I was wanting to know when you drive in heels is it hard. What heels are easer to drive in?
this is what i normally wear when driving around town.
serious answer, tho, no, it's not hard if you're used to doing it - that said, if i've an extreme heel on, i'll kick them off and drive barefoot, just to be on the safe side or throw on some sneakers (i keep a pair of converse under the seat usually) and change in heels once i get to where i'm going.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
If I am wearing an expensive pair of heels then somebody else better be driving me to wherever we are going.
I like to drive barefooted anyway...so I kick them off. But beware, that's technically illegal.
I agree with Sprite; on the just kickin' them off thing (if they're impeding your progress at the time) and I definitely agree with DancingDoll about being very careful as far as what kind of material said shoe is made of....that damn sure does suck a big one when the one (manipulating the pedals, as she said) favorite shoe/boot/heeled-type sandal gets all scuffed up...that's just a learning experience though, in my opinion. So yeah, just kick em off if ya can!! Right? lol
I almost always drive barefoot.
Personally, I hate to scuff the back of my heels up, so I always have an old pair of slip ons in the car, just in case.
Driving shoeless in NYS is illegal...also driving without a shirt on . . . Go figure.
"When its too kinky for everybody else, its just gettin' good for me."
(Kinky Freedman)
If i had to drive in heels i would crash! i would either go bare foot, in my boots, or flip flops!
I have never had a problem although I would never drive in ballet heels.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Pumps on the clutch, right hand on the 6 speed.
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
I can drive in heels but have a hard time driving in platforms.
it doesn't make a difference to me..Heels or no heels love to drive..
I don't drive in heels. I prefer to wear flat shoes or no shoes at all while driving.
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I can drive in heels if the stem is not too thin but i drive much slower in heels and have to concentrate more so my foot doesn't lose balance.. best advice- keep a pair of driving shoes in the back seat and put them on when driving- then switch to heels when you get out of the car
For some reason I can't drive in heels, I will wear flats or sneakers until I get where I am going.
Believe it or not...I've driven that 18-wheeler many miles while barefoot!! Don't like the 'cowboy boot heel" that many drivers wear for long distance driving.
Ive driven in heels goin down the road it was difficult at first but practice makes perfect....no spikes in truck, but wedge heels...can work.....and agree 100% hate the scuffs so either barefoot or slippers
I feel that driving with anything than a firm to the feet and low heel shoes it's not comfortable and probably unlawful somewhere. Not to mention if a dangerous situation should arise and you need quick several brake and accelerations. It could just save your life, not to have them on.
If you wish to drive in heels just drive the car that Frank showed. It's stylish, it's red. It's a Lamborghini of a heel.
Choose n Practice Happiness
Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I love wearing high heels, but never driving in them. Barefoot of a pair of flat driving shoes that live under the seat of my own car
I'll admit it. I have a pair of those stupid driving loafers that were so Yuppie-cool in the 80's and 90's. Heels off, driving loafers on, no holes in stockings, no wear on the heels.
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