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What do you prefer?

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I was recently told by a guy that i wear too much makeup! (I know, how rude!) What do you think about women and their makeup, do you prefer them natural with no touch ups or anything, or you don't mind a bit of makeup?

Please answer my question, guys!
I like the natural or almost natural look my self.
Carpe Diem

Red out
A little makeup
I'm not a guy i know but idc!

I personally think it depends on how she wears it. For example on Mara's page she has a pic up of her with a bunch of blue eye shadow. and its cute. but not for everyday wear. maybe every once in a while or to go out or something.

I think make up is fine and it doesn't even have to be nutral tones. just don't have it be all over you face and foundation with the chin line.... take the time to smooth it out at least!
I think it depends. I know a few gals who's face is caked in makeup... which I think is very unattractive.
Yup, caked on with a trough every morning so its 3 inches thick is not attractive! The only make up I wear is eyeliner and occasionally lipstick, anymore and I think it can look tacky
I prefer a woman who doesn't feel like she needs to spend more than 5 minutes 'putting on her face' of a morning.

Yet I've dated and gone with women who spend upwards of 90 minutes doing so, while other women might apply lip gloss, or tweeze their eyebrow - and go.

All that pancake crap can't be good for your skin.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Thanks for all your answers, guys! I really appreciate it!!
I will declare I have absolutely no basis for what I am about to say except logic..

I think there are two kinds of makeup.. one that is intended to bring out a natural feature.. and that should be subtle and not draw attention away from the feature it is trying to accentuate, the second is when the makeup is the statement in itself.. and here it can be pretty or ugly ...

we all however agree that cakes of brownish stuff is not good.. and the babeelicious looks so good, she can not go wrong..
.. I was once the fastest and most victorious little sperm out of millions...
i know a girl that uses massive amounts of makeup, and its not that attractive. i prefer the natural look or just a little bit of makeup.
A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he has to say something. - unknown
Natural all the way.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Ok I am not a man but ask me if I care... I have to say it looks ridiculous when a woman loads on the make up it is ugly and it is better to be a little natural.. On a daily bases I were mascara and lip gloss if I am going out anywhere I use a nice shade of a more natural lip stick and my mascara and a touch of eyeliner. I want to be cute not caked up and men like the more natural look.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
My woman is naturally beautiful and no makeup is needed. It's her face, though, and if she wants to wear it, so be it.

Other women definitely need makeup. That's all I'll say.
The application of makeup is a skill, some women are very creative and others are a disaster. It can be expensive depending on the level of achievement a particular woman is seeking to attain. It can be an art at form. I have looked in cosmetic cases at fine stores marveling at the rich variety of colors available for the eye, the lips and the skin, very pleasing to the eye. Can it be erotic? Yes!

Using makeup is your choice. It is my feelings for someone that are more important than how they groom themselves, meaning I will appreciate you for who you are.
From a girl's point of view, I enjoy wearing make-up on a night out! Its part of the fun having dark smoky eyes and bright lipsticksmile So If a guy won't take a second look at me because Im wearing it, to bad, there are plenty of fish in the sea.

Im expected to wear make-up on the course I'm doing and it won't bother me. For the rest of day to day life, just a light powder will do nicely.

I think a certain amount of makeup it makes you look more dignified, like you do care. I've met plenty of women whom I think should start wearing it and then I have met those whom should seriously consider getting professional lessons on how to apply it.

And no it doesn't take me 90minutes to get my face ready, it takes me 90minutes to get finished because I like to take my time, example, when I get out of my 10minute shower I like to cuddle back into bed for 20minutes, then ill get dressed and after that calmly drink my coffee while catching up on the news, then ill have a think about starting to apply makeup but Ill first go have breakfast then Ill need to brush my teeth and THEN only will I put makeup on and be ready:)
I very seldom wear makeup. Mostly because I was never taught how to apply everything the "right" way. You know the right way being so that I look like the models in Cosmo. When I do wear make up I only wear a little eye liner, mascara and either lip gloss or lip stick (depending on the occasion). I am just a natural girl at heart! LOL
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
makeup spoils the natural beauty..... i love gals without or just a lil makeup
Not much make up and even less clothes!
I like makeup if it is put on well enough that I don't notice, but the worst is if I am close to you and I smell it, also I can't stand it when a woman's perfume hits you like a truck from fifty feet away.
I like women with make up but some ladies go just a wee bit too far and if you are close up you can just see how thick it has been put on. Some ladies I know put there make up on a bit thick to hide blemishes or such and that I can understand. However having said all this natural is fine with me also. - Kind Regards
I lean more toward a natural look, but all women are different, and some women look absolutely stunning after applying their makeup.
As long as it is not caked on, then make-up is an acceptable way for a woman to accentuate her features. When done well it works wonders.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Quote by Babeelicious
I was recently told by a guy that i wear too much makeup! (I know, how rude!) What do you think about women and their makeup, do you prefer them natural with no touch ups or anything, or you don't mind a bit of makeup?

Please answer my question, guys!

I prefer my woman naked - face and all.
Quote by Babeelicious
I was recently told by a guy that i wear too much makeup! (I know, how rude!) What do you think about women and their makeup, do you prefer them natural with no touch ups or anything, or you don't mind a bit of makeup?

Please answer my question, guys!

I prefer no make up at all. But I don't make a big deal over it. I've told quite a few women they look better without it but most want to wear it anyway. They say it makes them happy so I'm fine with it.
I have been out with women who spend far too much time putting make up on, my wife doesnt wear a lot and doesn't need to.
By the looks of your photo Babeelicious, it really doesnt look as if you NEED to plaster it on, natural often looks so much better
I for one like makeup on girls. Especially around the eyes. Just avoid the bright red lipstick. Yuck.
I love girls with and without makeup. girls should be able to feel hot no matter what!
A little touch-up here and there would surffice.
I could imagine that make up doesn't taste very nice, if I had to put myself in a guy's shoes, kissing a girl that has it caked on wouldn't be very pleasurable if you get left with a mouthful of foundation.