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How Do you feel about waiting till Marriage to have sex?Have you already had sex?

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It's an outdated concept, imho. I've known people who were pressured by their parents to take abstinence until marriage pledges, and yes of course it backfired eventually.
Thing is, there have been very few periods in history where it really worked that way. Anyone who says otherwise had rose-coloured glasses on.

I did not wait and neither my wife nor I felt any pressure to do so. We did not go around openly screwing for all who would see, but it was an open secret that she lived in my apartment when she was visiting (we lived apart for a period prior to the wedding) and that I only had one bed.

In the end, it needs to be a personal decision by the couple involved based on their values and beliefs. I'm not going to condemn someone for premarital sex but I'm not going to condemn someone who goes the abstinence road either. What I will come down on is (a) trying to say that everyone else needs to hold and follow your values and beliefs on the subject and (b) being a hypocrite about it (you know them, the ones who decry premarital sex but avoid the fact that their own bride was starting her second trimester on their wedding day).
Quote by curvygalore
Sex is important in marriage. Sex is important in any loving relationship. Sex is just important!

Isn't sex next most important thing after breathing and a heart beat?
For me, this is an outdated ideal, along the same lines as arranged marriages. It was instituted by early religions as a way of controlling what certain sections of society saw as deviant behaviour and a way of controlling and supressing women. It is outdated, backwards and damaging. I am not advocating fucking constantly and as soon as you can, you should wait for the right person and when you feel ready, but waiting until marriage is silly. Christians pick and choose what parts of the bible to look at. Wait until marriage for sex, but we'll just ignore the parts. How many Christians do you know abstain from eating pork? How many people have had an orgasm against the word of God?
Quote by LovingHer17
How do you feel about this Topic guys.To me it kinda doesn't matter,which ever comes first is how i see it.I lost my virginity when i was 19.what about you.

I'm always the one with the oddball opinions, but I actually regret having sexual relationships with my girlfriends. When we were together, I felt like I was giving each one a piece of my heart and I truly felt we would be together forever. I don't know how they felt, because my first girlfriend had been in a sexual relationship before and my second girlfriend had been to bed with a few guys, and I had been with two women whom I had paid (although they and I became friends).

Sex sells, and there is no counting the number of people (of both genders and all orientations) who use sex as a means to make a living. From the "sugar babies" to the streetwalkers, but also from the porn performers to the nude poseurs in artistic works to the twerkers, to the marketing executives who hire models, to the VIPs who ask people to give them special treatment, to the male who tom cats around. And let's not forget the people who have sex simply because they like it! I envy those people. I loathe the people who will castigate others for their actions. I really loathe people who harass other people and hurt them because of who they are in terms of gender and sexual orientation and preference in partners.

I'm not going to say "If I had it all to do over again, I'd do it differently." I'd still be a virgin if I did things differently, but I think people wouldn't treat me any better and might well treat me worse. I really regret hurting people's feelings, but I think literally everybody does that and most people regret it. I'm glad it didn't go any further than that.
I think that if two people truly WANT to wait then more power to them. However, when people are pressured to wait until marriage by family or religion, they are usually more likely to rush into a marriage. For example, my boyfriends family is very religious and believes in celibacy until marriage. Today, his 18 year old cousin (who just graduated high school in June) married her 18 year old boyfriend (Who also just graduated high school in June). I think they are too young and have rushed into this simply because they want to sleep together and move in together without their families and their church telling them that they are destined to spend eternity in hell.
Quote by Dani
I don't have anything against it. I'm not a virgin, but there's nothing wrong with waiting until long as you're doing it because you want to.

But I do believe it should happen at a time when you are able to bear the responsibilities that go along with having sex.

This. Especially the highlighted part.
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Sadly, many of today's young people aren't taking any responsibility. Our station did a report earlier this year and research told us that in the last few years women are increasingly becoming more approving of one-night stands – growing from 5 to 13%. I found that alarming.
Since I'm probably never getting married, the idea kinda sucks! Oh wait... already crossed that bridge!
There are some wonderful benefits about abstaining until marriage. No worries about who your partner has slept with, no worries about any sexually transmitted diseases... and, you get to learn all about it together at the same pace! For a long time that concept was tossed out, but from what I hear it may be on the rise again. Lots of pros about waiting. The con, of course, is that it's pretty hard being horny and abstaining at the same time!
Waiting with sex until I'm in a position to close an archaic contract is not something that ever made sense to me. Let's be honest here - marriage is a thousands of years old concept rooted in having to get approval by village elders, then later religious leaders, to be intimate with someone. While we often tend to have a romanticized view on the past, the reasons for this approval there were mostly economical and political. The concept of sex before marriage was ruled as sin because in those times, childbirth was one of the top causes of death. In these patriarchic societies, if a woman died giving birth, she should at least produce an heir. Also, raising another man's son was not something most men were willing to do - thus leaving society with "bastards" who were bound to starve or, if they managed to survive their childhood, become outcasts and criminals.

It was only in the 1800s, in an age of development and inventions that improved living conditions by a magnitude, that the concept of romantic love became as dominant as it is now in our perception of marriage and the concept of celibacy until marriage got wrapped into that romantic cloak of "saving oneself". This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as there were no means to prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs in a growing population. One may even call it a success model at that time.

But we have to take into account more recent developments of society too, as well as everything medicine, psychology and social sciences have discovered. Sexuality isn't just a tiny element in our personalities and lives - or it shouldn't be, at least. It is a major building block of our emotions, and discovering our own needs there can radically change ourselves, whereas suppressing this part of us has consequences that may even affect our mental health.

No, this doesn't take away responsibility. But a responsible approach to sexual openness doesn't necessarily imply celibacy, or we should never climb into a car, go scuba diving or mountain climbing - these activities are just as dangerous. Just like with these activities, we should be knowing what we're doing and go at a reasonable pace, ignore peer pressure, think before we act and voice any concerns ahead of time. Given that responsibility, I can't see waiting for Mr. or Mrs. Right something to strive for outside of romantic fantasies.

But these are just my
I am not married and believe I never will be. I have been having and enjoying sex for years. It has made no difference to me or my friends.
I am different to many in the ideas I have I know, but to me marriage is just a piece of paper. and has nothing to do with a good sex life.
I was a virgin until my wedding night. Not sure whether to pat myself on the back or weep. It must have been one of the most sexless marriages in human history.
i say you have to test drive the car before you buy it...
I sincerely wanted to wait until I was married, but I did wait until after high school and was a bit more mature (which was a stretch for me, because I acted like an old crotchety woman anyway)

I feel -and very strongly so- that it's wrong. I had sex when I was 20 for the first time, I'm 30 now. Not married, not even thinking about it.

To each their own, but I was badly hurt when my boyfriend tried to convince me that wanting each other was wrong. And eleven years after, it still hurts somehow. And I will never forgive those who planted that idea in his head and keep doing so on other people.
To each their own, if that's what feels right then go for it. Or rather, don't go for it.