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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
South Africa


I'm not an enigma, I'm a simple realization
Drifting in a hazy mist of altered reality
Defining the answer to your unasked question
That sticks to your lips with apprehension.
I'm not an enigma, I'm a simple Truth.


Howzit, thanks for actually spending some time and reading my profile, if you let me know you've stopped in, I'll visit your page and read yours.
I don't collect friends, as you may tell from my friends list, if you do send a friend request through to me, please take the time to write something to accompany it and don't just leave the generic message there.
I will flirt and play in the forums, but I'm not here to hook up, I'm happily married. I'm here on Lush to read and write, have fun and meet a few interesting people.
Catch you in the threads

Crafting Leather Kink Toys, Chatting, Sex, Giggle Twig, Brandy, Woman, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice Cream, Other Points of View, Sketching, Self Expretion, PER, Gor.

Favorite Books
The Gor Series, The Celestine Prophecy, The Prophet.
[These books have changed my mindset over the years]

Favorite Authors
John Norman (John Frederick Lange, Jr.) [Far Far Far Ahead of His Time]

Favorite Movies
I like a lot of these.

Favorite Music
Depeche Mode, The Cure, Pink Floyd, The Script, Matchbox 20, some Pearl Jam, Tracy Chapman, Sting,, ...