I noticed a long time back that my wife kicked her heels off to drive. She usually has some slipper shoes under the seat that she slips her feet into when driving. I often drive in cowboy boots and don't mind that at all.
I should take them off, I ruin shoes a lot driving in them and my floor mat. I wear heels a lot for work, so sometimes I have flip flops for after work. I guess I should stop driving in them, I just buy more...
it is possible to drive in heels. However where I come from it is illegal and if they see you you get a ticket. The reason for that is, that you have less ability to move and react quickly in heels. This can have negative affects in case of an emergency. I would recommend to keep a pair of flats in the car and wear those just to be on the safe side. Why risk it.
I think most of us do things without giving it any thought. Unless I'm riding with someone, Heels/Flatforms for me are uncomfortable to drive in. I usually put on flats or sneakers when I'm running around or driving.
Driving barefoot, obviously you girls didn't have a father like mine. I would have never heard the end of it...lol
i take my heels off to drive
I drive in my heels with no problems.
I drive in my heels with no problems.
I have no problem driving in heels. Although, I sometimes scuff them,which makes me angry.
in winter, it's better to have car driving shoes, i keep them into the space under the wheel. too dangerous with snow and ice.
I have never had any problem driving in heels, nor has driving damaged my shoes in my last few cars. In one of my older cars, I used to switch to a "driving shoe" because the mat would scuff the back of the right shoe, but I have not had a problem in my recent cars.
I drive with my heels on every day. Not always my CFMs though. Never had a problem. In South Louisiana the worst thing we have to deal with is rain. On the very rare occasion we have ice on the roads I stay at home. Good excuse to spend the day just being lazy.
I love to drive barefoot (illegal in Iowa!) or in slippers.
If I ever drive in heels you all will be the first to know how it went.
never driven a heel - who makes it
Never been an issue for me.
High heels are dangerous when driving. I have heard of more tail Enders caused by the heel preventing the brake being applied hard and fast enough suddenly.
I wear low heels or kick the shoe off and put them in the passenger side or seat so as not to impede the operation of the controls. I left foot brake so I need both feet to operate the controls properly.
If I drive a manual. Then a heel certainly impedes the satisfactory full depression of the clutch.
ive driven in heels many times, but i normally change into ballet pumps when driving, so i dont scuff or damage my heels
Driving in heels is difficult and dangerous. Always have some flat shoes to drive in.
i never drive in heels, too dangerous. I prefer barefoot or a pair of loafers
i never drive in heels, too dangerous. I prefer barefoot or a pair of loafers
I have an extra pair of shoes in the car, since I am not a fan of driving in heels.
I gave up high heels when I gave up bras when I gave up men.
True love stories never have endings.
Drive barefoot never with heels
I have a new story that I wrote for the new competition. If you have a few minutes would you please read it?
It wouldn't be hard if you're used to it, but I'm more concerned with thick soles, I tend to gravitate towards thinner soles or even barefoot - the best one is when you have thick ankle socks.
Scuffed heels, wrinkled dress... you can avoid these problems by driving nude.
Most of my driving career in 18 wheeler was done barefooted.
I don't find driving in heels any different than driving in non-heels. At least, not with an automatic transmission, since I am only using the front part of my foot, anyway.