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Wife is passed out

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Your horny.
You know she would be fine with it.
Do you do it?
Or would it creep you out.

Seriously though. I have never thought about having sex with her when she is passed out. With that being said, it's something new and I know (she's even said it) that she would be fine with it...) But how much fun could it be? She's passed out drunk... Hmmm
I would feel too creeped out. Even if I knew she would be fine about it when I told her in the morning, it's still off-putting when you know you won't get any response from her. I would just please myself and hope that tomorrow night, we could have a better night together when she is concious.
You "know" she'd be fine with it? How?

Non-consensual sex, even with your wife, constitutes . It's up to her whether she prosecutes.

I'm talking worse case scenarios here.
Quote by nicola
You "know" she'd be fine with it? How?

Non-consensual sex, even with your wife, constitutes . It's up to her whether she prosecutes.

I'm talking worse case scenarios here.

No, no. She has straight up said go for it. I just don't know how comfortable I would feel with it. Not to worried about prosecution.D1uX4tEortltLmrk
Even if she agreed to it....
Even if it were not illegal...

Why would you want to have sex with someone who is just 'layin' there?
It is not even sex 'with', it is just sex 'to'.
Save it until both of you can participate.
Speaking from personal experience, I would not recommend this.

It's one thing waking up to being touched, but quite another to someone trying to fuck you without your consent.

That's the sort of shit that fucks marriages up in my experience.
Wow, you guys don't get it. And no, I didn't but we joke about it often. She goes as far as saying, "VAGINAL intercourse, and don't cum on me...ok?" There's nothing illegal, unethical or insane about it as far as I am concerned. But ok, the people on the site that openly condones have a problem with having sex with your passed out partner of 12 years who has said that it's absolutely fine to have sex with them if their passed out... Wow. Different morals than I've got, but that's cool.
I may be clueless but what on earth does the fact that this site has an section have to do with this?? It is a section, an easily avoidable section....its like having an argument on a sports website and we disagree over who is better, man united or man city...and you reply by saying that it is a silly answer cause its on a site that has rugby information...sorry what??
I get what you mean, your wife has said its fine for you to fuck her when she's passed are wondering if you should? me I dont see the difference between this and masterbation...though when you masterbate it is just you and a fantasy whereas in your case your wife is passed out beneath you...that would weird me out personally, i'd feel like she was drugged or something..i'm not down for it...but how about you keep your patronising "wows" to yourself when you ask for advice and get advice contrary to what you wanted to hear.
if you want to have sex with your passed out wife, knock yourself never know, it may even be more romantic if you're both knocked out...
and also, when if comes to whether an action is legal or not i'm afraid "as far as you're concerned" doesn't come in to it. Its illegal or not.
Quote by joebackagain
I may be clueless but what on earth does the fact that this site has an section have to do with this?? It is a section, an easily avoidable section....its like having an argument on a sports website and we disagree over who is better, man united or man city...and you reply by saying that it is a silly answer cause its on a site that has rugby information...sorry what??
I get what you mean, your wife has said its fine for you to fuck her when she's passed are wondering if you should? me I dont see the difference between this and masterbation...though when you masterbate it is just you and a fantasy whereas in your case your wife is passed out beneath you...that would weird me out personally, i'd feel like she was drugged or something..i'm not down for it...but how about you keep your patronising "wows" to yourself when you ask for advice and get advice contrary to what you wanted to hear.
if you want to have sex with your passed out wife, knock yourself never know, it may even be more romantic if you're both knocked out...
and also, when if comes to whether an action is legal or not i'm afraid "as far as you're concerned" doesn't come in to it. Its illegal or not.

Exactly, Joe!!

OP, you're pissed because you asked for people's opinions and they gave them to you? Hell, you even use the phrase "creep you out." Even if the woman is agreeable, why would anyone want to have sex with basically a "lifeless" person. It's creepy as shit.

Yes, I know this is Ask the Guys, but that never stops me from sharing my opinion.
This comes dangerously close to having sex with a corpse.
A deed I never even knew existed till I saw it on CSI Miami one night.
That's some sick, scary shit dude.
I'm not comparing apples to oranges here, it's more like oranges to tangerines.

You'd be far better off to fetch your partner an empty bucket, prop her poor little head on pillow,
tuck her in and kiss her good night friend.
Quote by Curlygirly

Exactly, Joe!!

OP, you're pissed because you asked for people's opinions and they gave them to you? Hell, you even said the phrase "creep you out." Even if the woman is agreeable, why would anyone want to have sex with basically a "lifeless" person. It's creepy as shit.

Yes, I know this is Ask the Guys, but that never stops me from sharing my opinion.

Exactly - Well said Joe and CG!!

Wow, you guys don't get it. And no, I didn't but we joke about it often. She goes as far as saying, "VAGINAL intercourse, and don't cum on me...ok?" There's nothing illegal, unethical or insane about it as far as I am concerned. But ok, the people on the site that openly condones have a problem with having sex with your passed out partner of 12 years who has said that it's absolutely fine to have sex with them if their passed out... Wow. Different morals than I've got, but that's cool.


HighDesert - I think you'll find that, as an intelligent body of people , we are more than capable of understanding what you said - that does not mean that we AGREE with you.

Your comment about makes little sense and is, quite frankly, narrow minded. You are assuming, or at least suggesting, that we all read stories? We don't. And, you yourself are also here, asking advice/opinions of people on a site which has ...

My own personal experience makes me have the opinion that fucking a 'passed out' person is fucked up. No ifs, no buts. That is my opinion and for you to say that I 'don't get it' is ridiculous.

If you are as happy and confident in your wife's collusion in this then why even ask what a bunch of ' -loving strangers' think?? Sounds like you're mind's made up.

Personally, if I woke up to my husband trying to fuck me without my consent, I would never let him touch me again.

That's a deal-breaker.

Edit: even if you've discussed it previously, to my mind, if she is passed out, whether that's due to drink, drugs or is just in a deep sleep, then you are talking about non-consensual sex...
Quote by HighDesert
Wow, you guys don't get it. And no, I didn't but we joke about it often. She goes as far as saying, "VAGINAL intercourse, and don't cum on me...ok?" There's nothing illegal, unethical or insane about it as far as I am concerned. But ok, the people on the site that openly condones have a problem with having sex with your passed out partner of 12 years who has said that it's absolutely fine to have sex with them if their passed out... Wow. Different morals than I've got, but that's cool.

this is a ridiculous scenario. why bother asking if she says ..... fuck me while I passed out, cuz it's just like if i am awake ....

sounds like starfish sex to me

It sounds to me like you are both wondering what it would be like. Sort of like trying hot-tub sex [sucks] or outdoor sex [okay] or mile high club [don't know]. Perhaps you're just looking to try something different for difference sake; so where is the harm? Maybe it is time to do a weekend at a Lifesyle resort. Sounds like she is open to suggestions and you're hoping for some new experiences.
Quote by Mazza
even if you've discussed it previously, to my mind, if she is passed out, whether that's due to drink, drugs or is just in a deep sleep, then you are talking about non-consensual sex...

This is spot on, and no, I don't read stories.
Sounds boring, I'd prefer an active participant
Wake her up... sensuously and let her enjoy as well.
I think I'd do a couple three things before just boffing her the next time she's passed out.

I'd video record her agreeing to the scenario, create a document where she's agreed to this without ever prosecuting my ass (get her signature guaranteed - that'll cost ya about $8.00 at a bank) and then I'd schedule an appointment with a shrink. For both of ya...the good doctor may not talk ya out of it, but might prepare you for any mental anguish you might experience afterwards.

Some fantasies are better left... unrealized.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
This will be interesting to see what kind of man you are HighDesert.
I'm pretty sure you just pissed a few people off with your simple, harmless comparison of "Lush members" to a bunch of reading, perverts.

I read every comment you've received on this matter.
I never saw anyone attack you for your fantasy. I saw intelligent, appropriate advise given by some awesome members of this site. The same members that police their own site and help improve it every day. Hell, maybe they even write fantasies, but they are just fantasies, right.
One of our alleged reading members brought up an awesome point; un-consensual sex is , no matter how you try to explain it.
Imagine trying to tell a judge; I swear judge, she said it would be just fine six months ago,
I can't help it she's all pissed off at me now

I have two suggestions; first I would apologize to your fellow Lush members, or quit.
and second; do as you wish behind close doors, but I'd be careful with this one Jack.
While I wouldn't allow this to happen to me, and yes, it would creep me out a bit, I don't understand what all the fuss is about - even telling the member to quit??? - because he has stated again and again that she has given him permission and for all we know it could be HER fantasy!

He is not alone in passed out fantasies etc. Go to any porn site and you will find drunk, passed out videos - all or a majority are most likely staged, but what I am trying to say is that there are people who are into it, and who are we to judge if it is consensual and between a married couple?

Then comment - maybe because I have heard it said before for anything that isn't vanilla, but I can even understand that.

HighDesert - I would say to you, if you are unsure, I would suggest maybe restraining her legs, arms and gagging her, while she is awake to see if this is to your (and hers) liking and then proceed or not proceed from there.
This Old Whore again......


We allow people to write FANTASIES!!!!!

As for fucking your Wife when she's asleep/drunk...... Jesus! (I think it says something about your technique if she STAYS asleep as you fuck her!!!!)

Apparently you can buy really lifelike Dolls if you're into this.....

xx Steph
I'm sorry I told you to quit, High Dessert
I still love ya brother,

I'm just saying, be careful dude.

Think long and hard before doing anything.

True love only comes once my friend...

I understand what your saying, and like laytexia said ^up there there is actually alot of porn out there that has women passed out and guys fucking them while there asleep, ill admit..ive watched them and it is interesting....i dont know if i could do it in person to my fiance but i do understand where your coming from...and i would say that obviously if your wife is willing to tell you that you can do it...then she is fine with it....but i mean i would just be prepared for a wierd reaction if she wakes up...I had a long time girlfriend in college and she talked me into fucking her on a table at a party while she was hammered...and evdiently she was really REALLY drunk and i couldnt tell i guess but she was blacked out when we started and then i guess she un-blacked out in the middle and i had her bent over the table and she looks back at me and goes "holy shit were having sex" (this was 20 mins into the session) and let me tell dick went from 12 to 6 in a heart beat! lol...its just a wierd feeling...and no matter how many times she tried to get back hard that night i kept feeling too creeped out about it and couldnt do it lol....but i mean like i said i understand the idea...and i would say if your both consenting to it...then thats between you two....

But i mean there are some many people on this site that have fetishes out of the norm, and In my opinion thats why these sites exist...if we all just sat around discussing the wonders of the missionary position on a twin size bed, things wouldnt be as interesting...I agree with others that when you ask a question you must expect an answer, even if it is one that doesnt go along with the way you feel....but some people were way to quick to judge and condemn because of a simple fetish....Different strokes for differnt folks! all power too ya man...but like i said...i would make sure she realizes your intentions and she agrees with them ( which is sounds like she has) but i wouldnt be surprised if she wakes up in the middle angry or haha if it happens you should let us know the outcome tho lol!
My 4-step solution:

1) Carry her to bed.
2) Take her clothes off.
3) Put a bowl by her in case she throws up
4) Have a wank
I looked to simply start a funny conversation, because it's a scenario that we often laugh about, and have for years, and instead got judgement.

My argument about was simply that I would get judged about this, but seems to be condoned, even glorified on the stories sites. Shit, even scenarios are condoned for the purposes of stories. To me, it seems laughable that this is a moral question at all. It's not morals that stopped me and has stopped me again and again from having sex with my wife when she passes out before me, it's simply my own lack of interest in the situation. For some reason the other night, I found it necessary to see if others had done this or would do it. I got my answer.

I will remember in the future to keep such questions to myself. Apologies.
"Shit, even scenarios are condoned for the purposes of stories."

Please go back to square one, and read the site guidelines. in any form is not condoned on this site, and posting stories in which is described or discussed can earn you a two-week vacation.

Now, as to your original question: I would not do it, and I believe it constitutes non-consensual sex. But if you and your S.O. have discussed it, and choose to try, that is your business.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Quote by HighDesert
My argument about was simply that I would get judged about this, but seems to be condoned, even glorified on the stories sites. Shit, even scenarios are condoned for the purposes of stories..

Whilst I do think that some comments made to you above were out of line that is one of the things about the forums... some things get posted for the humour of others but at the expense of the OP (or whoever the comments were aimed at) feelings. Sometimes this is deserved, sometimes it's not.

Regardless, is not glorified here, fantasies are merely allowed to be written about - you actually have to be very careful about what you write in the forums, on your profiles, in chat rooms or chat windows about as it is taken very seriously on here the second it becomes 'real' (real life as opposed to a mere fantasy written story).

And as for ...I don't know where you got that from on Lush since anything and everything related is banned on this site
If my wife is passed out then NO I would not. What fun would that be? Kind of necrophiliac isn't it to do someone who is passed out? Not for me. I like her wildly attentive so if she is passed out I can wait.

Just in general a person needs to be awake and cognitive enough to give their approval & blessing if you want to have sex with them. If not then take that as a NO. Going any further is not acceptable and could lead to you having a prison bunkmate who plunders your rectum at his pleasure.
It's not something I'd be interested in doing. But, as mentioned before there are lots of videos on the web that show this exact thing. So it isn't unheard of. If you're ok with it and if she's ok with it. Go for it. Maybe she has some deep down fetish fantasy about being taken when she has no control. Maybe you have the same fantasy. If you're BOTH ok with it, have at it. However, if you're looking for opinions or permission from outsiders don't be upset if they disagree.

edit... if she is NOT okay with it or if you have never discussed it... DO NOT do it. That would be sexaul assault. Don't assume she's ok with it, be 100% certain.

edit #2... and let's face it. if she's "sleeping" during the whole act, then she's acting it out to fulfill the fantasy (your's and/or her's). I don't think any woman would be able to actually remain asleep while being fucked.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates