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Hey guys! Does it really matter what the girl looks like?

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A females attitude and how she carries herself is what makes her sexy.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Okay. This is what pisses me off with humans in general. You got One Direction saying it doesn't matter about your looks just your personality. It is right but looks who they have shacked up with, fucking angels.
Also, I regularly go to the gym. When I'm there I get odd looks about my tattoos and hair colour. Basically everything about me.
I don't care about looks or past or sexuality and I'm truthful cause you should have seen some of the guys/gals I've dated and I'm bi so.
But what I want to know- does it really mater what you look like to be loved?

I hate to admit it...but the older I get...the less looks count
Some men will fuck anything
Yes and no.

Looks are clearly not something that will lead to someone being loved or not.
However, for sexual attraction, well...there has to be some kind of attraction, by definition.
Rookie Scribe
I think looks matter to a degree in that you have to be sexually attracted to them in the same way that personality matters. It depends on what you like and attracted too and everyone is different in their preference.
Active Ink Slinger
they have to be attractive enough to at least stir your cock a bit but personality is obviously going to be a huge factor. Some girls seem super average to me or even slightly below average (in terms of looks) until I connect with them well and then suddenly they seem really hot to me. If you are worried about your looks though I would work out because it keeps you healthy and while you are stuck with your facial genetics, you can make your body hot with a bit of effort. Girls that workout are sexy not just because of their looks but also because of their work ethic.
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe the authoress Agatha Christie had a point when she said it was good to marry an archaeologist, as the older you get the more interested they get in you. And 'yes', she was married to an archaeologist!
Active Ink Slinger
Everyone is so different which is what makes people so interesting.

Looks might be the start of your attraction but as time goes on it the person that really counts. You could be the most attractive woman in the world but at the end of the day it what is between someone's ears that matters most.

Over the years I have learnt not to judge on looks but on what is on the inside of a person. Some of the most beautiful people I know are the ones that aren't necessary the ones with the best looks.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by 0Curious
Yes and no.

Looks are clearly not something that will lead to someone being loved or not.
However, for sexual attraction, well...there has to be some kind of attraction, by definition.

Fully agree. For me, personality is a huge factor. Personally, I don't find supermodels attractive, for example; and I worked with a girl who did glamour modelling in her spare time. By conventional standards, I guess she was pretty - blonde hair; pert tits; firm ass; white teeth; toned, tanned and flawless skin. All that shit. But she was pretty and she knew it, which is why she acted like a snooty bitch and I didn't find her attractive. Give me a woman who can make me laugh, and my heart is hers.

And big boobs also help.
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Active Ink Slinger
Looks definitely count and so does personality. Its the whole package that matters.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Looks count to a certain extent in initial attraction, but they're not everything... For me, I find that average looking people with a great personality actually look better to me than conventional model-types who seem totally vacant. I find it's more about a woman's attitude than a specific body-type.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Call me shallow but...HELL YES!!!
Active Ink Slinger
For sex YES. I have done a ton of one nighters and all had pretty face.Now on body as long as she is not anorexic or really fat I am ok with it.If she has big tits and some what a slut I am in.
I think there has to be an initial attraction, but personality is a massive part of that, I think we all have our type. But saying that I've had some great chats on here with people without pictures and still managed to drive me crazy, but does it mean guys are shallow just because they like a slim girl, or girl with massive tits?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes it does matter to some extent. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder and everyone has there own opinions. As for my opinion, I hold myself to certain daily standards. I make sure I maintain good personal hygiene: shower at least once a day, teeth brushed, and groomed. I dress appropriately for every situation. Though I don't have the ideal body type, I make an effort to eat right more often than not and exercise on a daily basis to make sure I stay healthy. To sum things up, I try to take good care of myself.

Though I don't expect people to live to the standards I hold for myself, it is a turn off when I see them lacking which is quite common from my millennial generation.
Advanced Wordsmith
It's not the only thing that matters, but of course it does, if you're simply not attracted to someone's looks then nothing will come of it, no matter what her personality was like.

We all have an ideal type that we would go for if possible, anyone saying otherwise is either lying to himself/others, blind, or perhaps knows he can't afford to be picky. And there's nothing wrong with that, different people have different types and there's someone for (mostly) everyone.

For example, I am very partial to blondes with big butts; a brunette with a medium-sized ass (which is what most guys seem to go for) isn't a deal-breaker but I'm not the right guy for them for a relationship, because I am going to have a hard time keeping myself from flirting with big butt blondes and it would not be fair towards her.
Personality plays a role in attraction but there has to be physical as well. The two compliment each other