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What is your specific reason(s) for not visiting the Chat Rooms ?

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No one ever talks to me
Any time I've gone to the chat rooms nothing really seems to be going on. Not sure if you are supposed to somehow get somebody to do a private chat with you or something.
I sometimes visit them but I get way too many pms to keep up with it all.I mostly drop in and find a person or two to chat with then jump out but for the most part I avoid them
i frequent the chat rooms and i must say that i agree with a number of responses here. there are times when it's an all out meat market. times like that i just keep to myself and observe and read profiles. it can take a moment to get situated with the chat system, but once you get over that hurdle, it can be a very rewarding experience. ppl often mention to me that they feel that the threads can be overwhelming and i give the same advice: give it time. i've met some wonderful ppl in the rooms and in the threads, so i'd recommend both.

Say. Her. Name.

Two reasons, firstly I'm married, so out of respect for my husband. The second reason is that sex chat never interested me anyway. I use the forums because it's interesting to see what people think and more impersonal.

I've only been in chat rooms 2 or 3 times and it was just a bunch of people posting emojis, whispering and 27 conversations going on at once. Totally chaotic. Not my thing, like many others above prefer a one on one. Bearing in mind my limited participation I found the chat room had little conversational substance.

I don't really understand chat room culture and rules very well. I am giving them a shot for a meet-the-writer event on Nov. 20 though, along with the infamous Molly Doll!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

I used to do chatrooms back in the late 90s/early 00s. Even when they were popular it was rare to find a lively one, but I managed to discover a few that were communal spaces. Unfortunately they mostly died as away as they became overrun by spam-bots, or devolved into partisan bickering, and after awhile they got replaced by other forms of social media. I've tried giving the chat rooms here a chance, but whenever I log on, there's not much happening - Maybe a couple of people talking directly to each other about their personal lives, but no actual group conversations a person can jump into easily. I'm not looking to start PMing strangers for sex (or any other reason), which seems like what most people are doing there. So, eventually I get bored and bow out again.

Don't believe everything that you read.

My cat, Miss Pixel already does a fine job of ignoring me.

Quote by Ensorceled

I don't really understand chat room culture and rules very well. I am giving them a shot for a meet-the-writer event on Nov. 20 though, along with the infamous Molly Doll!

I'm very excited to do this with you! We're going to have fun and I hope others come even if chatrooms aren't normally your thing! It will be a more casual setting. I promise. Here are more details if you're interested.

Meet the Author's Series #2: MollyDoll & Ensorceled

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2