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Do you really like working out ?

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I am just wondering how many are like me? I don't like working out if being honest but I like the benefits of being of being fit ,looking and feeling good and wearing clothes that look good on my body . So for me working out is a necessary inconvenience for the life style I want.
Quote by black1
I am just wondering how many are like me? I don't like working out if being honest but I like the benefits of being of being fit ,looking and feeling good and wearing clothes that look good on my body . So for me working out is a necessary inconvenience for the life style I want.

Uh huh. Ok. So when it comes to working out, positive reinforcement in the best motivator.

As a previous personal trainer and sports physiotherapist, I can say with a certain amount of assurance that... if you don't like it you probably wont get any benefit from it. It shouldn't be a job.

Every positive gain I've had has been because I felt it was benefiting me in some way. And every gain I've see in my patients and clients were due to the fact that they experienced positive effects in some way.
Thanks I know what your saying and I am probably very much in the minority .

However having lost 6 and half stone ( 91 pounds) and exchanging the "English" beer belly for a 6 pack , I do see the benefits. I am fully committed, but, I would still rather be doing something else with the time than working out. Your are probably bang on the money and I perhaps do see it as a job.
Depends on the workout. The more I am into the activity, the more I like it. An hour riding the trails on my real bike beats an hour on my stationary bike, for instance. Unfortunately, bike trails around here tend to turn into x-country ski trails for a non-insignificant part of the year and I'm not a skier.
Quote by seeker4
Depends on the workout. The more I am into the activity, the more I like it. An hour riding the trails on my real bike beats an hour on my stationary bike, for instance. Unfortunately, bike trails around here tend to turn into x-country ski trails for a non-insignificant part of the year and I'm not a skier.

You may want to try a fat tire bike for winter seeker although they require significantly more effort than a regular mountain bike. Some winter X-country trails allow fat bikes although in my experience most don't. I find x-country skiing is a perfect winter sport for bike enthusiasts although I prefer hockey.

As for me I love working out; the endorphin rush, the sense of accomplishment and overall health benefits. I actually get annoyed when I have to miss a workout. Having said that I'd rather be out biking, hiking or paddling; the workouts are also meant to enhance the sport-specific performance. I try to balance workouts with fairly intense physical sports activity. I pretty much despise doing cardio in the gym and nearly always do something outside.
I love doing exercise. Beforehand I might be like ugh I don't want to but during and after, I'm always really happy and positive. It clears my mind a lot and kind of revitalises me.
Working out has never been enjoyable for me. One of the most annoying parts of being in the Army was performing the Annual Physical Fitness Test. But when I was able to I did like walking every morning. I have also liked taking dance classes. They are a pretty good workout and fun at the same time.
I dislike working out for the sake of working out. That being said, I enjoy walking if it's on the beach. I enjoy swimming in my pool or the gulf. I enjoy riding a bike if it's going somewhere with friends (although I need a new bike). However, when the heat index here is 110 degrees, sometimes I have to force myself to get my ass to the air conditioned gym. I do enjoy the endorphins that exercise releases.

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No, but I have to live a healthy lifestyle and so I don't have a choice.
To be honest, I never liked working out and I think that's due to having to take pe classes in school. They never gave you a choice and nowdays as an adult I still dislike many common forms of exercise but realise the benefits of working out so I try to do so for those benefits. I have found I prefer long walks vs running and prefer classes where it's a smaller group of people and the trainer can offer one on one assistance if needed.
Thanks for your input so far. It seems I am not alone and like me some of you enjoy the benefits but don't actually like the working out or the exercise to achieve the said benefits.

The best comparison for me is like going to the dentist.
I love working out. I don't see it as a chore, I see it as a way of life. I do Pilates and kickboxing.
It depends on the exercise. I was a runner all through my twenties, and when I had a running partner, I really looked forward to it. But when I lost her, it got to be a chore. I took up skating for a few years, which gave me an incredible workout, but putting on and taking off all the knee and elbow pads, helmet, etc. got to be a drag. Now I've taken up swimming, every day in summer, and 3-4 times a week in winter. My body fat is the lowest it's ever been, and I'm in better shape than I was in my twenties, and I LOVE it! All I have to wear is a bikini in winter, and nude in my own pool in summer, and I don't wind up all hot and sweaty when I'm done. So I recommend swimming to anyone looking for a great body-shaping work-out.
Quote by black1
I am just wondering how many are like me? I don't like working out if being honest but I like the benefits of being of being fit ,looking and feeling good and wearing clothes that look good on my body . So for me working out is a necessary inconvenience for the life style I want.

I absolutely agree! The same. I like my stomach when I have the ideal shape. Training should not be easy.
I hate working out. I mean the total workout kind of thing. I run 8 mile daily and give my dog two 2-mile walks, one in the morning before I go to work and one in the afternoon after I get back to work. I don't do strength training/weights or anything like that.
I love working out, strength training that is. Cardio on the other hand isn’t enjoyable in the gym - thankfully I play lots of sports!
It's fine when I'm consistently into it. Just takes times amidst a busy life.
Absolutely. I love the feeling afterwards.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
I enjoy the after buzz of it but hate being tortured during the sessions by the trainer.
Working out for me consists of generally riding between 25 and 75 miles on my bike... I love it, so exhilarating and letting the world go for that little time in the day...
No. I hate working out in a gym. I do like running, especially in wooded areas where the sounds of nature drown out the sounds of modern life. I enjoyed walked my dog in the early morning or late evening. Again, the sounds of modern life haven't yet intruded on the sounds of the birds, etc.
I really enjoy it, but I just started, so maybe I'll get bored. I started by walking on my lunch break, but didn't feel like that was enough, so I bought an exercise bike, and use it while watching baseball or TV. It's kinda fun, and I love the endorphin-y feeling afterward.
I love it. Even went and made it a job (personal trainer) the bad knee prevents me from doing certain workouts these days but I usually push through and pay for it later. If I miss too many days I get grumpy... like today...
So I wrote a poem... you should read it
I really need to work out. It's a stress relief for me.