What are you thinking about when you masturbate?
Are you just thinking about getting off?
Are you thinking about your lover's, spouses, movie stars, porn queens, etc.
Are you watching porn, chatting, magazines? Are you doing it with your lover's and they are watching?
Just curious?
Hugs and kisses,
mostly with lover it feels awesome , but when he is away porn and literature are handful enough but magic of others hands rubbing your shaft is not there , so thinking part is mostly fantasizing abt him and me in some other filthy situation ;)
Usually I'm playing out a mental fantasy (some of which ended up becoming Lush stories). Sometimes videos or erotic stories, though.
never done it with the girlfriend before. usually i think of previous fucks with girls i'd like to fuck again. sometimes porn too obviously and the occasional chat here on lush helps a lot
Usually I'm watching porn. I find that my mind often just bounces around - from one fantasy to another. Can be men, can be women. Submissive, dominant. Sometimes I am in charge of which fantasy it is, sometimes it feels like the fantasies contol things. Take me where I need to be in that moment. Lesbian porn is my favorite but I do change things up. Even in the middle of a session. It's fun to just let go and have my naughty desires take over.
Depends if I am flying solo or indulging in some mutual play. If solo it will usually be while reading a story on lush or some porn so I will be thinking about the story and characters or what I am watching. If with my partner it will be about sharing the experience.
When doing it solo I think of my lover, when she is involved it's all about her watching me and where she wants me to cum.
I'm often thinking about a special someone and all of the things we have chatted about. At times I will use porn as more of a stimulus for the audio, granted some of the visuals help too ?
Not a guy, but I am generally thinking about someone in particular, and/or things we have talked about, and/or stories I have read on Lush. Kind of like a mental flipbook of imagery.
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Who: a muse, lover or lovers - real or on-line.
What & where: Porn, stories, shared messages, or memories.
I'm focused on getting off but I'll be thinking about whatever it was that first turned me on. It depends but it's usually an image of some kind.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
It could be anything that turns me on. Usually i think about a woman I sow that particular day or playing a fantasy in my head. Porn used to do the trick when I was younger but not so much these days. Lately it seems that thinking about my gf is enough.
Usually chatting with a female person. :P
Sometimes it will be because of a personal image that's shared with me. Even if I'm not in a sexual mood, if the image is a nice surprise, then I'll be craving release the rest of the day until I happens. Sometimes it's because of a story that's well written. And others it's because of conversation. Then there are the other times when a video will just push me over the edge, which is probably 50% of the time I masturbate.
Often watching amateur/homemade porn. If I'm lucky enough to have been sent pictures personally on here or be chatting with a particularly skilled woman then I get off on that alone.
Usually doing it reading a hot story on LUSH (bi, gay, tranny, ff, mfm, fmf...whatever) since our Library of stories is so large and varied. Also focused on cumming but sometimes it is just playing and not completion...however, that also builds up the tension for the next time or the next and the climaxing is bigger and more satisfying.666RYuBMFXsq4vh2
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
Depends how horny I am sometimes porn sometime story or pictures
I think about how sex would be with that person
Sometime porn stars or movies stars but mostly Crushes
Usually fantasizing about being with wife in an exotic environment. Really like the hot sexy stories!
Well, this question is particularly relevant to me lately.
For the last couple months I have been trying a different approach and masturbating without any touch and with eyes closed.
This a whole lot more difficult for me than the normal way, but the 5 or 6 times I've been able to do it, it is every bit as amazing as the first few times I ever came in my life as a teenager.
These are full body, 20 secondish burst out and hit the ceiling type of orgasms.
It takes me about 20 minutes of concentrating. Some of the times I just couldn't stay focused and finally gave up.
But, getting to the point of this thread, the content of my thoughts serves as the only stimulation I've got
Whatever I am thinking about has to be really specific and extra naughty or forbidden.
I find it works better to just recall form sexual experiences I have had. This gives me a really specific activity to pretend I am doing but because I've actually done it, I know exactly how it feels physically too. Then I'll accessors the recall with a something naughty or two if I need a little turbo to my turn on to bring it home
The Sinner Saint Diary @ tumblr
I prefer to chat when I masturbate. I like to share the moment. It lends a frisson and an unbelievable intimacy to the chat.