING of New York!
Is the princess on Mexico
Shares my passion....;)
He's really fit.
Is really Superman
Had sex with her parole officer!
Use her socks as gloves and tube tops.
Had sex in the school library.....

and did not keep quiet!
He is NOT romantic and he dislikes the beach intensely!!

She dislikes Scotch and all things Scottish....

Happened to be in the men's room next to him and glanced over. He realy DOES have a schlong the size of that Glenfiddich outer container. Like seeing horses, it made ME feel inadequate.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Stole my BLT sandwich AND MUST PAY!!!!!
suffers from a long term memory loss
hates kids stories or anything related to them.